Thomas, Norman 347, 354
Thompson, Denman 24
Thompson, Robert 373
Thomson, Christine Campbell 263, 316 Three Impostors, The (Machen) 169, 231 ‘Through the Gates of the Silver Key’
(Lovecraft-Price) 325, 327, 368 ‘“Till A’ the Seas’” (Lovecraft-Barlow) 343 Time and the Gods (Dunsany) 138
Time Machine, The (Wells) 344–5
‘To Arthur Goodenough, Esq.’ 261 ‘To Charlie of the Comics’ 84, 105
‘To Delia, Avoiding Damon’ 118
‘To Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett,
18th Baron Dunsany’ 136
‘To Howard Phillips Lovecraft’ (Smith) 390 ‘To Mary of the Movies’ (Kleiner) 105 Toldridge, Elizabeth 274–5, 277, 279 ‘Tomb, The’ 108, 109, 167, 332
Townsend, Francis E. 355
Transatlantic Circulator 180–2
‘Trap, The’ (Lovecraft-Whitehead) 314, 325 ‘Travels in the Provinces of America’ 272, 278 ‘Tree on the Hill, The’ (Lovecraft-Rimel)
Tremaine, F. Orlin 367–8
Tryout 94, 136, 145, 225
Tucker, Gertrude E. 195–6
Twenty-one Letters of Ambrose Bierce 157, 205 ‘Two Black Bottles’ (Lovecraft-Talman) 247 Tylor, Edward Burnett 131
Ullman, Allen G. 331–2
Ulysses (Joyce) 178
‘Unbroken Chain, The’ (Cobb) 170–1 ‘Under the Pyramids’ (Lovecraft-Houdini)
191–2, 196, 199, 208
United Amateur 78, 82, 106, 112, 113, 114,
129, 145, 146, 204, 219
United Amateur Press Association 76–81,
87, 103, 107, 112–14, 127, 136, 145–6,
148, 163, 204, 213, 258
United Amateur Press Association: Exponent of Amateur Journalism 87
United Co-operative, The 112, 128
‘Unnamable, The’ 169, 171, 213, 248 Unusual Stories 334, 382
Upham, Ronald 43
Upton, Winslow 42
Utpatel, Frank 382
Vagrant 107, 139
Vanguard (publisher) 316, 332
Vathek (Beckford) 251
‘Vaults of Yoh-Vombis, The’ (Smith) 311 ‘Vermont—A First Impression’ 261, 290 Verne, Jules 42
‘Vers Libre Epidemic, The’ 93
Villa, Pancho 265
Voss, Richard 265
Voyages of Capt, Ross, R.N. 38
Walker, James J. 186
Wandering Ghosts (Crawford) 257
Wandrei, Donald 257, 258, 259, 260–1,
264, 281, 286, 327, 337, 338, 339, 364,
367–8, 374, 390–1
Wandrei, Howard 338, 364
Waste Land, The (Eliot) 178–80
‘Waste Paper’ 179–80
‘Weird Writer Is in Our Midst, A’ (Orton)
‘Weird Tale in English Since 1890, The’ (Derleth) 278–9
Weird Tales 12, 149, 155, 165–8, 171, 173,
185, 191–4, 196, 199, 205, 212–13, 221,
224, 225, 227, 244, 247, 249, 256–7,
258, 259, 260, 262, 263, 264, 266, 268,
274, 280, 282, 284–5, 287, 292, 302,
303, 307, 308, 309, 310, 315, 316, 318,
320–1, 323, 324, 325, 332, 336, 365,
366, 367, 368, 370, 371, 376, 377, 379,
380, 383, 389, 390
Weld, John 195
Well Bred Speech (Lovecraft-Renshaw) 378–9 Wells, H. G. 344–5
‘Wendigo, The’ (Blackwood) 274
‘Werewolf of Ponkert, The’ (Munn) 261 West India Lights (Whitehead) 310, 326 Wetzel, George T. 128, 129, 391
‘What Amateurdom and I Have Done for Each Other’ 79, 130
Whipple, Esther 2
‘Whisperer in Darkness, The’ 283, 289–92,
309, 315, 316
White, Matthew, Jr 74
White, Michael Oscar 126
White Buildings (Crane) 157
‘White People, The’ (Machen) 169, 228,
‘White Ship, The’ 137, 138
Whitehead, Henry S. 303–4, 310, 314,
Whitman, Sarah Helen 377
Whitman, Walt 92, 97
Whittier, John Greenleaf 164
Who’s Who in America 205
Wilde, Oscar 134, 176
Wilkes, Charles 38
Wilkes’s Explorations 38
Williams, Roger 8, 9
Williams, William Carlos 158
‘Willows, The’ (Blackwood) 169, 228 Wilson, Colin 392
Wilson, Edmund 281, 391
Wilson, Woodrow 95, 99, 110, 121, 183 ‘Wind that Is in the Grass, The’ (Barlow)
Wine of Wizardry, A (Sterling) 158
Winesburg, Ohio (Anderson) 139
‘Winged Death’ (Lovecraft-Heald) 323 ‘Winifred Virginia Jackson: A “Different”
Poetess’ 129
Witch-Cult in Western Europe, The (Murray)
‘Within the Gates’ 146
Wonder Stories 323, 337
‘Wood, The’ 279
Woodbee 113, 145
Writer’s Digest 205
Wright, Farnsworth 166, 192–4, 224, 225,
231, 244, 257, 262, 291, 302, 304, 306–7,
316, 318, 324, 325, 326, 332, 377, 383 Wuthering Heights (Brontë) 226
You’ll Need a Night Light (Thomson) 263 Young, Edward 109
Young Chemist, The (Appleton) 28 ‘Yule Horror’ see ‘Festival’ Zanger, Jules 301