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Kim began shaking her head, panic striking into her heart. "Oh, no! You can't mean with the dog!"

Big John smiled and nodded. "I couldn't stop him now. He'd tear me apart, after all the work he did with his tongue on your pussy."

Kim felt a chill of revulsion go through her. It had been the dog all this time that was giving her such pleasure. And now he wanted to take his pleasure with her.

"Oh, please no! This is awful. I just can't."

"There's nothing we can do now, little darling," Big John crooned. "You might as well just relax and enjoy yourself."

Kim struggled, trying to pull her head free of Big John's hands and shake the dog off her behind. She only succeeded in angering the dog so that it gave a very loud bark that reminded her more of a lion's roar. The teenaged bride froze, the hair on the back of her neck bristling with terror.

Sue looked down at her friend, wanting to run to her aid, but the African held her hips down on him so that she was impaled deeply on his cock and unable to move. Poor Kim! She didn't deserve to be degraded like this.

"Please, Bernard," Sue begged. "Please help her." But Bernard only smiled.

Curt looked from the porthole of the cabin at the scene below. The African lay on his back beneath a naked girl Curt could swear was Kim's friend Sue. The rest of the people were strewn about in orgiastic abandon, most of them engaged in sexual acts, but all of them watching the kneeling blond in the center of the deck with the huge, fierce, tawny-coated male bull mastiff mounted over her shuddering buttocks. She was positioned at an angle where he could see the hanging melons of her pink-nippled tits and the curves of her plump, round moons, and between them the tight asshole and the coral slash of her blonde-furred vagina.Her hair of spun gold and the big man's hands were covering her face so he still couldn't make out her features, but he was sure it was the wild little vixen he had seen being fucked by the two Africans the night before. She was such a hot little bitch! He could see the pussy juice running down her thighs. But she was shaking her head and trying to get free of the two mighty males. She was obviously unwilling to go to this extreme for sexual enjoyment, but it was plain to see that it was expected of her and that the other members of the party were eagerly anticipating seeing her do it with the dog.

Harriett stood beside Curt, one arm around his waist and her other hand gently stroking the hard length of his aroused cock. His breathing had deepened as he waited for the moment when the bestial scene would be enacted.

Then Curt saw the big man take his hands from her face and step back, and he could see the beautiful face of the blond girl who was bout to be brought to the level of animals.


The hopeless girl watched Big John step back, his cock protruding from the fly of the leather garment, waving from side to side as he moved. Kim turned her head and looked back at the huge, fierce dog, catching a glimpse of his thick, long, red cock as she moved her hips to the side. The dog moved back behind her, giving her a blow to the ribs with one of his paws, knocking the breath from her. Then, Sally moved in and grasped the, dog's penis. At the same time she reached under Kim's belly and between her legs, using two fingers to spread the folds of Kim's pussy and moving the tip of the cock up and down the slit, parting the soft strands and placing the tip over the little opening of Kim's sweet young vagina.

The betrayed bride looked up at the people around her, tears running down her cheeks, begging. "Oh, please, don't do this to me! Help me, somebody, help me, help me, help me…" Her voice trailed off as she felt the dog push forward into her.

As soon as Stud, the bull mastiff, felt the hot, wet nibble of Kim's cunt on the tip of his penis, he did only that which nature demanded of all male animals. He romped forward, bursting his cock from Sally's gentle grip and sinking it deep into Kim's tender vagina. He thrust hard, then thrust again, and yet again, until it was completely sheathed within her hot cunt, his balls in their tawny sac swinging beneath her and colliding with her hairy mound.

Kim caught her breath, then wailed, "Oh, my God!" She felt the dog thrusting against her, making sure that it was all the way inside, feeling her smooth, slick cuntal walls stroking his rutting dog cock in a reluctant but irresistible caress. Never had the dog felt such a sweet, hot, good-feeling cunt around his cock, and he had fucked many women in his time. With whatever reasoning power the dog had, he knew he loved this hot-cunted, golden female, that he must have her for himself and fuck her

Inside the cabin, Curt watched the dog lunge forward, burying his red prick in the delicate vagina of his wife, the girl he had thought was pure and innocent, the girl who had worn white at their wedding just three months before. His hands gripped the edge of the window like a vise while Harriett, kneeling below him, sucked the cock that had suddenly become unbearably erect. He saw the dog begin fucking in and out of the soft, tight vagina of his wife, drawing way back and then pushing forward, stabbing deep into her uplifted cunt.

"Kim! Kim!" he rasped, his cock twitching at the obscene sight. The red prick sluiced in and out of Curt's wife's tender young vagina, drawing her inner cuntal lining out on the outstroke, and stuffing it back in on the instroke. In and out, with a bestial, lewd rhythm, his balls swinging between her legs and his strong, hard belly thwacking against her spongy bottom, making the splayed round cheeks ripple with each pounding stroke.

When Kim felt herself filled and invaded by the forbidden dog penis, she opened her mouth wide it astonishment. It was very large and long, especially for a canine cock, and much hotter and stickier than any of the male members she had had inside her, and it was a devastating feeling to have it enter her so deeply, all the way to her cervix while the hard, furry belly crowded up between the spread cheeks of her bottom. Her blue eyes opened wide and seemed to pop out for a moment as her mouth gaped open in disbelief at the thought that this was really happening to her. And the feeling! It was such a wild feeling to be so forcefully mounted and fucked. It was unnatural, obscene, taboo, and it felt so strange. Kim had never thought that such things were done, or even were possible, and now here she found herself, mounted from behind like a dog, by a dog, Stud's thick hard penis jammed deeply into her sacred vagina.

Big John stood back, his huge hands on his hips. Kim's face was bright red, the reality of her position almost causing her to faint with shame. All the people's eyes were on her and the women were panting in sympathy with the subjugated blond. They all could see her tender vaginal lips split wide and folded over on themselves while the dog's scrotum seemed to be growing out of her, so deep was the penis planted inside her. Sue had given up her struggles to free herself from Khumalo and had begun revolving her hips over him again, and when Stud began his rutting motions over Kim, the brunette started moving in time with the dog.

Stud began fucking slowly in and out of Kim's wet cunt, watching for the signals that Big John had taught him to obey, thumbs up for a faster and down for a slower rhythm. Right now, the man signalled the dog that his fucking speed was just right and the dog, feeling the delicate, wet caress of the girl's pussy over the length of his surgically enlarged cock, concentrated on each heavenly stroke through her slippery flesh.

"Oh, no, oh no," Kim whined, feeling the burning shaft piercing her vagina deeply, hammering at the door of her womb. Lowering her head, she looked back under her quivering tits and saw the stony, loose-slung balls swinging up under her lower belly, at times coming up so hard they bounced off her pubic bush. Every now and then she got a glimpse of part of the rod as it backed out. "Oh, no, oh, no," she moaned. It was really happening.