Railroad Review, The 44
Rainbow, The 148
Rape of the Lock, The (Pope) 119
‘Rats in the Walls, The’ 169–71, 196, 316 Reader, The (Alden) 22
‘Reading Lamp, The’ 191, 195–6
‘Recapture’ 282
Recluse, The 225, 227, 257–8, 262, 333, 380 ‘Red Brain, The’ (Wandrei) 259, 260 ‘Renaissance of Manhood, The’ 95 Renshaw, Anne Tillery 93, 119, 219, 378–9 Return, The (de la Mare) 254
Reynolds, B. M. 368
Rhode Island Journal of Astronomy, The 41–2,
51, 52, 53, 54, 58, 64, 85
Rhode Island National Guard 99–101, 120–
1, 122
Richardson, Leon Burr 316–17
Riddle of the Universe, The (Haeckel) 131 Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The (Coleridge)
18–19, 22, 24
Rimel, Duane W. 341, 366
Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth (Palgrave) 96
Robinson, Edwin Arlington 281
Roerich, Nicholas 287, 300
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 346–51, 354–5
‘Sacrifice to Science’ (de Castro). see ‘Last Test, The’
St Armand, Barton L. 180
‘Salem Horror, The’ (Kuttner) 379
Sandusky, Albert A. 165
Sanger, Alma B. 146
Santayana, George 183, 293
Saturday Review of Literature 226
Saturnian, The 117
Sawyer, Laurie A. 126
Scarborough, Dorothy 230
Schopenhauer, Arthur 132, 133, 183
Schorer, Mark 258
Schultz, David E. 246
Schwartz, Julius 366, 367, 380, 383
Science-Fantasy Correspondent 377, 379–80, 381
‘Science Library, The’ 41
‘Science versus Charlatanry’ 88
Scientific American 58
Scientific Gazette, The 28, 42, 51, 61, 64
Scott, Howard 348
Scott, Robert 38
Scott, Sir Walter 110
Scott, Winfield Townley 16, 33, 66, 69, 125, 143, 155, 234, 235, 280, 281
Scribner, Charles 77
‘Sealed Casket, The’ (Searight) 337
Searight, Richard F. 336–7, 338
Sechrist, Edward Lloyd 219, 277, 279
Seckendorff, Samuel. see Greene, Samuel
‘Secret Cave; or, John Lees Adventure, The’ 26
Selected Letters 376, 390–1
‘Shadow out of Time, The’ 300, 343–5, 357–8, 364, 365, 366, 367–8, 374, 381
‘Shadow over Innsmouth, The’ 305–7, 332, 360, 382
Shadow over Innsmouth, The 382–3
Shadowy Thing, The (Drake) 335, 344
Shakespeare, William 24, 69
‘Shambleau’ (Moore) 365
‘Shambler from the Stars, The’ (Bloch) 368
Shaw, Joseph T. 167
Shea, J. Vernon 32, 310, 359
Shelley, Mary 141
Shepherd, Alice 361
Shepherd, Harry 79–80
Sully, Helen 337
Sully, Genevieve K. 337
Sunlight and Shadow (Gough) 101
Sunshine of Paradise Alley, The (Thompson) 24
‘Supernatural Horror in Literature’ 136, 227–30, 243, 247, 254, 257–8, 333–4, 377, 380
Supernatural in Modern English Fiction, The (Scarborough) 230
Sweeney, Ella 16, 33
Swift, Jonathan 83, 88, 108
Switch On the Light (Thomson) 316
Symphony, The 119
Symphony Literary Service 119–20
Shepley, George L. 184
‘Shining Pyramid, The’ (Machen) 169 Shiras, Winfield 302
‘Shunned House, The’ 209–10, 221, 224,
253, 262, 300
Shunned House, The 262–3, 339
‘Sideshow, The’ (Hart) 279
Silver Clarion, The 128
‘Silver Key, The’ 248–9, 250, 260, 325 Simmons, William J. 98
Simon & Schuster 287, 303
‘Simple Spelling Mania, The’ 82
‘Sin-Eater, The’ (Macleod) 170
Slater Avenue School 31, 37, 40, 43–4, 49,
Smith, C. W. 94, 145, 225
Smith, Clark Ashton 117, 146, 157–9, 160,
166, 177–8, 257, 259, 281–2, 303, 309,
311, 333, 337, 345, 365, 390
Smith, Mrs J. G. 119
Smith, William Benjamin 54–5
Smith, William H. 348
‘Softly, Edward’ 94
Some Imagist Poets 93
‘Some Current Motives and Practices’ 375 ‘Some Notes on a Nonentity’ 244, 334, 342 ‘Some Notes on Interplanetary Fiction’ 342 ‘Some Repetitions on the Times’ 349, 351–2,
Sommer, William 157
Sonnets of the Midnight Hours (Wandrei) 281 Soper, Cleveland C., Jr 374
‘Space-Eaters, The’ (Long) 263–4, 265 Spengler, Oswald 297
‘Spider, The’ (Ewers) 369
Sprenger, William 193
Squire, J. C. 178
Squires, Richard D. 5
Stanley, John H. 180
Stapledon, Olaf 345
Star Atlas (Upton) 42
Star-Treader and Other Poems, The (Smith) 157 ‘Statement of Randolph Carter, The’ 139,
167, 213
Static Electricity 29
Stephen Daye Press 226, 316
Sterling, George 117, 158
Sterling, Kenneth 354, 370–1
Stoker, Bram 230
‘Strange High House in the Mist, The’ 249–
50, 260, 282, 316
Strange Tales 303–4, 314, 323
‘Stranger from Kurdistan, The’ (Price) 320 ‘Street, The’ 137–8
Street & Smith 26, 73
‘Suggestions for a Reading Guide’ 378–9
‘Tale of Satampra Zeiros, The’ (Smith) 309 Tale of Terror, The (Birkhead) 229
Tales of Magic and Mystery 231
Tales of Terror 57
‘Tales of the Marvellous and the Ridiculous’
(Wilson) 391
Tales of War (Dunsany) 137
Talman, Wilfred Blanch 206, 226, 247,
270, 315, 384
Tanner, Kenneth 43
‘Temple, The’ 139, 213, 332
‘Terrible Old Man, The’ 137, 171
Tesla, Nikola 140
Testimony of the Suns, The (Sterling) 158 Texaco Star 226
‘Theobald, Lewis, Jr’ 84, 94
‘Thing on the Doorstep, The’ 144–5, 335–6,
344, 383