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— Frankly Oscar, the way you've been waving that court decree around waiting to hear about your damages I thought it might have something to do with money.

— Well of course it does! Because that's the only language they understand, I've said that a thousand times haven't I? that that's the only way I can be vindicated?

— Meanwhile maybe you can help her with that tray, just put it down over there Lily. I heard the phone earlier, it wasn't Harry was it?

— I would have called you no, it was Daddy. He said there's something very important he has to talk to me about after all this trouble and everything since tragedy struck so it must be finally about we're going to get reconciled like I've been praying for.

— You? praying?

— No I just meant really hoping, you know.

— I'm afraid I do, you and Oscar here both being vindicated with a good price tag on it because that's what we're really talking about isn't it.

— Well that's, he just said they're coming up here him and Mama with something very important to talk about and…

— No no I agree, I mean my God there's nothing more important than a dollar in the bank to make people take you seriously is there Oscar, it's a language we all speak isn't it but they certainly can't stay here, the place is turning into a menagerie and that ghastly little dog, where is it.

— I think it's under that couch in the sunroom where I'm sleeping, it likes to get under things. I think it's scared of getting stepped on.

— I don't blame it with those two, what in God's name are they doing out there now.

— I think there's still all that corned beef and…

— No! the first thing in the morning, we've got to have a civilized meal in this house, we've got to go shopping the first thing in the morning.

It was Harry. On the phone? yes, first thing in the morning, seasoned from her end by little more than — my God, all of it? and — I shudder to think of it, you were right Harry yes, the person he thinks he is it's almost frightening but… Yes I'll tell him that… I'll tell him that yes, if I can just make it penetrate God knows what he'll… yes, it's frightening… and she hung up the phone both hands holding it down as though it might erupt again before she could temper her voice with the calm that filled her gaze out there over the pond where a serenity of swans skirted the skin of ice left by the night, clearing her throat to call — Oscar? waiting, and again, back on the sofa — Oscar?

— Yes he's coming, came from far down the hall, from the sunroom — wait a second, let me button this back up, and fix your pants.

— Where were you? when he appeared, straightening his collar.

— Just, in the library looking for, you remember this letter? had it in his hand in fact, — from this lawyer named Preswig? That's why they took the car, the insurance company, because we're suing them as the accident victim so I'd better call him so he can call the police before they arrest me.

— Please, sit down for a minute. No one's going to arrest you.

— A hit and run accident, that's what the police…

— Will you please sit down? But he was already at the phone, gasping, muttering, finally banging it down. — Well?

— Mister Preswig is no longer with us they said, of all the, and that summons I got where's that summons, because if the insurance company is suing the…

— Oscar listen to me! They've settled your damages.

— But the hospital bills and what about the car, they…

— I'm not talking about your car. I'm talking about your immortal soul, now sit down. Harry called. You've been awarded all the profits on the motion picture The Blood in the Red White and Blue.

— But that's, Christina that's millions.

— Now listen, sit down. Harry said that of course they'll…

— But that's millions! I can't sit down no, Lily? That's millions Christina, those newspaper clippings when it opened where are they, you remember it gave all those box office figures the first week it, where is she. Lily!

— For God's sake stop shouting. It's not over with, can you just sit down for a minute and let that penetrate? Harry said of course they'll appeal the master's decision to try to get the award reduced and…

— Yes call Harry, why didn't you call me? Let me call Harry and…

— He's not there Oscar, he was in a hurry. He had to get this company helicopter up to Westchester for one of these endless conferences, now…

— Oscar? are you okay?

— He's not okay Lily, he's about to go through the ceiling, now…

— But it's millions! All the profits, the court's awarded me all the profits suppose they do reduce it a little it's millions, it's still millions isn't it? isn't that what I said? that that's the only language they understand? Now where's the, where's my, what was I looking for.

— God only knows, that summons? Have you looked in this mess on the sideboard? Bills, statements, travel folders, glossy new car brochures and — what's this.

— Oh that's this little package that came for Oscar yesterday, I just put it there and forgot to…

— Well give it to me! but she'd already torn it open. — It's mine Christina give it to me!

— I don't believe it.

— No listen, I just sent away for them to see what they…

— I don't believe it. Hiawatha's Magic Mittens, made from genuine simulated my God Oscar. Wear 'em with the furside there isn't any furside, they're plastic. Your own personalized pair of look at them, they're for a six year old and look. A little song book. Your own book of brand new songs to sing when you put on Minjekahwun and set forth to do battle with the West Wind, with the mighty Mudjekeewis, when you rend the jutting crag of the fatal black rock Wawbeek I mean my God, you're not six years old any more are you?

— I said they're mine! Give them to me, now I can, listen. I can settle things once for all now can't I? so I won't owe Father a thing? I can buy this place myself so he can't sell it right out from under us, it was never really his anyway was it? so we won't have the bank and the mortgage and repair the veranda, put in a new driveway and that real estate woman peeking in the windows whenever we, listen. Listen, call her, tell her I'm prepared to make an offer who is she, I'll call her myself.

— Oscar sit down! You're not calling anyone, you're not prepared to make an offer on an old shoe, I told you Harry said it's not over with didn't I? that they're figuring out ways right now to get your award reduced? I mean Father's got enough on his plate with this Senate committee and the mess in his courtroom over this wrongful death case, apparently that insane law clerk is sending you a copy of his instructions to the jury just to make things more difficult for everyone since that seems to be his main purpose in life and, what is it now Lily.

— That's where Reverend Bobby Joe is at that trial because that's why Daddy's coming up here so we can get reconciled without him making restitution to the Lord with his hand on my…

— For God's sake be still, go and see if the mail's come yet will you?

And here, hand him these damn mittens and his little book, if he's going to sing a dirge for the mighty Mudjekeewis he'll need them.


In the case of Fickert v. Ude, U.S. District Court, S.D. Va. Misc. 88687


You have heard a suit for damages in a case alleging wrongful death brought by the plaintiff Earl Fickert, of Hog Corners, Mississippi, against the defendant Rev. Elton Ude, residing in this federal jurisdiction, for the loss of plaintiff's minor child Wayne Fickert, on October 25,1985.

As members of the jury and thus of this court, you have been offered evidence by both parties which it will be your duty to sift through for the facts. During these deliberations, you will also consider the sometimes conflicting testimony of the many witnesses which will be yours to evaluate according to your best judgment, unclouded by either prejudice or sentiment.