Eluign, We give
2. Eluimi, Thou givest.
Eluimu, You two give.
Eluimen, Ye give
3. Elui He gives.
Eluigu, They two give.
Eluigen, They give
Second Present,
1. Eluchen, I give.
2. Eluchemi, Thou givest, &c.
1. Elubun, I did give.
2. Elubuimi, Thou, &c.
1. Eluuyen, I gave.
2. Eluuyeimi, Thou, &c.
1. Elunyebun, I had given, &c.
1st Future,
1. Eluan, I will give, &c.
2d Future,
1. Eluayean, I shall have given, &c.
1st Mixed,
1. Eluabun, I had to give, &c.
2d Mixed,
1. Eluugabun, I ought to have had to give; &c.
IMPERATIVE MOOD, (Singular, Dual. Plural)
1. Eluche, let me give
Eluyu, let us two give
Eluign, let us give
2. Eluge, give thou
Elamu, let you two give
Elumen, give ye
3. Elupe, let him give
Elugu let these two give
Elugen, let them give
Present tense, Eluli, if I may give
Imperfect, Elubili, if I might give
Perfect, Eluuyeli, if I may have given
Pluperfect, Eluuyebuli, if I might have given
1st. Future, Eluaii, if I shall give
2d. Future, Eluuyela, if I shall have given
1st. Mixed, Eluabuli, if I had to give
2d. Mixed, Eluyeabuli, if I should have to give
The optative is formed of the subjunctive, or of the two mixed-tenses of the indicative, by adding the desiderative particles velem, uel, or chi; as eluli velem! Would to God that I might give; eluabun chi! Would to God that I had to give; &c. The affirmative infinitive is the same with the radical of the verb; or 1st person singular of the indicative tense; so that there are nine peculiar infinitives, which are distinguished from these tenses by some determinative particle.
1st Present, Elulu, he who gives
2d Present, Eluquelu, he who gives
Imperfect, Elubulei, he who did give
Perfect, Eluuyelu, he who gave
Pluperfect, Eluuyebula, he who had given
1st Future, Elualu, he who shall give
2d Future, Eluuyealu, he who shall have given
1st Mixed, Eluabulu, he who shall have to give
2d Mixed, Eluuyeabulu, he who should have given
1st Present, Eluyum, giving
2d Present, Elualu, for to give
Imperfect, Eluyubum, when giving
Present. Elugen, I am given
Imperfect. Elugebum, I was given
Participles Passive.
1st Present, Elugelu, given
2d Present, Eluel, given
Perfect, Elubuel, that was given
Imperfect, Elugebulu, that was given
Indicative Mood.
1st Present, Eluan, that is giving
2d Present, Eluchean, that is giving
Imperfect, Elubuam, that was giving
Perfect, Eluuyeam, that was given
Pluperfect, Eluuyebuam, that had given
1st Future, Eluayam, that shall be given
2d Future, Eluuyeayam, that should be given
1st Mixed, Eluabuam, that had to give
2d Mixed, Eluuyeabuam, that should have to give
Imperative. Elupeam, let us give, &c.
Instead of the impersonal verb, the third person singular of the passive may be used impersonally, as in Latin. The verb may be made negative through its whole conjugation, by means of inserting the particle la in the indicative, qui in the imperative which then takes the termination of the subjunctive mood, and by means of no in the subjunctive and infinitive moods, as in the following examples.
Indicative, Elulan, I do not give, Elulaimi, thou doest not give
Imperative, Eluquili, let me not give, &c.
Subjunctive, Elunoli, if I do not give, &c.
Infinitive, Elunou, not to give, &c.
1. Quigne
2. Epu
3. Cula
4. Meli
5. Quechu
6. Cayu
7. Relghe
8. Para
9. Aylla
10. Masi
11. Mari-guigne
12. Mari-epu. &c.
20. Epumari
21. Epumari quigne
30. Culamari
40. Melimari, &c.
100. Pataca
102. Pataca epu
200. Epupataca, &c.
1000. Huaranca
2000. Epuhuaranca
2003. Epuhuaranca cula, &c.
Unen, Unelelu, Quignelelu, Quignegetu, Quignegentu, Quigmentu, once Epulelu, epugelu, epugentun, epuntu, twice, &c.55
Numeral Adverbs.
Quignechi, guignemel, quignemita, once
Epuchi, epumal, epumeta, twice, &c.
Calique, mallquigne, one by one
Epuque, mollepu, two by two, &c.
Numeral Verbs.
Quignen, to be one.
Quignelian, to join.
Epun, to be two; &c.
Quignegen, unity.
Epugen, duality.
Culagen, trinity, &c.
Quignelque, several.
Epulgen, about two.
Culalque, about three.
* * * * *
It has not been deemed necessary to repeat a great number of minute observations given by Molina on this singular language, nor to report the shades of difference in its dialects. But it has been thought proper to give a short list of words from the Moluches, a tribe inhabiting Patagonia, but speaking a nearly related dialect of the Chilese language with that of the Araucanians.
Autuigh, the sun, a day
P'llu, the soul or a spirit
The translator seems here to have misunderstood the author, as these ordinal numbers ought surely to signify