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by Shane McKenzie

Slim tilted the vodka bottle over his mouth, tapping the bottom of it to get at that last stinging drop he knew was in there. He stuck out his quivering tongue and snorted when the bottle refused to comply.


The bottle smashed into a sparkling mist as it disintegrated against the brick wall.


Luther sniffed Slim’s right leg again, and for the hundredth time, Slim kicked him away with the left. The right leg lay there on the concrete like a useless slab of meat; he hadn’t felt a thing in that leg for some time now… but he could smell it loud and clear.

And Luther smelled it too. As strong as the odor was to Slim, he imagined Luther’s heightened sense of smell made it like fireworks in his nose. The dog’s saliva poured from his tongue as he panted.

Slim didn’t like looking at it. Nothing he could do about it anyway, so he just kept his pant leg down and pretended nothing was wrong. Even when the wound would leak fluid, soaking it into the fabric of his already grime-covered jeans, he would just let it dry, then scrape away the milky film with his serrated thumbnail.

Slim had one cigarette left, but no goddamn lighter. He didn’t think he’d ever find the strength to go get one either; it was getting harder and harder to stand up, let alone walk anywhere. He stuffed his hand into his coat pocket, felt the cigarette there, sighed. His nicotine addiction was kicking him in the balls, but he chewed on it until it subsided.

Luther’s eyes went from Slim’s leg, back to Slim’s face. His tail was between his legs and he whined, whispery and low. His tongue slithered over his chops and snout, matting the hair down with dampness.

Slim flinched as laughter erupted from the street just a few feet away from where he and Luther sat, concealed by the alley’s darkness like two broken-winged bats on a cave floor. The alley was their home. Well, Slim hadn’t meant for it to be their home, but he sat there one day when his leg was smarting something fierce, and he hadn’t been able to move since. Therefore, home sweet home the alley became. It wasn’t so bad at first. He’d plopped down within arm’s reach of a trash can that had some salvageable food inside. He didn’t know who it belonged to, but whoever it was, they hadn’t refilled it since he’d been there. He hoped for them to come each day, but they always disappointed. And as he sat there in that spot, the feeling in his leg turned from excruciating pain to nothing—an ominous numbness.

He didn’t know how long he’d been sitting in that spot, lost track of the coming and going of sunlight. A cakey soup of his own shit and piss cemented him to the ground and wall he was propped up against. The smell of it mixed with the pungent aroma of his festering leg and became a potpourri of putridity. Flies zigzagged around them in a constant chaotic buzz.

Slim twisted his head to face the ruckus sounding from his left and saw a man, each one of his arms wrapped around the necks of scantily clad girls on either side of him. All three of them smothered in green clothing. Slim envied their obvious intoxication, and just watching them stumble along made him shake with need. The girls, wobbly-legged themselves, had to hold up the mumbling man as his feet danced drunkenly on the pavement, refusing to stay straight. They giggled in unison, then lost their footing and all collapsed into a dogpile of green cotton and sweaty skin.

Luther growled. He stepped in between Slim and the interlopers, lowered his head and glared at them.

“Whoa…fuckin’ dog,” the man said, one of the girls’ legs pinned under his chest. “Here poochy poochy.” This was followed by howling laughter and snickering from the girls.

They started to climb back to their feet when one of the females noticed Slim. She squinted into the darkness, simultaneously stumbling to catch her balance. A verdant shine reflected off the plastic clover necklace dangling from her neck.

“S-someone there?” She took about five clumsy steps into the alley, her ankles threatening to snap as she tried balancing on her high-heels. She stopped suddenly. “God damn…fuckin’ smells!”

This remark invited more snickering and cackling from the others. Luther took a few more steps toward her.

Slim stayed quiet. He only wanted them to leave him be. His body shook with hunger and thirst, and most of all, withdrawal. He just stayed still, peering at the girl who stared at him as if he was some kind of zoo animal on display for her pleasure. A fly landed on his nose and tickled it with tiny filth-dipped legs.

The man, with help from the other female, joined their friend in gawking at Slim. They all just stood there, silent, as if just the smell of him had sobered them up.

“Hey…buddy,” the man said. “Y-you’re not wearing any gr…green.” He nearly fell over after saying this, but his friend kept him up.

“Come on,” the girl holding him up said, “let’s get f-fuck outta here. That mu…motherfucker reeks!”

Luther took another step toward them. Slim thought about pulling him back, but he didn’t. He just stayed put, as if remaining perfectly still would camouflage him from the drunkards’ sight.

“H-hey,” the man said, “buddy. D-don’t you know…you can get p-pinched if you don’t wear green?”

The girl took blind steps backward, pulling the man along. His eyes showed that he wasn’t finished talking, but his legs did nothing to keep him there. He was pulled away, and Slim was thankful.

Just leave me be,goddamnit.

The other girl, the one closest to him, still stared. “He’s right you know. B-bad luck not to wear green.”

Luther barked and snapped his jaws at her. A foamy beard had formed around his mouth, droplets creating an inkblot on the concrete below him.

The girl lifted her shirt and her tiny breasts stared at Slim, triangles of paler skin surrounding her hot pink nipples. Her clover necklace clanked against itself as it dangled over her bunched up shirt. “Happy Saint Patrick’s Day,” she said. Then she turned awkwardly and followed her friends out of the alley.

Slim knew he should have been excited to see a pair of breasts. It had been so long. The last pair he’d seen must have been two years ago, and those belonged to Gretchen. That woman would suck a dick for a cigarette butt. Slim remembered he couldn’t even see her nipples through all the grime and grease.

But even though the sight of the clean, young breasts was refreshing, he felt more depressed than anything. The girl had no shame in exposing herself to him. Might as well have been flashing her tits at a pile of maggoty shit for all she cared. An inanimate stinking mound of filth.


And Slim could give a flying fuck about Saint Patrick’s Day. Or any other useless holiday for that matter. Watching countless groups of staggering drunks, all clad in their green, made Slim clench his fists to calm the shakes.

Bad luck not to wear green? You can pinch me right here, bitch!

As the thoughts swirled in his mind, Slim grabbed his crotch and pulled on it, wishing he’d had the nerve to do it while the girl was still staring at him.

He didn’t feel the other tugging. He’d been staring toward the street, watching other drunks as they left the bars. He’d been thinking about the pink nipples staring at him.

He couldn’t feel Luther sinking his teeth into the flesh of his calf, just to the side of his shin bone, the part numbed by disease. When he heard the slobbery growl, he turned and gasped.