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Kitteredge didn’t even seem to notice that Shawn had spoken. He was still in the process of formulating his question. “Do you use postcognition and psychometry, or are you simply a telepath?”

Gus was about to leap to Shawn’s defense when he realized what the professor had asked. “You believe in psychic powers?” he said.

“It’s not a question of whether I believe or not,” Kitteredge said. “Either they exist or they don’t, and my belief one way or the other can’t have an impact on that at all. And if your partner does possess supernatural powers, I’d like to know which ones he claims.”

Gus risked another glance back over his shoulder and saw that the officers were only a few steps back. “Unfortunately, teleportation isn’t one of them,” Gus said. “Can’t we talk about this in the car?”

“I really need to know,” Kitteredge said. “If he can truly commune with spirits, there might be a way out of this for me.”

“My powers take all kinds of forms,” Shawn said. “Pretty much at random. You never know how they’re going to manifest themselves. It’s kind of like the prize inside the Cracker Jack box.”

“I’ve never heard of anything like that,” Kitteredge said.

“Sometimes spirits talk to me,” Shawn said. “Sometimes I get visions. Like right now.”

“What are you seeing?” Kitteredge said.

“It’s a stone room in a big castle,” Shawn said.“There’s a woman standing in the middle of the floor, holding out her arms as if begging for help. The rug she’s standing on is woven with a pattern of leaves and flowers. And-”

Kitteredge was staring at Shawn.“That’s the painting,” he said. “You’re seeing The Defence of Guenevere.”

“Is that what it is?” Shawn said.

For the first time since the body had been unveiled, Kitteredge looked hopeful. “You see it in detail?”

“It’s like Avatar,” Shawn said. “I can visualize every tiny bit of the image in perfect detail. Which is good, because that way I don’t have to pay attention to the crummy script.”

Kitteredge turned to Gus excitedly. “Do you realize what this means?” he said. “There’s hope. As long as Shawn can hold that image in his head, we have chance to decipher the clues in the painting and break this conspiracy wide open.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Gus said. “Let’s get moving. And fast.”

The street was still clogged with cars hopelessly grid-locked. All they had to do was weave their way through the stopped autos and they’d be free.

And better yet, Shawn had saved them. It wasn’t so much that he’d restored Kitteredge’s hope, although that was certainly a positive thing. Somehow he’d managed to memorize the entire painting in the one brief glance he’d gotten at it. They had a chance to solve this thing and clear Kitteredge’s name.

Gus took a step off the curb, then realized he couldn’t go any farther. There was a hand clutching his shoulder, and it wouldn’t let him move.

Gus looked back and saw that the hand belonged to one of the cops. The other one had taken hold of Shawn.

“No one’s moving anywhere,” Gus’ captor said. “Not until we’ve got a few answers.”

Chapter Twenty-one

When he was little, Carlton Lassiter had, unlike any other child in the history of medicine, loved going to the doctor’s office.

It wasn’t the waiting room filled with toys and tattered copies of Highlights for Children that attracted him, although he did love studying the adventures of Goofus and Gallant. And it wasn’t the lollipop or similar bribe that would be offered if he managed to make it through the appointment without bursting into hysterical screams.

What he loved about those visits was precisely what most children hated. The biting cold of the stethoscope against his chest. The invasion of personal privacy when the nurse jammed the thermometer under his tongue or any other place she might choose. And most of all the harsh jab and searing pain of the hypodermic needle.

It wasn’t that little Carlton Lassiter had been a mini-masochist. Even as he welcomed these insults he knew how unpleasant they were.

But he also understood instinctively what the other children couldn’t begin to imagine: that the world existed in a constant state of war between the forces of order and those of chaos. And there was never any doubt in his mind which side he chose. Every indignity inflicted on him by the medical profession was actually a blow against chaos-in this case the chaos that existed to disrupt the order of the body’s natural workings.

It was possible that in his preschool days Lassiter was not able to articulate this philosophy quite so precisely, and that he had come to the understanding only in his adult years. But the doctor’s office was always a happy place for him, and the colder and less pleasant it was, the better it made him feel.

So even though Lassiter shared every police officer’s distrust of department therapists, he felt a sense of security as he pulled his cruiser into the parking lot of the low white hacienda that housed Dr. Olivia McCormick’s offices. Doctors meant order, and order was always good.

But as he stepped into the waiting room that sense of security began to slip away. Lassiter believed in changing primary care physicians every year so that he’d always have a new set of eyes to catch anything the last pair had missed, which meant he had plenty of experience with doctors’ waiting rooms. And he knew what they were supposed to be like. First, there was the lighting. It needed to be the harshest fluorescent available, to render any trace of illness instantly apparent. The walls should be painted glossy white and the floor covered in matching linoleum or thin carpet to give the light plenty of hard surface to bounce off of. There should be chairs molded out of plastic that were impossible to sit in without slipping onto the floor unless you kept both feet planted at all times. Ideally the molded plastic should have cracked in several places to pinch his skin whenever he shifted position. And there should be a sliding glass window behind which sat a hatchet-faced receptionist whose only interest in life was making the patients wait as long as possible to give whatever germs they were carrying the chance to manifest themselves.

Dr. Olivia McCormick’s waiting room was all wrong. It was furnished in the warmest of greens and browns. There were soft sofas against the walls, which were themselves covered with subtly colored fabrics. Blooming flowers trailed out of hanging pots, and soothing music played softly through hidden speakers. There wasn’t even a receptionist to demand proof of insurance. Instead, as Lassiter came in-and even before he’d had the chance to step back outside and make sure he hadn’t walked by mistake into one of the few remaining Good Earth restaurants that had escaped America’s reconnection with sanity after the fern-bar-meets-sprouts craze of the midseventies-an inside door swung open and a kindergarten teacher leaned out.

“Detective Lassiter?” she said in a voice that promised juice and cookies. “Please come this way.”

Although her graying ponytail and loose, flowing tie-dyed dress suggested an afternoon to be spent learning to tie his shoes followed by nap time, Lassiter realized that this was supposed to be the doctor.

Lassiter didn’t have a problem with female doctors. Some of his favorite GPs had been women. But they had also been warriors in the battle against death, disease, and decay. They wore starched white lab coats and jammed their instruments in whichever orifice they chose with no consideration that they were working on anything resembling a sentient human being.

This one, he knew, was no warrior. Confronted with chaos, she’d invite it in for a chat and rap about what made it so disorganized.

But there was no way for him to leave now. The chief had made it very clear that he needed to talk to the department therapist before she’d clear him to go back to work on his case. And he would make any sacrifice if it would let him bring Professor Langston Kitteredge to justice.