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Her beautiful body began vibrating uncontrollably beneath him. She grabbed at his face as the spasms seized her, biting at his mouth with animal-like ferocity, her body arching convulsively against his to remain there shuddering and quivering, her orgiastic fluids bathing his rigidly pummeling cock, running down her soft, smooth asscheeks to flood his balls as they slapped tightly into the moistened crevice.

The sensation of her climax was all that Gil needed. He burrowed into the depths of her hot, spewing cunt, pressing her knees back to her shoulders and hammering brutally, battering her cervix with his expanding shaft. She continued to whimper and gasp ecstatically, her belly and thighs caught up in spasmodic contractions, her excitement still obvious as with wild and eager passion, she said: "Darling… oh Lover… it's tremendous… so beautiful! Fill me, my sweet… fill me with your hot, sweet cum! Fuck me hard, Darling! Give me everything you've got!"

Gil felt like screaming! His agonized bliss was that intense. The pleasure-pain in his balls seemed unbearable. He thrust and withdrew to the very tip of his prick, then plunged again and again, feeling the wild sucking of her cuntal muscles as she tried to extract the life-giving fluid from his seething loins. He was almost there… he knew it! Almost… but not quite! Seconds more! He'd go out of his Goddamned mind! He rammed and rammed and rammed again… then! He gasped, swore loudly, and felt the apex of his climb as suddenly he began to topple down the crazy fucking mountain of his orgasm!

Jan moaned with him as she clutched at his shoulders and thrust her cunt up high onto his enrapturous cock. He quaked from head to toe, grunting and blurting unintelligible sounds while he shot into her, spouting with jerking, violent force the convulsive streams of his thick, white hot sperm, squirting it far up into the hidden recesses of her open and wanting womb.

Fuck! Oh fuck! He wished it would never end… but it did, eventually, and when it was over he could do nothing but collapse on top of her, into her receptive arms… He was damned near exhausted!

In a while, Jan rolled him gently off of her onto his back, then leaned over him, planting a kiss warmly on his mouth. She rested on her elbow above his face, smiling down at him, her expression a vision of contented loveliness.

"Gil Martin," she said softly, teasingly, "you've been taking lessons from someone… and believe me, Darling, I-I'm not complaining."

Gil felt his face flushing; she'd actually hit the nail right on the head, hadn't she? But he didn't intend to admit to it… not yet anyway. "Not exactly," he replied, a spasmodic shudder, then a heavy sigh rippling over and from him. "It's simply that I finally woke up to what a lucky man I am to have you… and that nothing else really counts… just you and the twins, Jan."

"Oh Darling," she whispered, putting her arm over his broad chest and kissing him once more. "I… I only hope it isn't too late for us…"

He took her beautiful face between his hands, raising it so that he could better see her. He said: "You mean Jenkins?"

She swallowed tightly, dropping her eyes. "Just the sight of him makes my flesh crawl, Gil… and to think the little monster wants to get at our Katie!"

"No! No!" Gil snapped, rolling suddenly away from her to sit up on his side of the bed. "I'll kill him first! I swear it… I will!"

"You'll do no such thing, Darling," Jan replied immediately. "Remember what I said… we can overcome anything together… and that's including Darrel Jenkins… Only, you'll have to leave him to me, Darling… let me handle him my way…"

Gil twisted around to stare back at her. Christ, she was beautiful, and he could read the revised love for him in her eyes… "Oh God, Jan… I don't know… I just can't let you…"

She crawled closer to him on the bed and drew him down to her; they kissed passionately.

"I love you, Gil Darling," she whispered in a soft, sincere tone. "I can't let anyone or anything ever take you away from me again." He started to speak and she pressed her finger to his lips in a gesture of silence. "Not another word… I'll handle Darrel Jenkins… but my way…"


Katie had slipped into her peignoir and Lee had thrown a robe around himself. They sat on the edge of his bed side by side, both elated in their new-found closeness, their most intimate secrets and worries confided in the other, truly happy, perhaps, for the first time in years. Lee held her small white hand in his own and looked into her wide blue eyes.

He said: "Y-You don't know the load you've lifted from my head, Sis… I mean, giving me the whole scene on Millie. I don't know why, but it just never hit me that she was playing the school pump. I guess she never meant enough to me was all…"

"You're too good for her, Lee," Katie said, then a little smile crossed her lips. "Besides, I want to keep you for myself…"

"That's fine, but I suppose I'll have to go on sharing you with that Goddamned Wolf and Roan," he needled in fun. She laughed teasingly. "Anyway, don't worry about Juan, I'll fix his ass. He won't bother you anymore…"

"I'm more worried about what Mom and Dad said… I mean… Darrel Jenkins wanting me," she said, and he squeezed her hand reassuringly as he felt a little tremor ripple over her. "I wonder what it's all about, Lee? They both seemed so upset… as if Darrel Jenkins had Daddy in some sort of a spot that could mean bad trouble for him."

"Yeah…" Lee replied, getting to his feet to pace aimlessly. "I never did like that sonofabitch. Man, if he tries to bring any harm to Dad, I swear, I'll cut his lousy nuts off!"

"No, Lee… you won't do anything of the sort," Katie said, getting to her own feet. "If it's me he wants, then I'll handle him… my way…"

Lee swung around to face her. "Your way? Now just what in hell do you mean by that, little sister?"

"I'm not certain yet… but I will be before this day is over with," she replied evenly, "once I get my female brain working diligently on it…"

"Listen, I don't want you to have anything to do with that warped bastard!" Lee snapped. "And I mean it, Katie! You keep to hell out of his reach! You dig me, girl?"

Katie smiled and nodded, her whole body filling with the elation of his concern for her. Dear God, she loved him so much… just as she loved Daddy and her Mom; Lord, she would willingly die for any or all of them… and whatever Darrel Jenkins wanted of her, it couldn't be that much of a sacrifice… not if it would save her wonderful father from some horrible fate that was bound to disrupt… maybe even destroy all of their newly discovered happiness.

"All right, brother Darling," she said, moving in close to give him a peck on the cheek, then walking toward the door.

"Remember what I said, damnit," he reminded her.

She blew him a kiss; her mind was already made up.


Jan Martin couldn't remember when she had seen her Gil looking so proud and happy, even with the horrifying shadow of a prison sentence hanging over him, nor could she recall when she, herself, had known such joyous sexual fulfillment. In all truth, it had never been like that for her with any man, and there had been a few since leaving Tucson, but all brief affairs and with what she liked to think of as proper decorum, if propriety could be considered under such circumstances.

She smiled to herself now as she stepped from the shower, her lovely body still tingling delightfully from the physical pleasures her husband had brought her. God, how she loved him… and had always loved him; she refused to think how close their marriage had been to disaster up until a mere hour before when he'd brought her enchantment that she'd never imagined possible! But that was all behind her now, as were her drinking escapades; there'd be no more frustrations to drown… no trips into Phoenix where with discretion a girl could meet a salesman or young executive passing through… a gentleman who invariably was more than willing to relieve the tensions of a hyper-aesthesiac… a tryst that more often than not left her in a state of complete physical and mental chaos.