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God, I’m sorry but

I can’t stop,

don’t want to-

Oh God, oh God, Oh

God will forgive me,



He sleeps, guiltless.

I slink out of bed,

slither into wrinkled shirt and jeans,

pretend I’m a shadow

creeping across the floor,

slipping out the door,

racing home quick as feet

can meet the air.

But no matter how fast I flee,

step by step

guilt gains on me.


It’s not that I thought

angels would sing,

or the sky would part.

I’m not a kid.

But I did think

there’d be this trade,

that I’d give something up

and he would too.


I’m somehow less

and his more

is still locked away

in a mystery

of bone and skin,

and the sin of it

is that I’m empty now,

and keyless.


It wasn’t worth

all the guilt,

I know that much.

Besides, once he got past

the feeling-up part,

it was mostly pain.

Why do all those

stupid songs say

the first time

is the best?


What would Seth say?

I’m not ready to tell her, yet.

Not ready to see the look in her eye,

the one that says

What happened to the promise

you made to God?

I wish it was easier

breaking God’s law.

I wish that commitment band

didn’t burn my finger

like lye.

I snatched it off that night,

opened my bedroom window

and tossed it.

If Mom asks where it’s gone,

I’ll say I lost it.

What’s one more lie?

I already told God

I didn’t mean it,

that I hadn’t planned

to give myself away.

But just between me and you,

that’s only half true.

My mind’s a mess.

Wasn’t it yesterday

I looked for Trey around

every corner, down every hall?

Now, for the last three days

all I do

is duck whenever

he comes into view.

I need time to think,

to figure out

what I’m feeling

and why.

I switch on the computer

Mom worked overtime

to pay for,

check my IM

and click on slickwillow,

the screenname Coach

gave my best friend, Sethany,

‘cause she’s tall and willowy,

and the enemy always

counts her out,

thinking she’s a girly-girl.

But once she hits the court,

look out,

‘cause she’s a slammer,

and God help the girl

across from Sethany

when she’s at the net.

“hey! waz up?”

The words pop

on the computer screen.

“before you answer,

wat’s a 6 letter wd

for sequester?”

“wat’s sequester?” I write.

“sigh. that’s Y U cant

beat me at Scrabble.

U have heard of the dictionary?”

“whatever,” I write.

“i’ve got more important things

on my mind.”

“oooh! this is going 2 be hot,

i can tell.” ☺

“well, i was with Trey last week.”


“i-was-with-Trey last week.”

“OMG,” Sethany writes. (:0)


I didn’t tell Seth this,

but I wish I had waited.

I know, God.

You wish I had too.

How come your voice

is coming through loud and clear now?

Why couldn’t I hear you before?

Never mind. I know.

Call me Jonah.

I was too busy running

in the opposite direction.

Just one more thing

for which I have to take the blame.

The next day

Seth nods to me

across the classroom,

like always.

Except there’s something off

about her silent hello,

a look that says

I guess I don’t know you

as well as I thought.

“Waz up, girl?

Hardly seen u since-

u know.

I’m missing u.

When can we meet?


I hit delete.

Wish I could do the same

with that one, wrong night.

The next day

Trey meets me after class.

He leans in for a kiss.

I love those lips

and get lost in them, for a minute.

But then I come to my senses.

“Trey, we need to talk.”

He pulls back.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I mean -”

My hands go clammy.

“I don’t want to talk here.”

“Let’s go to my place then.”

A siren goes off in my head.

His place? Alone? Again?

“Fine,” I tell us both,

promising myself

this time will be different.

Inside the door,

Trey drops our backpacks

on the floor,

and reaches for me

as if he’s grown

an extra pair of hands.

They’re everywhere-

at my buttons,

fiddling with my zipper.

I push him away.

“Stop it, Trey.

We can’t do this.

I can’t do this.

I’m sorry.”

Trey goes stone-still,

then drops his hands

to his sides.

His eyes go glacial.

“I’m sorry,” I repeat.


I need to hit the shower.

You know where the door is.”

“But Trey-”

“Go run hot and cold

somewhere else.”

It’s me.

I must’ve done

something wrong,

not made myself clear.

I mean, he loves me, right?

So it shouldn’t matter

if we’re not together

like that.

Maybe if I just

explain it to him right.

I’ll try again, tonight.

He won’t return

my texts, or phone calls.

It’s all I can do

not to wait for him

at the gym

after basketball practice.

I just want to ask

what happened to him loving me?

Why can’t we still be


I don’t understand.

He said I was his girl.

He said he was my man.

Days disappear in a haze

of Shakespeare, career fairs,

pop quizzes, history homework,

and the white noise of teachers

calling on me

for answers I’ve suddenly forgotten

how to give.