She drifted off to sleep on that resolve. About an hour later she came half awake when Curt climbed in with her. She felt him touch his lips warmly to her cheek before she sank back into oblivion.
In the morning, Curt left without waking her. At about ten she got up showered thoroughly, hoping to remove the filth of her sin of the night before, and then went to the telephone. She asked information for the number of the FBI, made inquiries until she found the man in charge of illegal drugs, and then, anonymously told him all she knew, every name of everyone involved, Ike Harvey, Bernard Khumalo. And all the details, the yacht, the ivory, the cocaine, Zimbabwe, Angola, the two Africans with Khumalo, the party and the orgy of the night before. He asked for her name and she quickly hung up, knowing she didn't dare involve herself further lest she become a casualty in the war on drugs. She felt she had done enough. She had been fucked and abused to get into a position where she could come by the information she had just conveyed to the FBI. There was no reason she should risk herself further when all she wanted was to be with Curt again, just the two of them, alone and in love the way they had been before.
Sue came through the door in the early afternoon. She had dark circles under her eyes and Kim decided that her friend hadn't held up under the abuse as well as she had. Kim had looked radiant upon rising. She had noticed that. The sex had done her no physical damage beyond a certain soreness between the legs.
Taking a sip of her coffee,Sue gave her friend a tired smile. She looked at Kim for a long time, then she said, "Kimmy-loo, you are the eighth wonder of the world. How the hell did you go from being little Miss Goodie Two Shoes to that hot little minx at the party yesterday?"
Blushing, Kim said severely, "And I don't want it to happen again, if I can possibly help it. It was my fault, but it wasn't me, and it's going to stop."
For the first time ever, Sue dropped her patronizing, big-sisterly attitude. Kim had changed overnight. She was no longer on the defensive, a shy, retiring little baby waiting to get preyed upon. A good piece of her naivete had been driven out by the revelry at 812 Silver Towers last night. After all, what could Sue tell Kim now about men and sex and drugs? Kim had gone further at that party than Sue had ever dreamed of going herself. It had been a virtual gang-bang and there was nothing Sue could tell her friend now. Kim had done it all now, but there was no doubt in Sue's mind that the younger girl would do everything in her power to see it never had to happen again. Though many things in the teenaged bride might have been changed by last night's revelry, her love for her husband and her belief that marital fidelity was paramount in a marriage relationship remained unchanged. Of course, her love for her husband was still undiminished. There was still nothing more important to her than that.
"So what are you going to do?" asked Sue. "You can't tell me you're just going to let him give that video tape to Curt. So how are you going to stop him?"
"I've already made my own arrangements," Kim told her. "And if I'm lucky I won't be in that position too often again."
Sue lifted an eyebrow. "Do I hear my sweet little Kimmy-loo getting tough at last?"
Kim bowed her head and Sue saw a tear break free and slide down her cheek. "They're turning me into an animal, Susie," she sobbed suddenly. "The only thing worse that could happen would be for Curt to find out what I've done, so I'm not going to let that happen. But Ike Harvey is going to be very surprised, very soon."
Sue stared at her for a long time. "You don't mean that you've informed the law about him."
Kim stared back hard. "I didn't say anything. The less you know, the better." Kim bit her lip and thought to herself, I hope the FBI acts on what I told them and doesn't just pass it off as a joke or something. In that case I'll have men sticking their cocks into me for the next ten years.
Sue shook her head. "If you've blown the whistle on Ike and the Africans then I hope you've got a good place to hide. 'Cause they'll kill you."
"Better than being a whore," Kim said. "How do you feel? You look horrible."
Sue smiled. "Thanks, I love you too. I had a great time last night, and I'd love to get to that Bernard in bed, if the opportunity arises."
Kim shook her head. "You'll never change, will you, Sue?"
"Why should I? You're the one who's changing. You should have seen yourself yesterday. You turned on like a bitch in heat!"
Kim sighed. "I know. I couldn't control it. I caught fire."
"So what makes you think you can control it now? You know what it feels like. Do you think you're going to be able to resist a good hard cock when it gets near your hot little pussy?"
"What I've got to do is make sure I don't get another cock near my hot little pussy."
"And what are you going to do if he calls you up today and tells you you're the meat on the table for another one of his little parties?"
Kim stuck out her lower lip sadly. "I'd have to go today. But soon, I won't have to."
Sue put her arms around her friend. "I hope we can work it out for you, darlin'. As much as I liked the party last night and want to go to another one, I hope we can get you set free. God knows Curt is worth the trouble. If I'd only had a guy like him, I'd be the same way. I'd still be married."
"Then you understand. You'll help me?"
"Whatever I can do, Kimmy-loo. So what can we do?"
Kim sighed. "All right." She leaned across so her face was
very close to Sue's. "I told the FBI. Just a half-hour ago. It's just a matter of time before they expose Ike Harvey and his friends for what they are doing. If I'm lucky, Ike will be caught and Curt and I can get away without Curt's finding out what I've been forced into."
Squeezing Kim's hand, Sue said, "I hope so, Kim. With all my heart, I hope so."
Chapter 9
Harriett was furious with herself, with Ike, with life in general. Her plan for exposing Kim and winning over Curt had been ruined when Ike answered the door at the party. If it had been anyone else, Curt would have got the one glimpse that would have destroyed his love for his too-beautiful wife and given Harriett the leverage she needed. Of course, she would probably have been summarily fired, but then Curt would have created a scene and got fired too and they could go away together. Maybe. The reality of it was that Harriett would have given up the job gladly for a chance to spend her life with Curt.
But she didn't plan on giving up yet. And this time she would be there first, before Ike could slam the door in her face.
Picking up the phone she dialled Curt's office and felt that familiar thrill when she heard his voice.
"How's the best lover in the U.S.?" she crooned.
"Tired," Curt said. "Too much you-know-what."
"Didn't you get any sleep last night?"
"Not enough." He paused. "She was asleep when I got home last night and I left before she woke up this morning. I didn't have to make any excuses for last night."
"Don't you think she missed you?"
"I haven't talked to her yet. She's a wonderful girl the best. I don't like deceiving her."
"What would you do if she'd been at that party last night when we got there?"
Curt snorted. "She'd never be caught dead at a party like that. She's practically the Virgin Mary."