"Do you want to look between my legs, too? I hardly have any hair there, and I'm not sure how much difference that makes."
Careful not to reveal my delight at her offer, I answered "I suppose it couldn't hurt to look…"
She didn't blush in the slightest at the idea of me looking at her so intimately; she just took a seat on the couch, then rested on her tailbone before putting one foot on the floor, and raising the other leg to rest it on the back of the couch. I started to lean forward, then stopped and looked at her. She realized I wanted to know if I could look closer, and she told me "It's okay."
Careful not to get too close, I leaned forward so that I could see the area between her smooth thighs. Her pubic hair thinned quickly past about the midpoint of her mons; the lower third of her mound was completely bare. With her spread open that way, I could see her inner lips, which were small and thin — between them, I could faintly see the entrance to her vagina. To my surprise, the area between her labia looked like it was somewhat shiny — as though some of her young woman's oils had escaped her. I caught only the faintest whiff of her unique female scent, but it was enough to make my mouth water with how light and fresh it was.
I didn't spend as much time looking at her as I would have liked for the simple reason that I was ostensibly simply making sure she was suitably developed; when I'd sat up again, she demurely brought her legs back together, then just sat there, still naked. I looked into her eyes and told her
"You've got everything you're supposed to have, and I don't see that you're missing anything. For your age, I think you're about as developed as you should be. Maybe it doesn't seem like much, now, but I don't doubt that everything will be okay as you get older. You're very pretty now, and I know you're going to be beautiful when you're grown up. Okay?"
I could tell that my words gave her the comfort and reassurance she needed and wanted. We sat there in silence for a few seconds as I watched her deep in thought. When she turned her attention to me again, she wanted to know "Is that orgasm thing really as nice as it sounds like?
That it's even better than the best I've ever felt when I touched myself?"
I smiled before answering "I can't answer those questions, Em. First, I'm not a girl, so I don't know what an orgasm is like; when it happens for guys, it's usually called a climax. Second, I'm not you, so I can't know how good you feel. All I can tell you is that when I've been with a woman that has had one, she sure seemed to like it. And there's no point in asking me what it's like, even for guys — honestly, there really aren't the words to try and describe it. It's just one of those things that you have to experience; once you do, you'll know why you can't tell anyone else how it feels. I'm sorry."
She considered that in silence for a few moments before asking me "Could you maybe help ME
have one, then? So I know? Sometimes when I touch myself, I can kinda feel myself getting close to something, but it hasn't happened yet."
With a serious expression, I told her "I could try to help you, but there are a couple of things that I have to make sure you understand, first."
"What's that?"
"The most important one is that for me to do that, I'd have to touch you. Not just pat you on the butt like I do, but on your boobs, and even between your legs; the same way you touch yourself."
Giving me a mildly exasperated look, she said "Of course you'd have to touch me. That's what I want you to do!"
I gave her a smile before getting serious again so I could say "Okay, I just had to make sure you really understood that. Something else that you have to understand is that there are laws that say
I'm not supposed to touch you like that because it's sexual. I know, that's what you want to find out — what it's like to have an orgasm, which is automatically sexual, but that doesn't change the fact that there are laws against it. So what you have to understand is that if I did that, I could be sent to jail, or even prison, for a long time. I'd almost certainly lose everything I own so that I could try to pay for lawyers so I could try to stay out of jail or prison, or at least be there for as little time as possible. The last thing is that people would know that I did touch you that way, and everybody would think I was some kind of pervert or child molester. I probably wouldn't be able to get a job anyplace because of that, and nobody would want to be my friend. Almost nobody would want to have anything to do with me; I probably wouldn't even be able to have a girlfriend. The last thing is part of the against the law part — all of that would happen to me if anybody ever found out about it… the police, one of your teachers, the parents of one of your friends, anybody could tell on me, and get me into all that trouble. Now, I know that I'm not doing anything to hurt you, or trying to trick you into doing anything you don't want to, and I'm willing to help you like you want. But I have to be sure that I'm not going to have all those other problems because of it — I have to know that I can trust you not to say anything to anybody that would tell on me. Remember, almost every adult you know would think that I was doing something bad to you, and would tell on me because they didn't understand what we were doing, and why. You'd have to be careful about all the people you know that are your age, too, because I think you know that they don't always think about things the way they should before they say or do something — and it would only take just one of them to make a mistake like that to get me into all that trouble. So you have to decide if you can really keep it secret that I'm helping you with stuff like this."
By the time I was done, I could see that she was horrified by all that might (probably would!) happen if anyone found out what she wanted me to do. She was old enough to understand that as bad as things had been after her parents divorced, she and her sister and mother hadn't lost everything, or had to face the kinds of personal problems that I'd described. It was plain as it could be that she knew how serious what she'd asked was, and that she understood the consequences of failing to keep that particular secret.
I sat across from her, waiting patiently as she thought about everything I'd said. The longer she sat there thinking, the more sure I was that whatever answer I got from her was something I could count on — that it wouldn't be a quick, glib, off-the-cuff response.
So I was actually pleased when a good five minutes went by before she looked into my eyes as she seriously told me "I wouldn't tell anybody… not even Mom. Sometimes Gail tells me about stuff like this that she's having trouble with, so would it be okay if I told her some of what I learn with you? Not where I learned it, or anything, just what I know? And… and maybe tell her it's okay to talk to you about this stuff, too?"
That was what I'd wanted, and hoped, to hear — but I still let a few seconds go by as though I were thinking about her questions, before I answered "I think that might be okay, as long as you're as careful as you say."
Still serious, Emma nodded her head before informing me "I will be, I promise!"
After a few seconds, I took one of her hands between mine and gently squeezed it before telling her "Okay, Em, I'm going to trust you.", making her look relieved and pleased, both.
We both sat there for a bit, with me still holding her hand, before I told her "I'm sorry if I worried you, or ruined things for today, or maybe even sounded like I didn't want to do anything with you. I really wasn't trying to do any of that; like I said, I just had to make SURE I wasn't going to get in trouble because I was helping you. If you want me to help you have an orgasm, I'll be glad to do that; we can do it today, if you want… or some other time, if that's better."