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Gorlaeth—The Ambassador to Teixcalaan from Dava.

Gravity Rose—A scout-ship of the Tenth Legion, captained by Eighty-Four Twilight.

homeostat-cult, homeostat-cultist—A derogatory term for the Neltoc heritage religious practice of homeostatic meditation, or for a practitioner thereof.

huitzahuitlim—“Palace-hummers,” a species of nectar-eating bird.

ikantlos—A military rank in the Teixcalaanli fleet, usually tasked with commanding a battle group within a legion.

imago—An ancestral live memory.

Imperial Censor Office—The office of the Teixcalaanli government tasked with determining what media is spread to which areas of the empire.

infofiche—A mutable, foldable, transparent plastic that can display images and text. Reusable.

infofiche stick—A thumb-sized container, often personalized, containing a holographic representation of a message that appears when the stick is broken open. It may also contain an actual piece of infofiche.

infosheet—A newsheet made of infofiche.

Inmost Province—The central province of the City, containing the government buildings and major cultural centers.

Inmost Province Spaceport—The major spaceport of the City, seeing 57 percent of inbound traffic.

Inscription’s Glass Key—The flagship of the Teixcalaanli Emperor Two Sunspot.

Intertwined with Our Starlight: a Handbook of Syncretic Religious Forms Within Teixcalaan—An academic monograph by the Teixcalaanli historian Eighteen Smoke.

ixhui—A meat dumpling.

ixplanatl—Any accredited Teixcalaanli scientist (physical, social, biological, chemical).

Jasmine Throat—A Teixcalaanli supply vessel, Succor-class.

Jewel of the World—The colloquial (and the poetic) name for the City-planet.

Jirpardz—A pilot on Lsel Station.

Kamchat Gitem—A pilot on Lsel Station.

Kauraan—The habitable planet of the Kauraan System. A Teixcalaanli colony, recently the site of an abortive revolt.

Keeper of the Imperial Inkstand—The title for the Teixcalaanli Emperor’s schedule-keeper and chamberlain.

Knifepoint’s Ninth Blooming—A scout-gunner ship of the Tenth Legion.

Kumquat—A drink. Inadvisable. (Not to be confused with the fruit, which may be advisable.)

Lost Garden—A restaurant in Plaza North Four, famous for its winter-climate dishes.

Lsel Record of Origin—A collection of documents and accounts of the earliest activities of Lsel Station. Incomplete and contradictory. Highly valuable.

Lsel Station/Stationers—People living on any of the mining Stations in Bardzravand Sector. Planetless.

Mad With Horizons—A Teixcalaanli medium cruiser, Exultation-class. Assigned to the Second Legion.

Mahit Dzmare—The current Ambassador to Teixcalaan from Lsel Station.

Mist, the—The Judiciary Ministry’s investigatory and enforcement body.

Nakhar—A Teixcalaanli-controlled planetary system, prone (until recently) to periodic revolt, insurrection, and unrest.

Neltoc System—A Teixcalaanli star-system with three inhabited celestial bodies: the planets Neltoc and Pozon, and the satellite Sepyri. Neltoclim practice a registered heritage religious tradition known as “homeostatic meditation.”

Nguyen—A multisystem confederation near Stationer space, with whom the Stationers have a trade agreement.

Nine Arch—An ex-girlfriend of Three Seagrass’s.

Nine Crimson—A Teixcalaanli historical figure, yaotlek of the Third, Ninth, and Eighteenth Legions of the fleet, approximately five hundred years ago.

Nine Flood—A Teixcalaanli historical figure, an Emperor from when Teixcalaan had not yet become a spacefaring power.

Nine Hibiscus—Fleet Captain of the Tenth Legion, on the flagship Weight for the Wheel. Sometimes known as the Hero of Kauraan. Yaotlek of the Teixcalaanli force sent beyond the Anhamemat Gate to prosecute war with unknown enemies. Sometimes called Mallow.

Nine Maize—A major court poet at the court of His Brilliance the Emperor Six Direction.

Nine Propulsion—The former Minister of War, now retired.

Nine Sea-Ice—The communications officer on the Chatoyant Sirocco. A member of the Seventeenth Legion.

Nine Shuttle—The planetary governor of Odile-1, recently reinstated after an uprising.

Nineteen Adze—Her Brilliance the Emperor, She Whose Gracious Presence Illuminates the Room Like the Edgeshine of a Knife.

Ninety Alloy—A Teixcalaanli holo production, episodic. Military romance.

North Tlachtli—A neighborhood in Inmost Province.

Odile—A Teixcalaanli planetary system which has recently been the site of insurrection and unrest.

One Conifer—A Teixcalaanli citizen, employed by the Central Travel Authority Northeast Division.

One Cyclamen—The Second Sub-Secretary of the Epistolary Department of the Information Ministry.

One Granite—The legendary first ezuazuacat to the First Emperor.

One Lapis—A historical Teixcalaanli emperor, succeeded by the Emperor Twelve Solar-Flare.

One Lightning—Formerly a yaotlek of the Teixcalaanli fleet, much acclaimed by his soldiers. A failed usurper.

One Skyhook—A renowned Teixcalaanli poet, often taught in schools.

One Telescope—An ezuazuacat from approximately two hundred years ago. A statue of her stands in the central transport hub for Inmost Province, commemorating her achievements.

Opening Frontier Poems—A multiauthor collection of Teixcalaanli poetry, popular in the Fleet.

osmium—A valuable metal, often found in asteroids. One of the exports of Lsel Station.

Parabolic Compression—The flagship of the Twenty-Fourth Legion, Eternal-class.

Parzrawantlak Sector—The Teixcalaanli pronunciation of Bardzravand Sector.

patrician (first-, second-, or third-class)—Ranks at the Teixcalaanli court, primarily representative of personal salaries received from the Imperial treasury.

Peloa-2—A Teixcalaanli resource-extraction colony that exports silicates.

Perilous Frontier!, The—A graphic novel in ten volumes, published by the Lsel Station small printer ADVENTURE/BLEAK.

Pilot’s History of the Future: Worldships and Lsel Station, A—A work of popular history written by the retired Stationer pilot Takan Mnal.

Poplar Province—One of the more distant provinces from Inmost Province in the City; an ocean-crossing away.