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"Pretty nice isn't it?" he teased.

"I–It's b-big!" she choked. "I–It's too b-big!"

In her imagination she saw it sliding, ponderously, into her, splitting her belly wide open. "Oh, God…"

"Those damned young kids couldn't match this!" he stated.

Dumbly. Charity continued to stare at him in miserable humiliation, the degradation of knowing what was coming, the sight of his obscenely naked penis, her own completely nude body spread out on the bed before him, helpless, defenseless, filled her with unfathomable feelings of shame… and she was utterly alone as she faced the sexual onslaught of this lust crazed man.

Even as she stared, it was this same feeling of helplessness that stirred further tinglings of unwanted desire. They came surging, somehow, from her, playing like summer lightning in her loins, discharging feelings of wanton depravity along her sensate nerve endings; nevertheless, there was a new horror in her. It was not her imagination working, now. She knew it for a fact. As she watched him on his knees, above her, obscenely, stroking himself to fully erect hardness, her eyes fixed upon his lust-filled cock in his hand, she knew, without a doubt, that it really was too big. She looked at it, now, with terror and fear. It would rip her apart! How can I ever take that… h-huge thing… inside m-me…?

"You'll really know you've been fucked… when I get this into that tight little cunt of yours!" he told her, his lewd smile of anticipation revulsing her.

Tears brimmed her eyes, again, as she realized there was nothing she could do to prevent him from ravishing her. She hardly noticed his filthy language, now; he kept using the words over and over. Her mind was too busy assessing the complete hopelessness of her position, for there was the terrible realization that there was no escape from the sexual plunder of her helpless, young body… a ravishment that was going to be carried out, no matter what she said or did. There was nowhere to turn… no one to turn to, now that Donnie could not be there with her. She was completely at his mercy.

Suddenly, Gabe leaned forward and dropped the full weight of his paunchy body upon her, forcing the breath from her lungs, momentarily, and the long, hard thickness of his fully erect cock was pulsating against the smooth softness of her belly. His brazenly searching hands, once more, were squeezing and mauling the full rounded mounds of her breasts, with savage cruelty, causing her to whimper in pain, beneath him, while his mouth sought hers, avidly, his long, agile tongue stabbing deep into her throat. There came, constantly, from deep in his chest, animallike sounds of pure lust, as he massaged, deeply, with strong-fingered power into her soft, young girl-flesh.

He raised his head, after long moments of this tantalizing torture, and said, huskily, "God! You're a luscious piece… but you're not hot enough, yet! Before I'm through sucking that tight, little cunt of yours… you'll be crawling up the walls!" he boasted.

Too late, she realized his meaning, as he moved, slithering down her body until his mouth was just inches above the coral moistness of her pussy. The horrible thought of what her own stepfather intended to do to her, now, filled her with repugnance and loathing.

"P-Please… d-don't do th-that to m-me…" she pleaded.

Already, he had placed his hands against the satiny smooth flesh of her inner thighs and was parting them, spreading them wide apart; her efforts to keep him from splaying her legs open wider were futile against his superior strength.

She whined, pitifully, in her throat, as she looked down between the twin, mounding hemispheres of her breasts to the auburn triangle of softly curling pubic hair where she could see his face, passion-distorted, poised over her softly palpitating cunt.

Kneeling between his stepdaughter's legs, his hands forcing apart the soft, young columns of her smooth, white thighs, Gabe looked down, hungrily, at the thin, gently throbbing furrow of her tight young pussy, ringed, sparsely, with soft, red-gold, auburn hair, the pink petals of her tender inner lips peeping out like two tiny, pink tongues, viscous, clear droplets of lubricating moisture clinging to them, delicately, and he smiled lewdly, in anticipation of the sensual act he was about to perform.

Charity lay there, terror-stricken, beneath him, her eyes pleading, mutely, with him not to shame her any further; then, her humiliation complete, as he ignored her, she watched, petrified, as his hands moved up between her thighs, and she felt him place his thumbs against the soft, trembling cunt lips to part the soft curls of her pubic hair, drawing them apart, ever so slowly, to expose her innermost secrets to his hungry gaze.

Then, she felt the humid warmth of his breath on her sensitive flesh, and she moaned aloud in an agony of shame and humiliation, as still watching, transfixed, unable to take her horrified eyes away from the scene, she saw him lower his head to her trembling loins and felt the moist length of his tongue slide, sinuously, into the portal of her defenseless, quivering vagina.

Tremulously, she responded, instinctively, squirming with determination, her hips grinding back and away from him, jerking, convulsively, in an attempt to escape the humiliating outrage he was performing against her defenseless, naked pussy, as a seething revulsion stirred in her for the man she had known as father for most of her life, this man who was using his warm tongue down between her open thighs, building an unwanted passion within her almost to the bursting point.

"OOOOoooh… My God! OOooh n-no! NOOooo!" she groaned.

She didn't want it, but she could no longer deny the reality of it. Her mother's husband's tongue was there snaking up into her unreceptive, yet rapidly surrendering cunt… and she could not stop it.

In the midst of her shame, the unwanted sensations of forbidden pleasure began to surge through her whole body from the insane, animalistic stimulation of her moist, trembling cuntal slit. Desperately, she tried to keep her mind from acknowledging the wild, sensual twinges of sexual need that stabbed, tantalizingly, through her, searing her loins with lightning flashes of ecstasy and subverting her body to his lewdly salacious will. And… in spite of all, her traitorous body demanded its own way… and won!

Then, she was aware that Gabe's eyes were watching her, peeping gleefully up over the softly curling hair of her pubic triangle. His eyes studied her facial reactions up through her breasts, while his mouth and tongue slaved there, below, in the widespread cuntal passage between her legs. His mouth made obscenely moist sucking sounds, and she knew, in a sudden flash of insight, that he was watching… and waiting… for her final, unconditional surrender to his lewdly sucking mouth.

I–I won't let him… I–I can't g-give in t-to him…! But those feelings… down there… between my legs! OOooh! His tongue's so wild… it's driving me crazy!

Gabe's eyes stared bug-like up over her genital mound, observing every expression on her lovely, passion-contorted face, his tongue thrusting into her, unceasingly, racing in and out of her now wild, scorchingly hot vaginal passage. Tears rolled from her eyes, again, as he watched with sadistic pleasure. He knew it would be soon, the space of a few moments, until her already squirming body would lose the battle against him… and also with her own proud little mind.

You're going to go all the way, baby doll. You'll be all mine… to do anything with… anything I want…!

Suddenly, he shifted his mouth upward, his lips probing, until he found the erectile, pulsing shaft of the miniature phallus, her throbbing clitoris. He heard her mewling whimper of agonized ecstasy as he took the tiny, quivering bud between his teeth, gently; then, holding it firmly, he ran his agile tongue in tiny teasing circles around it, finally, coming to the sensitive head where he licked and sucked without mercy.

He was gratified, as almost instantly, he felt the involuntary undulation of her loins grinding up at him in uncontrollable, rhythmic counterpoint to his obscenely licking tongue. Her head began to flail, tossing her auburn locks to and fro, the sensations generated in her seething little pussy so intense that she could only agonize; then, he heard new moans of pleasure, interspersed with whimpers of helplessness, emitting from deep in her chest.