. "Looking Myself in the Mouth."
no. 17 (Summer 1981): 6576.
. "More Kicking and Screaming from the Narrative Front/Backwater."
Wide Angle
7, nos. 12 (Spring 1985): 812.
. "Some Ruminations around the Cinematic Antidotes to the Oedipal Net(tles) While Playing with De Lauraedipus Mulvey, or He May Be Off Screen, But . . ."
The Independent
9, no. 3 (April 1986): 2225.
. "Thoughts on Women's Cinema: Eating Words, Voicing Struggles."
Page 445
10, no. 3 (April 1987): 1416. Reprinted in
Blasted Allegories: An Anthology of Writings by Contemporary Artists,
ed., Brian Wallis, pp. 380385. New York/Cambridge, Mass.: New Museum of Contemporary Art/MIT Press, 1987.
Work 196173
. Halifax/New York: Press of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design/New York University Press, 1974.
Rich, B. Ruby.
Yvonne Rainer
. A Film in the Cities Monograph. Minneapolis: Walker Art Center, 1981.
Wallace, Michele. "Multiculturalism and Oppositionality."
(U.S.A.) 19, no. 3 (October 1991): 69.
Walworth, Dan. "A Conversation with Yvonne Rainer."
2, no. 1 (1987): 116.
Godfrey Reggio
Dempsey, Michael. "Quatsi Means Life: The Films of Godfrey Reggio."
Film Quarterly
42, no. 3 (Spring 1989): 212.
Ebert, Roger. "
." In
Roger Ebert's Movie Home Companion,
pp. 399400. Kansas City: Universal Press Syndicate, 1990.
Anne Robertson
Schwartz, David. Program notes for Anne Robertson. In
Independent America: New Film 19781988,
pp. 5556. Includes a statement by Robertson.
Anne Severson (Alice Anne Parker)
Severson, Anne. "Don't Get Too Near the Big Chakra."
Spare Rib,
no. 20 (February 1974): 79. Reprinted in
Spare Rib Reader,
ed. Marsha Rowe. New York: Penguin Books, 1982.
. Authored and co-authored a series of essays on dreams and other topics in
(P.O. Box 681, Clinton, WA 98236): "Turning Bad Dreams into Good Ones" (Spring 1985), "Beneath the American Dream: A Conversation with Menos" (Summer 1986), "The Three Breath Exercise" (Winter 198687), "The Morning After: Discarnate Dream Analysis" (Spring 1987), "On the Evolution of Consciousness'' (Summer 1987), "Visits from the Higher Self" (Winter 198788), "Interpreting Your Dreams" (Autumn 1987), "The Morning After: Trees of Growth, Houses of Self" (Autumn 1987).
Understand Your Dreams: 1001 Basic Dream Images and How to Interpret Them
. New York: H. J. Kramer, 1991.
Michael Snow
Cornwell, Regina.
Snow Seen: The Films and Photographs of Michael Snow
. Toronto: Peter Martin, 1980.
De Lauretis, Teresa. "Snow on the Oedipal Stage." In
Alice Doesn't: Feminism
Page 446
Semiotics Cinema,
by De Lauretis, pp. 7083. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1982.
Dompierre, Louis.
Walking Woman Works: Michael Snow 196167
. Catalogue for a traveling show. Kingston, Ontario: Agnes Etherington Art Centre, 1983. Includes extensive photo documentation of the Walking Woman, a detailed Walking Woman chronology, and essays by Snow, Peter Morris.
Elder, R. Bruce.
Image and Identity
. Chaps, 8, 10, 12, 14.
Field, Simon, Guy L'Eclair, Michael O'Prag, eds.
no. 11 (1975, "Sighting Snow"). Includes a detailed, annotated filmography by Snow, "A Conversation between Snow and R. Bruce Elder," and essays by Field, Nicky Hamlyn, O'Prag, and Jonathan Rosenbaum.
Film Culture,
no. 46 (Autumn 1967published October 1968). Includes Ninth Annual Film Award (to Snow); a statement and a letter by Snow; a conversation with Snow, Jonas Mekas, and P. Adams Sitney; and an essay on
by Bob Lamberton.
Gidal, Peter, ed.
Structural Film Anthology
. London: British Film Institute, 1978. Includes an interview by Simon Hartog, a letter to Gidal from Snow, and essays by Annette Michelson and Gidal.
Lehman, Peter. "The Nature of the Materiaclass="underline" An Interview with Michael Snow."
Wide Angle
7, nos. 1 & 2 (1985)' 92100.
Sitney, P. Adams. "Michael Snow's Cinema." In
The Essential Cinema,
ed. P. Adams Sitney, pp. 219229. New York: Anthology Film Archives, 1975.
Snow, Michael.