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He was only marginally more able to analyze the situation. Slowly he disengaged his fingers. He couldn’t be expected to make any sense while he was touching her so intimately. With contact like that, his primitive brain took control.

“The furnace,” he said again. “The desk clerk said something about furnace noise being a slight problem down here.”

“A slight problem?” She looked indignant. “That sounds like a train hurtling through a subway tunnel!”

“There’s a sexual image for you.” He kind of liked it. She could be the tunnel and he could be the train. Maybe they could work with that later.

“Come on, Zach. We’re expected to sleep with that going on?”

He couldn’t help it. That made him laugh. “It won’t be a problem.”

“Why not?” She appeared ready to demand a different room.

“We’re not going to sleep.”

“Oh.” She relaxed back against the cement wall. “I suppose you have a point there.”

“And there’s another advantage to that noisy furnace.”

“There is?”

“We can make all the damn noise we want here in the basement. In a place like New York, where everyone is so packed together, that’s a luxury.”

She nodded and reached down to pick up her dress. “Okay, then. Let’s you and me go make some noise.”

He followed her down the hall, a song in his heart and tension in his groin. He was more than ready to make some noise.


NO MATTER HOW THIS ALL turned out, Hannah would never forget having a climax in the basement of a New York City hotel. Or walking down the hall wearing only her panties and her necklace while she carried her dress and her bra over one arm. She wasn’t sure why Zach had changed his mind about spending the night with her, but she was very happy that he had.

“Got a key?” he asked as they approached 25B.

“Somewhere.” She had to search the depths of her purse until she finally found the envelope with the key card in it. Not long ago she’d been embarrassed because the hotel personnel had seen her seduction scene, complete with nightie and condoms. After her basement climax, being caught with a nightie and condoms seemed like small potatoes.

Still, she was curious as to how they’d transferred her belongings and whether they’d taken the trouble to put things back the way they’d found them. She opened the door, not sure what she’d find on the other side. For sure it wouldn’t be a suite with a view, but as Zach had mentioned, there were advantages to being in the basement cohabitating with a large and noisy furnace.

As the door swung open, it almost hit the bed. Or, more accurately, the twin-size daybed as illuminated by the light from the hall.

“It’s a closet!” Zach said.

“Want to complain?”

“I’m too horny to complain. Don’t tell me those are mints on the pillow.”

“No. They’re my condoms.”

“Yours?” He turned to gaze at her. “You had condoms, too?”

“Laid out on the pillow, exactly as you see there. Only it was a pillow on a huge bed. We’ve been down-sized.” Now that she’d had a most wonderful orgasm, she was beginning to see the humor in the situation.

“I suppose it doesn’t matter.” Zach peered into the room. “I mean, when we have sex, either I’ll be on top of you or vice versa.”

“Maybe there’s a trundle.”

“We’re not going there. One of us would end up falling through the crack. Or some significant body part could end up getting caught in the crack. Guys have nightmares about that kind of thing. Better one small but solid mattress, than one that could split at the most inopportune moment.”

“It’s pitch dark in there. Before we go in and close the door, we’d better turn on a light.” She reached inside the doorway and found a switch on the wall. When she flicked it on, an overhead light revealed them both reflected in a giant mirror on the wall behind the daybed. “Yikes!” She looked so…naked.

“I like it.”

“I’m not sure I do.” She found it disconcerting, staring at herself wearing only a necklace and a pair of panties. “I guess the mirror is to make up for the lack of a window.”

“I have a different theory.” Zach continued to gaze appreciatively at Hannah’s reflection.

“If you think it’s a two-way mirror, I’m so outta here!” Hannah held her dress protectively in front of her.

“No, no, not a two-way. I think it’s here to provide fun and games for any members of the staff who are so inclined.”

“You think?”

“I do. And it beats the hell out of a break room.”

Hannah peered around the edge of the door to make sure there was a bathroom included. There was, although it was about the size of one in an airplane. “So we stay?”

“Hell, yes, we stay. That mirror closes the deal for me.” Zach pulled her inside and shut the door. Then he started unbuttoning his shirt. “We stay and we get naked.”

“I pretty much am already.”

“So I noticed. Naked looks great on you, by the way.”

She reached for her nightie. “I’d planned to waltz around the suite wearing this.” She’d hoped to make an entrance. Now that he’d seen most of what she had to offer, her entrance might be a little anticlimactic.

He paused in the act of taking off his shirt. “I remember that. When you picked it out at the resale shop I almost swallowed my tongue.”

That decided her. Maybe she had one good entrance left. “I’m going into the bathroom to put it on. I want to see if I can make you do that again.”

The bathroom scored low for maneuverability, but because she only had to take off her necklace and panties, she was dolled up in the nightie and matching thong in no time. She stood on tiptoe, trying to see the effect in the medicine cabinet mirror.

The skimpy black thong barely covered the subject, and the sheer black top was strictly for effect. It disguised nothing. Trimmed in soft black fur around the scooped neck and the hem, it hung to the tops of her thighs. Ties at the neck ended in black furry pom-poms that bounced as she walked. Wearing the outfit, she felt like a very bad girl, indeed.

When she walked back into the room, she discovered she’d paired up with a bad boy who was obviously eager for some action. He’d thrown back the covers and was propped up on the bed watching the bathroom doorway. She’d always thought he looked good in his clothes, but he looked way better out of them.

He’d taken off everything except a pair of skimpy navy briefs. From the sizable bulge there, she guessed that would be a package well worth unwrapping. She was so busy staring at his nicely sculpted pecs and impressive six-pack that she forgot about her planned entrance.

But he hadn’t. He let out a low whistle. That prompted her to pose, just a little, and he responded with a playful growl.

She thought of the soft lighting she’d arranged in the suite and glanced up at the overhead light glaring down at them. “This place has about as much atmosphere as a hospital operating room.”

His voice was low and husky. “So let’s play doctor.”

Suddenly the bright light, the mirrors and the tiny, soundproof room took on a whole new emphasis. She and Zach were starring in their own X-rated video. Excitement rolled through her, arousing her in ways she hadn’t known she could be aroused. She wanted to do wild things, erotic things.

“Bring that good stuff on over,” he murmured.

“That won’t take long.” In three strides she was beside the bed. “Here I am.”

“Yeah. So you are.” His hungry gaze raked over her as his hand closed on her arm and he urged her closer. “Come on down here, you.”

She climbed on the bed, straddling his thighs and bracing her arms on either side of his shoulders as she leaned forward. “Like this?”

“That’s good.” He cupped her head and brought her closer until their lips almost touched. “How I want you,” he whispered right before he kissed her.