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God, she was so happy! Not even the task of facing Darrel Jenkins could shake her… that is, as long as she didn't think of him from a carnal standpoint… yet, there was small doubt in her mind of what she'd have to do to appease him… But in God's name, it was the least she could do for her Darling Gil, now… and if she did it well, Katie, too, would be saved from the lecherous little monster's filthy clutches.

Of course, Jan had said nothing to Gil of her plans! Otherwise, he would've absolutely refused to leave her. She thought of this as she toweled herself dry before the full-length bathroom mirror, admiring her voluptuous body narcissistically, and reveling in the wake of the sensations her lover-husband had revitalized inside her. She felt as she had some sixteen years before as a new bride, yet much more fulfilled, contented and determined now at thirty-four than she'd ever dreamed of at 18.

She walked naked from the bath into the bedroom and began to dress slowly, her mind a maze of pleasure-filled thoughts, occasionally interrupted by the awesome vision of Darrel Jenkins, a shudder-provoking engrossment that she tried not to dwell on. She sensed a cold little chill ripple up the smooth flesh of her back, but refused to give in to it. There was no other way… and she intended to protect her darlings at any cost!

She forced his evil countenance from her mind with the mental picture of Gil and Lee leaving together for the golf course only a half-hour before. She'd watched them from her window walking toward the car, a little choking ache of joy in her throat at the sight of Gil with his arm around their son. God knows, she'd come to the conclusion only days before that the love and closeness they had all known once as a family unit was completely gone… and then, to witness that beautiful scene… It made it all worthwhile… whatever she had to do!

Yes, it was a Saturday to remember all right… perhaps, the most important one in all of their lives… and it wasn't over yet… Jan hardly knew how she was going to approach Darrel Jenkins, outside of the rough plan she'd discussed with Gil of inviting him to dinner that evening and trying to make him listen to reason. Perhaps, in the presence of their whole little family he might soften and find some mercy in his heart. Lord, how simple it would be for him financially to cover Gil's non-secured loan… which, of course, he'd already agreed to do… providing both she and Katie gave in to him sexually… Dear God, just the mere thought of him violating her lovely little girl was enough to nauseate her!

No… no, it would be more feasible to meet with him alone… to keep him away from Katie entirely, she'd decided, which was exactly what she was dressing to do at that very moment. She would call him first, make an appointment to see him that afternoon in his Phoenix apartment… and pray that God would go with her.

It wasn't as if he were some brutalizing figure of a man; it was simply his grotesqueness, plus the fact, Jan supposed, that he would be coercing her… but then, she'd always had too much pride for her own good. Perhaps the humiliation of having to bow to his demands might teach her a measure of humbleness… and serve as penance for her unfaithfulness to Gil as well, she told herself almost masochistically. God knows, she would do anything for her Darling husband, or sweet Baby, Katie… say nothing of her precious Lee.

In panties, bra and hose, she sat before her vanity-mirror brushing the long black tresses that her handsome son loved to run his hands through. Lately, she'd tried with difficulty to restrain her thoughts of this boy who had only to lay his hand upon hers to set the wildest sensations racing through her. Even at that moment, she felt a tingling in her belly at the mere thought of him touching her hair, her face flushing with the shame of her unnatural desire. But now that she and Gil had found each other at last, maybe it would gradually subside and stop tormenting her.

To herself, at least, Jan couldn't deny the growing incestuous hunger for him she had nourished over the past year… yes, nourished… for hadn't she been well aware of the craving in his own eyes when he looked at her, as well as his secret little peek-hole that she knowingly paraded before in near-salacity while he played the voyeur?

Suddenly, she shook her head as if to rid herself of all the venereally transgressive thoughts that had filed through her brain in the last hour. She was guilty and she knew it… but it wasn't too late! Thank God, she was going to have the chance to redeem herself, at least, in her own eyes, and save all of her darlings in the bargain. She wouldn't fail; she felt confident of that, and quite penitent as she slowly arose and walked toward the telephone.


Katie Martin sat in the plush chair of Darrel Jenkins' luxurious apartment living room, some half-dozen feet across from the deformed little man whose lecherous eyes were bugging from his bald head licentiously. Surprisingly enough, she was not afraid, as she'd felt certain she would be after she'd called and made the appointment, but she realized that was only because en route there she had spotted Ronnie Carter in his Caddy with an older blonde girl beside him! Beside him? God, she'd been practically on his lap with her arm around his neck! It was no damned wonder to her now why he hadn't shown up at their party the night before… and she couldn't shake her anger… damn him!

"So, Katie," the little chicken-breasted man began, lighting a cigarette and letting out smoke as he sat back in the big chair, almost as a child might, his small feet not touching the floor. "May I call you Katie?" he questioned, leaning forward, his horrid round face wearing a nauseating smile.

Katie nodded, feeling his eyes performing the usual male function of mentally undressing her, yet making no motion to adjust her mini skirt that rested high across her legs, exposing a peeking glimpse of her soft white inner thigh above the nylons and garter strap she had purposely worn instead of pantyhose. She had made up her mind the moment Daddy and Lee had left for the golf course, not knowing exactly what would be expected of her, but dressing for the occasion anyway, before going down to the stables and asking Juan to take her into town.

"All right then, Katie," she heard him say. "You spoke of something over the telephone that you wanted to discuss with me? What is it, Dear? How can I help you?"

Katie had never realized what a syrupy, almost chilling voice he had, though she had seen and talked with him at the ranch a number of times. But she had always been aware of his eyes raking over her body and the meaning behind the lascivious gleam they wore… and they were filled with that same lusty hunger right at that moment… She swallowed tightly, feeling a light ripple of fear clutch at her belly, wondering for the first time if maybe she hadn't bit off more than she could handle. She said: "It's… it's about Daddy, Mr. Jenkins… He's in some sort of trouble… I don't know what, but I think you do… and you can help him… can't you?"

Darrel Jenkins studied her warily with his small, beady eyes. He dragged subconsciously at his cigarette while simultaneously he drank of her young voluptuous beauty. Christ, she was an enticing little bitch, with those tits and legs, and an ass so round, firm and tight looking… just built for fucking… like her mother.

"How did you come to imagine all of this?" he questioned, wondering momentarily if Martin had sent her… was actually willing to sacrifice her in an effort to save his own ass?

"I'm not imagining anything, Mr. Jenkins," Katie replied evenly. "We both know that. It's true, Daddy's in trouble and you can help him. I overheard him and Mom talking…"

"But you don't know what the trouble is?"