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‘Mysterious Ship, The’ 26, 27–8, 56

‘Mystery of the Grave-yard; or, A Dead Man’s Revenge, The’ 26–7

‘Mythology for the Young’ 22

Myths and Myth-Makers (Fiske) 132, 210 ‘Nameless City, The’ 140

Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, The (Poe)

38, 301

National Amateur 78, 131, 152, 342 National Amateur Press Association 77, 78,

79, 80, 98, 103, 107, 146, 163–4, 204,

288, 342, 370, 374–5

National Enquirer 110

National Magazine 91, 119

Nauck, Mrs Wilhelm 35

Necronomicon (Alhazred) 264, 273, 301,

309, 338

‘Nemesis’ 110

‘New-England Fallen’ 71, 138

‘News Notes’ 113

New York Evening Post 224

New York Times 183, 197, 198, 209, 212,

226, 233, 291, 389

New York Tribune 109

New Yorker 391

Nietzsche, Friedrich 97, 130, 175, 176,


‘Nietzscheism and Realism’ 148, 183 Nigger-Man (cat) 47

‘night-gaunts’ 19–20, 25

Night Land, The (Hodgson) 338

‘Night Ocean, The’ (Lovecraft-Barlow) 377 Night-Thoughts (Young) 109

Night’s Black Agents (Leiber) 381

‘1914’ 95

‘Noble Eavesdropper, The’ 25

‘Note on Howard P. Lovecraft’s Verse, A’

(Kleiner) 91–2

‘Notes on Writing Weird Fiction’ 335, 342 ‘Novel of the Black Seal’ (Machen) 243 ‘Novel of the White Powder’ (Machen)


Nurse, Rebekah 164

‘Nyarlathotep’ (prose-poem) 140

‘Nyarlathotep’ (sonnet) 282 O’Brien, Edward J. 263, 287

‘Observations on Several Parts of America’


‘Ode to Selene or Diana’ 39

Odes and Sonnets (Smith) 157

Odyssey (Homer) 21–2

‘Old Christmas’ 91

‘Old Egyptian Myth …, An’ 22

Olympian 103

‘On a New-England Village Seen by

Moonlight’ 138

‘On Reading Lord Dunsany’s Book of

Wonder’ 136

‘On the Creation of Niggers’ 71–2

‘On the Death of a Rhyming Critic’ 91 Onderdonk, Matthew H. 391

‘One of Cleopatra’s Nights’ (Gautier) 192 ‘Ooze’ (Rud) 166, 274

Orton, Vrest 226, 248, 271, 277, 290 ‘Other Gods, The’ 153, 252

Our Natupski Neighbors (Miniter) 126 ‘Out of the Æons’ (Lovecraft-Heald) 324 ‘Outpost, The’ 279

‘Outsider, The’ 108, 140–2, 225, 332, 366 Outsider and Other Stories, The 262

Outsider and Others, The 334

Ovid 20, 21, 31–2, 90, 91, 92, 178

‘Ovid’s Metamorphoses’ 31–2

Owyhee Land and Irrigation Company 3–4,


‘Paget-Lowe, Henry’ 94

Pain, Barry 335

Palgrave, Sir Francis 96

Paradise Lost (Milton) 19

Parker, Charles A. A. 150

‘Pastorale’ (Crane) 157

Pawtuxet Valley Gleaner 49, 58–9

‘Peace Advocate, The’ 95

Phillips, Annie Emeline. see Gamwell,

Annie E. P.

Phillips, Asaph 2, 278

Phillips, Edwin E. 2, 3, 4, 66–7, 104–5,

120, 121

Phillips, George 1–2, 5

Phillips, James Wheaton 2, 36

Phillips, Jeremiah 2

Phillips, Jeremiah W. 3, 36

Phillips, Lillian Delora. see Clark, Lillian Delora Phillips, Michael 2

Phillips, Robie 2, 19, 40, 278

Phillips, Sarah Susan. see Lovecraft, Sarah

Susan Phillips

‘Phillips, Ward’ 94

Phillips, Whipple Van Buren 2–4, 6, 7, 17,

21, 25, 32, 34, 46–7, 54, 58, 66, 101,

104, 119, 121, 122, 126, 278

Pickford, Mary 105

‘Pickman’s Model’ 247, 248, 260, 316, 324 ‘Picture, The’ 57

‘Picture in the House, The’ 140, 162, 171,


Pinero, Arthur Wing 24

Piper 103

Place, Robie Alzada. see Phillips, Robie Place of Hawks (Derleth) 259

Plainsman 103

‘Plaster-All’ 157

Poe, Edgar Allan 24, 25–6, 38, 56–7, 108,

141, 167, 192, 228, 231, 272, 277, 280,

301, 377

‘Poe-et’s Nightmare, The’ 110

‘Poem of Ulysses, The’ 21–2, 32

Poemata Minora, Volume II 39, 54

Poetical Works of Jonathan E. Hoag, The 163–4 ‘Polaris’ 109, 138

Polaris 341

Pope, Alexander 22, 75, 83, 94

Popular Magazine 73

Portrait of Ambrose Bierce (de Castro) 267 Pound, Ezra 158

Practical Psychology and Sex Life (Bush) 202 ‘President’s Message’ (Greene) 204 Price, E. Hoffmann 319–21, 325, 331, 343,


Price, Robert M. 301

‘Primavera’ 281 ‘Pacifist War Song—1917’ 95 Page, Brett 199–200

Primitive Culture (Tylor) 131

Providence, R.I. 2–3, 6, 8–10, 148, 208, 233–4, 236–8, 241–2, 253–5, 369

‘Providence’ 208

Providence Amateur 84

Providence Amateur Press Club 84–5, 103,


Providence Astronomical Society 53 Providence Detective Agency 44, 52, 53 Providence Evening Bulletin 71, 208, 213,

233, 389

Providence Evening News 70, 87–8, 104 Providence in Colonial Times (Kimball) 253–4 ‘Providence in 2000 A.D.’ 71

Providence Journal 9, 58, 71, 191, 233, 279,

280, 282

Providence Tribune 58, 59

‘Pseudo-United, The’ 79

Psychiatric Dictionary (Hinsie-Campbell) 13 ‘Psychic Phenominon of Love, The’ (Davis)


‘Psychopompos’ 110

Putnam’s Sons, G. P. 302–3, 304, 332

‘Quest of Iranon, The’ 137, 138 Quinn, Seabury 315, 321, 369 ‘Quinsnicket Park’ 72

‘Rose of England, The’ 95 Ross, James Clark 38

Rud, Anthony M. 166, 274 ‘Rudis Indigestaque Moles’ 178 Russell, Bertrand 183, 293 Russell, John 74–6

Russell, Robert Leonard 389 Russell, W. Frank 38

Railo, Eino 229