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She struggled, again, momentarily, to escape him, trying to avoid his pillaging tongue, to shake his questing, rapacious hands from her body. It was futile. He held her in a viselike grip. Perhaps, if she gave in… allowed him to… have his way, it would be over all the sooner… and she could wait for an opportunity to slip out of the house and make good her escape, once and for all. She could just lie there, not responding and let him use her as a receptacle for his lust. After all… I don't h-have to l-like it! He's practically raping m-me… anyway… f-forcing m-me… just like R-Ray d-did!

She groaned aloud. There didn't seem to be any other way out. She was trapped… and all alone. Donnie was not there to take care of her. Then, she slumped back, relaxing onto the mattress, all of her will to fight him off gone from her. It was a groan of submissive resignation.

Gabe heard and misinterpreted her groan of defeat, from the very depths of her tortured young soul, as one of sexual arousal. It signaled his victory. He was hers, already.

"Don't worry, baby doll… I'm going to take care of you… good, but I'm going to take a little time for some fun, ahead of that… you might as well relax and enjoy it… because you'll be begging to be fucked before I'm through with you!" he bragged.

He began kissing her neck, his tongue flicking out to lave her soft skin, moistly; now, it was flicking investigatively, into her ear, its warm moistness as the tip ran around the outer edges of her tiny earlobe giving her uncontrollable shivers of unwanted delight.

"You're a beautiful little thing, Charity!" he hissed into her ear. "I've always thought so… now I'll find out how hot a piece of tail you really are!"

She lay stretched, at full length, under him, her softly curving thighs clenched tightly together, dreading the moment when he would want to touch her… down there… in that private, secret place, between her legs. She didn't want it to happen… yet she knew that it would. Each time, it had been that way: first with Don… then Don and Ray, together… and now… it was Gabe, her stepfather. She dreaded it, feared it with every fiber of her being, for somehow, she knew it would be the beginning of the end for her. She had always lost!

Leaning up on an elbow, his hand roamed, freely, down across her flat belly, on down the outside of a tapered thigh to the hem of her miniskirt, then up, again, back along the same route on the smooth, warm flesh to the triangle at the juncture of her trembling thighs, pulling the dress up, as his hand crept between to touch the wisp of nylon panties that covered her, and exposing her completely to his lust-filled gaze. His fingers probed the soft nylon that encased her loins and went smoothly in under the leg band to touch her soft, silky pubic hair, caressingly; then, he deftly used a finger, pushing it into the crease at the top of her quivering vaginal furrow, sliding it in to find the tiny bud of her clitoris.

He grinned at her salaciously as he rubbed across it, feeling it come up hard and firm under the pad of his sensitive finger. He knew it would send flashing sensations through her, for no woman, once she had been brought to full arousal, would be able to resist such teasing manipulation of her naked pussy.

Charity tried to cringe away from his questing finger. Her hips pushed down into the mattress, and she attempted to roll away from him. It was useless; she felt his strong hands, now, pulling and tugging at the thin material of his sheer, white panties, the only barrier protecting her sensitive cuntal opening from his rummaging hand.

"Oh, p-please… don't d-do that…" she moaned.

"It's a little late for that isn't it, baby you're already getting hot! Christ! That little clit of yours is hard as a rock!"

Then, twisting his hand into the leg band of her wispy panties, he gave a quick, hard yank, tearing them away from her, the thin material ripping away, leaving her tender, young loins tremblingly naked and completely defenseless before him.

Instinctively, she clamped her legs tight together, and a hand went down to cover her naked shame. "Nooo! No! Please… N-No!"

"Open those legs… bitch!" he growled. "… Or, do you want another one across the mouth?!"

"I–I c-can't! I–I just can't l-let you d-do it!" she wailed.

"You can't let me… but you sure as hell let others fuck you… didn't you?" he needled.

"Y-You don't really kn-know how it was. I–It was different…" She tried to defend her actions with Don and Ray.

"… And, that makes you nothing but a little whore… so open them up! I might even consider paying you… just like Marcy…"

She was dumbstruck. P-Pay me…? Marcy? Marcy Lunceford? He p-pays her t-to d-do it? She's a… a whore…? And, he keeps telling m-me I'm one… t-too! Why?

It was useless. She couldn't unravel it… but one thought stuck in her mind: Gabe and Marcy Lunceford, together, in bed, or in a car just didn't seem possible.

She was beaten down by his intimidating words, and as defeat, disgust and fear mingled in her, she relaxed the muscles of her thighs, slightly, allowing the white, curvingly tapered columns to part, revealing the dividing coral slit, glisteningly moist there, an auburn ring of sparse young pubic hair lining the soft femaleness of her. Peeping through, the tiny petals pouted out like a small but lower tongue, while above, the miniature phallus, her clitoral bud, throbbed pulsingly. Her whole body quivered with fear… and anticipation.

Then, in spite of her revulsion, it began for her, just as it had before with her brother and his friend.

She didn't want it to happen… but she felt his lewd finger moving on her, tracing the thin, pink furrow of her naked and defenseless young cunt, and she shivered with another feeling of revulsion; then, there was a moment of strange, tortured agony, of salacious agitation, that seared her loins with unexplainable and delicious, ecstatic need.

He insinuated the finger deeper and let it slide into the moist warmth of her trembling vaginal passage where he rotated it around in tiny teasing circles just inside the desire-slickened walls of her cuntal mouth, eliciting a long, low moan from her agonized lips.

Something was happening to her, in her helplessness; that spreading warmth in her loins, the tingling awareness, the prurient sensations that arced in her, seeming to center where his finger probed into the soft flesh of her cunt, signaled sexual arousal… and pleasure she had forbidden for herself.

His finger… Oh, God, it's driving me crazy!

Charity moaned aloud in an agony of conflicting emotions. Her nerve endings were shimmeringly alive to the electric sensations that surged in her loins… but she didn't want to respond to this father-figure… indeed, to the man she still, unconsciously, thought of as father. If it had to happen — as he said it must — she didn't want to be a party to it. Why, oh, why didn't he just put his thing in her… make his vile motions of sex and be done with it? Why did he have to keep torturing her, making her want it… need it? It all seemed so wrong… so very wrong!

Tremblingly, she squirmed her buttocks down into the soft mattress, seeking to escape the tantalizingly worming finger, her deep throated moan changing to a helpless, mewling whimper of building pleasure as he continued to taunt her taut, young pussy lips, thrusting his finger deep into her several times; then, parting the softly curling pubic hair, he made a sudden electrifying contact with the tiny, pulsing head of her firmly erect clitoris.

She could feel the moistness all around the sensitive opening, the exudation caused by his manipulating, tantalizing finger. It was unwanted and forbidden sexual excitation that now filled her whole being, and she clenched her teeth to hold back another moan of pleasure. She wouldn't allow herself to give in to the salacious feelings building within her defenseless, trembling loins.

This was impossible! She couldn't let it go on! Forcefully, she pushed up against his heavy chest, writhing and kicking, under him, in an attempt to free herself from his grip.