"Do you still believe in your God, your Jehovah?"
"You're right. I've seen a great many things. The Vorlons may have created religion and faith, and all the stuff about the angels. But...."
"But what?"
"That doesn't mean any of it isn't real."
He looked at her, in that considering, half-confused half-insightful way he had. Then he laughed. "Come on. We have things to do."
"You don't look well. In fact, you really don't look well."
"It will pass. The Vorlons.... they trapped me somewhere. I managed to escape, but not without effort. I think it was more of a warning than anything else. It is something I will have to think about, and yes, I will need to rest, but for now, I must see the leaders of the Brotherhood. I will have to find out if they are worthy to be my army."
"What? They're monsters. Killers and raiders and.... and...."
"There are some who say the same of me. I do not need saints. Sometimes the very best warrior is the one who knows and comprehends the monster within."
"You scare me sometimes."
"Yes, I know." He turned and started to walk away. Then, abruptly, he stopped.
"You did well. I am proud."
She snorted. "You're welcome."
"Delenn.... are you.... busy?"
Delenn looked up from her desk, rubbing at her eyes. She was starting to see spots floating in front of her. The reports were not pleasant reading, and the job was made even worse by the absurdly small print.
She made a mental note to talk to Kulomani as soon as possible. His decisions relating to the attack on Centauri Prime were causing.... disquiet in certain quarters. She saw nothing to complain about, but there were some who did.
Besides, she had a faint inkling that there was someone else's shadow behind Kulomani. Just an instinct, and she did not like acting on instinct, but it had to be heeded,
Circles within circles, shadows overlapping, lights rising and falling. Everything was supposed to have been easier when the war ended.
That was when she had the unexpected visitor.
"John." He was standing in the doorway, half in and half out.
"Are you busy?" He sounded nervous.
"No.... well, yes, but you can come in. Of course you can." For a moment she had felt her heart pounding. His collapse was still very recent, and he had discharged himself from the Medlab sooner than she was comfortable with.
"You were gone when I awoke this morning." She tried not to make it sound accusing, but it still seemed to come out like a complaint.
"Yes. I.... went for a walk. I had a lot of thinking to do. Um.... I've been working too hard recently. I think I'll take some time off. Go away for a while or something."
Delenn smiled, relieved. She had been so afraid for a minute, but if that was all.... He had been working too hard. A break away from the station would do them both good.
"I would like that," she said. "G'Kar should be back from Narn soon. If we can wait for a few days, the Alliance should be able to cope with our absence. Where would you like to go?"
"Ah, Delenn...." He breathed out slowly, looking incredibly uncomfortable. He had been so distant recently, and very distracted since his return from his expedition to hunt down Sinoval. "I.... need to go on my own."
"Oh," she said. "Oh, of course. I did not mean.... Yes, of course."
"But I have to ask you something first. I would have gone to G'Kar, but he's not here and it looks as if Ta'Lon is off on a mission as well, so I assume all the Ranger reports are coming to you?"
"Eventually, yes," she admitted. Where was he going with this? Where was he going without her? Her throat felt so dry. Was this what humans meant by the ending of a relationship? This.... slow, gradual loss of intimacy and growing awkwardness. "They go to the Ranger office first, and I only see the urgent messages immediately, but yes.... What...?"
"I need to know where David is."
She started, a terrible memory overwhelming her. "What?"
"I know you know where he is. I should have gone to look for him a long time ago, but.... I have to find him. There are some things I need to ask him. He might not want to see me, and hell, I wouldn't blame him, but...." He looked at her. "Please, Delenn."
She bowed her head. "Minbar," she said softly. "He was in Yedor the last I heard of him, helping with the rebuilding."
"Minbar," John said softly. "Of course. I should have guessed. Thank you."
"John, are you...?"
"All right?" he finished for her. "You know, I really have no idea." He leaned against the door frame, arms folded. "I used to be so sure, but recently everything's just been crashing down around me. There were so many things I took for granted that now I don't know anything about. I think most of all I need some time alone to think about them, but I have to talk to David first.
"I shouldn't be gone long. I'll take the first ship out.... passenger, not a Dark Star. I want to travel incognito for one thing. And.... Delenn.... please don't send any Rangers to keep an eye on me. I really do need to be alone."
She nodded. "How.... how long will you be gone?"
"Not long. We'll.... talk when I get back. I think we'll have a lot to talk about by then."
She nodded once, and then turned back to her notes. An instant later he was gone.
I am blind.
The pain is intense, agonising. A million dots of light fill his vision, as far as he can see in any direction. He hears voices, some soothing, some angry. A lover, a leader, a friend, an enemy.
"You will live," a fierce voice hisses, powerful and determined and female.
"We will destroy them," growls an older male voice. "I tell you, nephew, we will destroy them all for what they did."
"Oh, G'Kar, I'm sorry. I should have come earlier." A man's voice, younger, filled with doubt and uncertainty.
"I will tell you nothing, animals!" An enemy's voice. An alien's. An invader's. The voice of the man who had dripped the white liquid on to his eyes. "I will not scream for you."
"Monster!" hissed the woman.
"No!" cried the older man. "Wait."
"After what he did?"
"We wait. When my nephew recovers, we will give him the prisoner. Let G'Kar do what he likes with him, when he recovers."
"Yes. When he recovers. Do you hear that, monster? You cannot break him."
"I do not fear you."
"Perhaps not. But you should."
All the voices become one. He is afraid he will never see their owners again. All he can see is the light, and hints of the shadows they cast. The shadows seem to reach so far in all directions — they cover him, they shroud him, they taint his future, all of their futures.
The voices all speak at once. "He spoke!" "G'Kar, are you...?" "Stand aside, do not crowd him." "So sorry." "G'Kar." "Animal." "Stand aside." "G'Kar."
G'Kar. Is that his name? All he can think about is the pain in his eyes.
"No," says the older male voice. "No, you are not blind. We have sent for the old woman. She will heal you."
"She will do nothing," snaps the female.
"She will," the older man repeats. "Or we will break her."
"Your will is stronger than that, nephew. Be strong. Remember your father. Remember what they did to him."
"One more animal dead. Who else would remember something like that?"
Another voice, female and alien and.... old. So very old. "I come. I will not hear your threats, for I do not fear your words."