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“Very lucky, Beatrice.”

She sipped her champagne. “This is really good, by the way. What kind of champagne is it?”

He twisted the bottle so she could see the label. “This is Dom Pérignon.”

She snorted a little, catching the wine that wanted to escape her mouth before she carefully swallowed. “Isn’t that, like, super expensive?”

“This one was quite reasonable. I got it from the cellar. One of Caspar’s, a 1985 vintage. I think he acquired it for around four hundred or so.”

“A bottle?” she squeaked.

He shrugged. “Drink up. I have plenty of money. I might as well spend it on people and things I enjoy.”

She was still eyeing the bubbling glass with trepidation. He rolled his eyes.

“Beatrice, just drink the champagne. I’ll never be able to finish all of it myself, and it’s your graduation.”

Smiling a little, she took a tentative sip.

“Still good?”

She nodded and took another bite of her cake.

“Did you always have a lot?” she asked.

“Of money? Except for a brief period of my life, yes. I’ve had a very long time to acquire it, as you can imagine. I have extensive investments and property, as well as what money I make working for clients, which isn’t insignificant.”

“Investments? Cool. I know all about the stock market. My grandfather and I always used to play with it.”

He laughed. “Really? That’s a rather unusual past time. No fishing? Dollhouses?”

“No,” she laughed along with him. “I think he did it instead of gambling, to be honest. If it wasn’t the stock market, it would have been the race track. I got to be better at it than him, though.”

“Were you?”

“Oh yeah, I’m pretty good. Ask my grandma. I invest all her money for her.”

“And do you have money of your own invested?”

She nodded. “That’s why I don’t have any student loans. My grandpa and I invested all the money from my father’s estate. There wasn’t much, but it was years ago, and once online trading became more common, it was easy to play around with it. Online markets are great, and I pay a lot less in broker fees now.”

He smiled in delight. “I should probably let you take a look at my financial portfolio.”

“You should,” she muttered as she took another bite of cake. “I could probably shift some of your stuff around and have you making double what you are now. Unless you’ve got a really good broker. Are you diversified into foreign markets or currencies?”

“I…don’t know.” He honestly had very little idea where most of his money was, other than the cache of gold he kept with him.

“You really need to be taking advantage of all the online trading there is now. I could show Caspar how to do it.”

“I’ll let him know.”

“Cool.” She smiled a little and took another drink of champagne. “It’s pretty fun.”

“And you do all of it on the computer now?”


He cocked his head and watched her, intrigued by the facets of her mind. “How did you learn so much about computers?”

Her smile fell, and she shrugged. “Antisocial teenager. I got one for my room, and my grandparents…well, they knew I liked being by myself, so they just left me to it.” She cleared her throat and looked down at the table. “It was the place I felt most comfortable. On my computer. Or in my books.”

“I’m sure your grandparents were happy you had it,” he said, suddenly wishing he could ease the memory of the lonely child he saw behind her eyes.

“Good thing for you I did, right? You needed a computer whiz on staff.”

“I most certainly did,” he said with a smile and a nod.

They were quiet for a few minutes as Beatrice finished her cake. Giovanni poured another glass of champagne for them both.



“Why does Lorenzo want my father?”

He frowned, wishing she hadn’t brought the topic up. “I’m sure he wants him back purely because he got away, to begin with. And I suspect he took something. Possibly something from the collection.”

“Why would he do that?”

It was an excellent question; one Giovanni has asked himself many times.

“I don’t know.”

“And why would Lorenzo have killed him?”

The memory ambushed him; he could almost hear his father’s voice.

“What do you hold in your hands?”

“A book.”

“No, you hold knowledge…and knowledge is power. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Father.”

He shook his head.

“I…it could have been as simple as your father asking the wrong question to the wrong person, Beatrice. If Lorenzo considered him a threat, your father had no chance. It’s more curious why he turned him, to be honest. For that, I think he must have had some use, though I don’t know what it might be. Otherwise, he would have just killed him.”

He saw a tear shining in her eye, but she brushed it away.

“It probably would have been better if he had, right? If Lorenzo had just killed him?”

“Don’t say that,” he murmured with a frown. “I’m not going to say that your father has had an easy start, but if this current problem can be solved, he can go on to live a wonderful, long life.”

“If we can even find him.”

He took a breath and put on a smile. “I’ll find him. I’m waiting to hear from someone very knowledgeable right now. Someone in Rome.”

“Would your friend Tenzin know anything about him?

“Tenzin?” he chuckled. “Why would Tenzin know? She lives in the middle of the Himalayas most of the time.”

Beatrice blushed a little. “I don’t know. You and Carwyn always talk about her like she’s some all-knowing seer or something.”

“And you thought-”

“I just thought she might have seen my dad.” She looked embarrassed, so Giovanni was quick to reassure her.

“We do talk about Tenzin like that. She says she only sees people or vampires in our circle of friends. People she knows.”

“But Carwyn said she’d probably had a dream or two about me?”

Damn sentimental Welshman. He paused, unsure of what to say and strangely uncomfortable with Beatrice’s uncanny memory. “It’s…possible, I suppose.”

Her eyes darted around the room. “Oh, Carwyn was probably just teasing me. She’s Chinese?”

“Who? Tenzin?”


“Tenzin is…old.”

“What, so she’s from way back when in China, huh?”

“Not exactly,” he frowned. He wasn’t sure where exactly Tenzin was from on today’s maps. He wasn’t sure his ancient friend knew herself.

Beatrice waved a hand in front of her face. “You know what, forget it. It’s her story, right? I mean, I doubt I’ll ever meet her, but if I do, it’s her story to tell. I got it.”

He smiled. “If you do ever meet Tenzin, that’s the most important thing to remember. She’s very, very old.”

“Older than you? Than Carwyn?” She frowned.

Giovanni smiled. “Carwyn and I are children compared to Tenzin.”

Beatrice paused, speechless as she stared at him, open mouthed. “How old do you have to be to make a thousand year old vampire look young?”

“Very old, Beatrice. Tenzin doesn’t operate very comfortably in the modern world. That’s part of the reason she’s in Tibet.”


“‘Wow’ is usually a good word to describe her, yes.”

“I can’t even imagine having that kind of life.”

He shrugged. “It’s not something you can imagine. When you are immortal, you see your life in years instead of days, and centuries instead of years.”

She looked at him, searching his face for something he couldn’t comprehend.

“Are you happy? Being a vampire?”

He blinked. “Am I happy?” He tried to remember if anyone had ever asked him that before.