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'I see. Well, it's hard to explain in a word, Mrs McCarthy. It's all part of President Boyle's Law and Order Campaign. You believe in Law and Order, I hope?'

'Of course.'

Then I'm sure you will be prepared to suffer a little inconvenience for a short time so that the president can make sure there's plenty of Law and Order in the future?'

'I guess so.'

'Fine. Well, I suppose you're all tired and dusty after your journey and want to wash-up. Leave your bags here and they will be taken to your accommodation. The sergeant will show you to the ablutions hut.'

The new arrivals followed the sergeant towards the hut with the tall chimney. Jerry and Karen were left standing among the abandoned suitcases.

'I'll deal with you two in my office.' Captain Brunner hung the clipboard on a hook by the door. 'Step inside, please.' He sauntered through the door which swung shut behind him.

Karen looked towards the disappearing line of people and then at Jerry. 'You seem in better shape,' she said.

'Not part of the plan, eh?' Jerry pushed open Captain Brun-ner's door. 'Come on in.'

Hesitantly, Karen followed him in. The office was beautifully furnished, with leather panelling and matching furniture. The view through the window showed a school yard in which happy children in little white smocks were playing.

Captain Brunner sat at his desk lighting a cigarette in a long, ivory holder. He had a sensitive face and long-fingered, almost delicate, hands. He removed his sunglasses and regarded Jerry through sardonic crimson eyes.

'Well, well, well... And what brings you to Camp Resurrection?'

'A series of circumstances, Captain Brunner. This is Doktor von Krupp.'

'Your mistress?'

'My ex-mistress.'

'How could that be possible? It seems, at this moment, Mr Cornelius, to be a question of accretion more than anything else.'

'It does indeed.'

'We'll see what we can do about it. Soon. Why are you in the U. S.? Looking for me, I hope.'

'I thought I was looking for a Bishop Beesley, but it's possible that I came to lose myself, as it were. Not anticipated, of course.'

'You can't run away from yourself, Mr Cornelius.'

'I hope you're right, captain. I feel better already.'

'So you should. You're in the shit, really, if you don't mind me telling you...'

That was my impression.' Jerry tapped his skull. 'I was a bit out of sorts. When this Beesley pinched a batch of our best transmogs...'

'Still fishing, eh? Well, I know how it is. The last I heard of Beesley was at a party a week ago. He was in San Francisco, I gather, with his yacht.'

'With my patients?'

'Almost certainly. His main headquarters are nearby — in Los Angeles.'

'Is he working for your boss? This Boyle?'

'Good heavens, no. Beesley may be crude, but he's not that crude. He has nothing to do with the creation of Greater America. Is the name Emil familiar?'


'Well, he's vaguely connected with that name in some way. A faustian character, your Bishop Beesley, really.'

'I wouldn't say that,' said Karen von Krupp. 'Doubtless you know him better than I.' Captain Brunner removed his cap and placed it neatly on the desk. His short hair was as white as Jerry's. He undid his tunic collar.

Karen von Krupp was frowning. 'Are you responsible for this situation, Captain Brunner?'

'Indirectly, yes. Now, Jerry, we'll have to think of getting you out of here, won't we?'

'I suppose so.'

'It's obvious you can't stay. You'll have to escape and perhaps you'd better kill me at the same time. I presume you've a needle-gun with you.'


'So it's vibraguns now, is it? Well, well. That'll do, anyhow. It will be a relief.'

To both of us.'

'Yes, indeed.'

'I was wondering if there was a Shift Tunnel handy.'

'In America? You must be joking. This is a stable country, Mr Cornelius. Even I can't produce miracles!'

Jerry laughed. 'A helicopter, then? Or a light plane?'

The best I can offer is that diesel truck. Unless...' he raised his hands in a helpless gesture. 'We're in the sticks, here, Mr Cornelius.'

'Okay. What shall we do now?'

'Wait in my office until I return. There are very few books, I'm afraid. Watch the children playing. Aren't they sweet? Do you love children as much as me?'



The old Hollywood spirit never dies

Captain Brunner soon came back. 'I'd forgotten I wouldn't be needing the Duesenberg. You can take that, if you like.'

Jerry nodded. 'Why had you forgotten?'

'It was returned just this morning. My chauffeur borrowed it and got caught on a carefree driving rap. He was shot yesterday. Even I couldn't get him off that one.'

They laughed together.

Karen von Krupp sucked at her teeth. There was a tiny spot of blood in the middle of her lower lip. She had tense hands.

'I don't know,' said Jerry, 'whether to go to Frisco and risk it or try to make for somewhere else, under the circumstances. You'd know best.'

True enough. But I don't want to influence your decision, Mr Cornelius. See how it works out.'

'Certainly. Now, are we going to make this a spectacular?'

'Why not?'

'Okay. Don't look so defeated, Karen. You can't win them all. Are you coming with me?'

'I'm staying here.'

'Is that a good idea, do you think? Beesley...'

'Failure is failure. I'm staying.'

'In what capacity?' Brunner asked politely.

She shrugged and her looks faded. 'I don't much care. It's peaceful here.'

Jerry gave her shoulder a sympathetic pat. 'You know, I should really shoot you. It's the policy.'

She continued to suck at her teeth.

'That adds a new wrinkle.' Jerry winked at her.

A tear fell out of her eye.

'Let her stay here,' Captain Brunner suggested. 'I'm sure she'll go far when she gets over it.'

'But Beesley 'Will it make a lot of difference?'

Time's silting up.'

'You're right, I suppose.' Jerry grinned. 'Sweet dreams, Karen.'. 'Off we go, then.' Captain Brunner danced for the door.

'Off we go.'

Off they went, with Jerry pushing Captain Brunner ahead of him with his vibragun and Captain Brunner calling in a delicious treble, 'Do as he orders! Do as he orders!'

The big Duesenberg — three tons, supercharged, built 1936, with its bullet-proof windows and steel shutters — was outside.

They climbed in.

Captain Brunner drove and Jerry Cornelius pointed the vibragun at his head.

Black uniformed guards milled around in excitement, trying to think of something positive. Then the wind took a turn and thick yellow smoke from the chimneys got into their eyes and throats and made them cough. As they opened the gates of Camp Resurrection, most of them just looked embarrassed.

Standing outside the governor's office, Karen von Krupp waved almost sadly to Jerry.

'Good, old Karen,' said Jerry.

Captain Brunner settled himself comfortably at the wheel as they drove through the pines that filtered the last of the evening sunshine.

'I must admit I'd prefer Casablanca,' he said. 'But that's all in the past now, I'm afraid. Or present. It depends which way you look at it.' He took a swig from the bottle of Bell's Cream Whisky in the clip by the steering wheel. 'The last bottle. It's just as well, in the circumstances. You don't mind if I go part of the way with you, do you, my dear boy?'

'Heaven forbid!' said Jerry. 'Of course not.'

They reached the next fence and the lodge. Someone had phoned the guards, for they had their guns ready but couldn't think of a use for them.