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Porcelain Fragment Scorched—A stealth cruiser of the Twenty-Fourth Legion, Pyroclast-class.

Pseudo-Thirteen River—The unknown author of The Expansion History, who used the name Thirteen River despite not being the Minister of the Judiciary of that name whose treatises on retributive justice are still taught in Teixcalaanli law schools.

Red Flowerbuds for Thirty Ribbon—A Teixcalaanli romance novel.

Reflective Prism—A Teixcalaanli warship of the Tenth Legion, captained by Twelve Caesura.

Ring Two—A designation for provinces in the City which are more than 300 but less than 600 miles from the Palace. Information Ministry slang.

Second Palm—One of the branches of the Ministry of War. Supply chains and logistics.

Secret History of the Emperors, The—A famous (and salacious) anonymous account of the lives of many Teixcalaanli emperors. Often updated. Never imitated.

Seven Aster—Second Undersecretary of the Ministry of War. The Second Palm.

Seven Chrysoprase—A newscaster, employed by Channel Eight!

Seven Monograph—The Fourth Undersecretary of the Ministry of Information.

Seven Scale—A junior aide to Her Brilliance the Emperor Nineteen Adze.

Shard—a single-pilot Teixcalaanli fightercraft, operated via biofeedback interface and cloudhook.

shocksticks—An electricity-based weapon, primarily used for crowd control on Teixcalaan.

Shrja Torel—A citizen of Lsel station. Mahit Dzmare’s friend.

Six Capsaicin—Captain of the Jasmine Throat. Also, an ixplanatl.

Six Direction—His Brilliance the Emperor of All Teixcalaan. Deceased.

Six Helicopter—A former Teixcalaanli bureaucrat.

Six Outreaching Palms—The colloquial (or poetic) name for the Ministry of War; so named for the reaching out of hands in every direction (north, south, west, east, up, and down) which is the hallmark of Teixcalaanli conquest theory.

Six Rainfall—A medical cadet on the Weight for the Wheel. A member of the Tenth Legion.

Sixteen Felt—An ixplanatl, investigator on the research study “Report on Human-Algorithmic Interfaces: Military Applications.”

Sixteen Moonrise—Fleet Captain of the Twenty-Fourth Legion, on the flagship Parabolic Compression. A member of the Teixcalaanli force sent beyond the Anhamemat Gate to prosecute war with unknown enemies. Sometimes called Apogee.

Sixth Palm—A branch of the Ministry of War. Engineering and shipbuilding.

starshine—“The Emperor’s drink,” a distilled wheat spirit used in Fleet traditional meals.

Sunlit, the—The police force of the City.

Teixcalaan—The empire, the world, coextensive with the known universe. (Adjectival form: Teixcalaanli; a person who is a citizen of Teixcalaan is a Teixcalaanlitzlim.)

Teixcalaanli—The language spoken in Teixcalaan.

Ten Pearl—The current Minister of Science.

Third Palm—One of the branches of the Ministry of War. Infosec, political officers, and internal affairs.

Thirteen Muon—An engineering specialist. A member of the Second Legion.

Thirty Larkspur—He Who Drowns the World in Blooms, formerly one of Six Direction’s ezuazuacatlim, a scion of a major merchant family from the Western Arc. A failed usurper.

Thirty Wax-Seal—Captain of the scout-gunner Knifepoint’s Ninth Blooming. A member of the Tenth Legion.

Thirty-One Twilight—An Information Ministry employee in the Epistolary Department.

Thirty-Six All-Terrain Tundra Vehicle—A Teixcalaanli citizen.

Three Azimuth—The Minister of War. Colloquially, the butcher of the Nakharese mind. She Who Kindles Emnity in the Most Oath-Sworn Heart.

Three Lamplight—A member of the Information Ministry.

Three Nasturtium—A Teixcalaanli citizen, Central Traffic Control Supervisor at Inmost Province Spaceport.

Three Perigee—A historical Teixcalaanli emperor.

Three Seagrass—Third Undersecretary of the Information Ministry. Formerly the cultural liaison to Mahit Dzmare, the Lsel Ambassador. Sometimes called Reed.

tlaxlauim—A certified accountant or financial professional in Teixcalaan.

Tsagkel Ambak—A negotiator and diplomat from Lsel Station, who formalized the Station’s current treaty with the Teixcalaanli Imperium.

Twelve Azalea—A member of the Information Ministry. A friend to Three Seagrass. Sometimes called Petal. Deceased.

Twelve Caesura—Captain of the Teixcalaanli warship Reflective Prism. A member of the Tenth Legion.

Twelve FusionIkantlos-prime of the flagship Parabolic Compression. A member of the Twenty-Fourth Legion, adjutant to Fleet Captain Sixteen Moonrise.

Twelve Solar-Flare—A historical Teixcalaanli emperor, who first discovered Parzrawantlak Sector, and thus Lsel Station.

Twenty Cicada—The ikantlos-prime of the Tenth Legion’s flagship Weight for the Wheel. A homeostat-cultist. Sometimes called Swarm.

Twenty-Four Rose—A Teixcalaanli author of travel guidebooks.

Twenty-Nine Bridge—The current Keeper of the Imperial Inkstand, serving Her Brilliance the Emperor Nineteen Adze.

Twenty-Nine Infograph—A member of the Judiciary Ministry.

Twenty-Two Graphite—An aide to Her Brilliance the Emperor Nineteen Adze.

Twenty-Two Thread—The Fifth Undersecretary of the Ministry of War. The Fifth Palm.

Two Amaranth—A historical ezuazuacat, serving the Emperor Twelve Solar-Flare.

Two Calendar—A major court poet at the court of His Brilliance the Emperor Six Direction.

Two Canal—The Fleet Captain of the Sixth Legion. A member of the Teixcalaanli force sent beyond the Anhamemat Gate to prosecute war with unknown enemies.

Two Cartograph—The son of Five Agate. Seven years old. Sometimes called Map.

Two Catenary—The chief of medical ethics at the Twelve Solar-Flare Memorial Teaching Hospital. Author of a commentary on Eleven Lathe’s Dispatches from the Numinous Frontier.

Two Cholla—The first Teixcalaanlitzlim to die while wearing the uniform of the Tenth Legion.

Two Foam—The communications officer on the Weight for the Wheel. A member of the Tenth Legion. Often called Bubbles, but not to her face.

Two Kyanite—An ixplanatl, primary investigator on the research study “Report on Human-Algorithmic Interfaces: Military Applications.”