Shank ordered a chopped steak with home fries and a cup of coffee. The meat was good, the potatoes a little greasy, the coffee weak. He ate everything on his plate and drank two cups of coffee.
He tipped the waitress. He gave her a smile and she returned it. She was a pretty girl. Light red hair. And a good pair the white uniform could not hide. A nice rear end. He wondered if he could make a pass at her. He decided not to, even though she looked as if she would be fun in the sack. Too risky.
He smiled again and she gave him back such a good, wide, toothy smile he knew she would be flat on her back the minute he asked her. He wondered what she would say if she would find out he was a vicious killer. That was what the papers called him. A vicious killer. The waitress would be scared green.
“I get off at one,” she told him.
“I’ll be back,” he said. Let her think so if she wanted to, Shank thought. Let her wait—for a vicious killer. He left the beanery and wandered back to the hotel. A vicious killer, he chuckled to himself. He remembered how it had felt, killing the cop. A strange feeling. Equal parts of power and emptiness. A funny sensation.
Now the trio was running. Running fast and running scared. In a day or so the cops would know about the car. It would have to be ditched, Shank knew. Maybe trade it in for another one. Where would they get the money?
A vicious killer. He did not feel very vicious. He remembered the way he had moved in, using the girl as a shield, his knife moving in on the cop. He remembered the funny feeling of power and emptiness. He wondered if he would have to kill again, and how it would feel a second time.
The trio stayed close to home. Two would remain in the hotel room, sleeping or waiting, while the other would prowl the gray streets of Cleveland. Shank looked for people he knew, racket people, junk people. He was on the make for some sort of a connection—and came up with nothing.
And time bled them. The hotel took its cut and the diners took their cut. And the money went—quickly, too quickly, while the car sat alone on a quiet street as the trio waited for the time to head for Chicago. Each reacted in his own way. Shank was always searching for a way, a chance, a shot in the endless dark. He tried the bars in the Negro section where horns wailed all night long and sleek dark women wiggled their hips in open invitation. He tried the waterfront, the lake shore, where bars overflowed with dock workers and where the mouths of the whores were bloody with lipstick. He tried the waiting places—the bus station, the railroad terminal, the park.
He came up with nothing.
Joe retreated to a fantasy world. He spent his money on paperback books. He bought the books five or six at a time and took them back to the room. There he read one after another, letting the prose draw a curtain shutting out reality. When he spoke to Shank or to Anita his voice was loose and easy, flip and cool, an absolute denial of running and hiding. His fingers turned the pages of book after meaningless book, and his eyes vacantly scanned words to hurry on.
Anita turned into herself. But she could find neither salvation nor escape from reality. She, like Joe, spent the bulk of her time in the small room. But she did not read, although the many books Joe had discarded lay about her. Instead, she sat on the bed and stared at nothing. She spoke rarely, and then only in answer to a question from either Shank or Joe. She thought her own thoughts without attempting to share them. They were not happy thoughts. But they were hers, and she ran them again and again.
It was evening. Joe was lying on a bed, book in his hand, a western entitled A Sound of Distant Drums, by James Blue. Anita was sitting on the edge of the other bed and staring emptily across the room. The door opened. It was Shank.
“We got to move,” he said. He was holding a copy of the Cleveland Press in one hand. He folded it and tossed it to the floor.
“They made the car,” he said. “They got license, description, the works. They know we headed for Cleveland. We got to get out of here.”
“We take the car, man?”
Shank shook his head, impatient with Joe. “They made the car, damn it. They maybe already found it. They maybe have it all staked out just waiting for us to come back. We don’t touch the car. We don’t go near that car. We get the first bus to Chicago and we leave this town far behind. That’s what we do.”
“Now?” Joe said.
Shank lit a cigarette. “Problem,” he said. “A long problem.”
“Go on.”
“We’re out of bread. Not starving. But we can’t swing tickets to Chi.”
“All that money from Buffalo—”
“The car,” Shank reminded him. “And the hotel. And food. We’re broke, man. Broke.”
“What do we do?”
Shank considered. “Be ready to leave,” he said. “You and the chick, be ready to leave in a hurry. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
Joe nodded, thought for perhaps three seconds, then returned his attention to A Sound of Distant Drums.
Anita remained motionless. They would be caught soon. Caught. And they could stop running, and they could stop hiding, and they could stop living.
And Shank went out, alone.
He could ditch them, Shank was thinking. He could leave them here to rot.
There was enough money left for one ticket to Chicago, Shank considered. Not enough for three, not nearly enough. But enough to get Shank there. Then he would find Bunky, he would turn over the whole town until he found him, and then Bunky would turn Shank on to the Chicago scene and everything would be all right again. Shank would find himself a gig again, a pushing gig or a boosting gig or something where the money came quick and easy. And the heat would go down a little at a time until it was cool again. Then he would go back to New York and empty his savings account and head somewhere else with all that money and find the right place and the right ticket.
Joe and Anita could make out for themselves, Shank figured. Maybe they would be clear, maybe the cops wouldn’t find them at all. They could stay alive. Anita could go out and hustle, turn a few tricks to keep Joe and herself eating regularly. Hell, the way it was the girl didn’t do a damned thing. Just sat around on her duff and took up space. No reason why she couldn’t turn a trick or two.
And Shank would be in Chi. Living free and clear and easy.
But he knew it wasn’t going to happen that way. He crouched in the alley, waiting, and he knew he was not going to run out on them. He wasn’t sure of his motives. He didn’t need them. They were excess baggage. They couldn’t think and they couldn’t act.
And yet he couldn’t ditch them.
He crouched in the alley and his fingers curled around the butt of the gun. The cop’s gun. The cop was dead now and his gun was in Shank’s hand. The gun was loaded all the way. The cop never had a chance to empty the gun, so now he was dead and Shank had the gun for himself.
Stupid cop, Shank thought. He should have shot the chick right off the bat, put a bullet in Anita, then stepped aside and let Shank have a slug in the face. But the cop was the chivalrous type. Wouldn’t shoot a woman. Wasn’t nice and proper. So the cop was dead and Shank was alive.
Shank kneeled in the alley. The ground was covered with gravel and it was uncomfortable. He wished somebody would come. He was getting a little edgy. The gun felt cold in his hand.
Maybe he could have sold the gun. A good piece was worth long bread to somebody who didn’t have a permit. A piece that couldn’t be traced. A nice safe piece. It could bring up to a hundred dollars, a long bill for a piece of metal with six bullets in it. But no. Instead, he would use the gun. Who knew what it would bring?