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Down a long hallway were several doors, each leading to a dorm-style bedroom. Some looked more permanent, with messy bunk beds and three-layer dressers, while others appeared more recently inhabited, with collapsible cots and cardboard boxes for storage. Felix was in none of these rooms.

The library’s down there. If he’s not in there, we’ll check Alchemy and Optics.

But Felix was there, in the library, stretched out and snoring on a settee, Bacon’s Opus Majus on his belly, a small cat lying plumply on the book.

That’s Eggs, Sally said. As in—

Bacon and?

See, we do have a sense of humor, she said, though she wasn’t smiling. Let me get you something to eat.

More bacon and eggs

They brought their dinner to the library so they could keep an eye on Felix. It might not have been revolutionary stew, but it looked and tasted just like it, which made Leonard sad. Where was Carol? If the policemen caught her, would she be branded and forced to live outside the city walls? Would Felix be sent to the workhouse? What was that thing Felix had done today??

If the boys are hostile, Sally said, it’s because of the Schism — the wounds are fresh. They’re not ready to trust outsiders.

The Schism?

The Great Split. You know. No, you don’t. The Church of Bacon Scientist split from us some months ago — I’m surprised you didn’t hear about it. They’re in the process of opening a chain called Eggsperiment. It’s mortifying. They’re only interested in Bacon’s empirical work, his study of astronomy and his inventions. They call our work mystification.

Sounds like my sister, Carol. She used to say that about Pythagoreanism. So you’re interested in what, exactly?

Bacon’s work in astrology, alchemy, and new ways of seeing. Dwane’s in charge of re-creating the Brazen Head; Dravidian, whom you haven’t met, is our astrologer; we’ve got a team of alchemists and optic researchers. We’ve also got the Good Friars in the abbey out back. We’re struggling to keep them with us — they’re only interested in Bacon’s more orthodox theology; they think we’re heretics. But if we can crack the Voynich, we’ll unite all the Latter-Day Baconians. That’s my job. The Voynich will make clear the essential unity of the Great Man’s many interests.

I see, Leonard said, though he didn’t.

I knew you would, Sally said.

Leonard stared at his sailing shoes.

I’m really glad we met, he said, unable to look at her.

Me too, Sally said. I feel it was destined.

Me too, Leonard said, and might have said more except Felix stirred, the cat jumped, and the book Felix was holding fell to the ground.

I had the most amazing dream, Felix said.

Don’t mind them

A dream? Sally said, scrambling to her feet. Really? Wait, let me get the others!

What do you mean, the others? Leonard said.

Your nephew’s a Baconian prophet — everyone needs to hear, and off she ran.

Felix got off the couch, somewhat groggily, and got onto Leonard’s lap.

The dream was about someone named Isaac, he murmured. Is that the guy you said you’d tell me about? He had a message for you.

Leonard heard voices, then some shouting downstairs, and the sound of running.

I’ll explain later, I promise, but in the meantime, don’t tell anyone what Isaac said, okay? Not till we know what’s going on.

Gotcha, Stan, he said.

I’d prefer it if you didn’t call me that, Leonard said, and mussed Felix’s hair.

I’m worried about Mom.

What you need is some exercise! Come on! Time for some awesome karate kicks!

Felix nodded enthusiastically. The voices had stopped shouting and Leonard could hear the heavy sounds of young men treading upstairs.

Don’t mind them, he said. Five minutes. I’ll keep time, and Felix began to kick.

A funny dream

One by one, as Felix practiced his kicking, two dozen Baconians crowded into the library. There were the half dozen they’d met at the dinner table, plus Sue & Susheela, plus more in lab coats, even a monk in a brown wool frock.

We’re just waiting for Dravidian, Sally said. He’s on the roof.

Shh, Leonard said, and pointed at Felix.

Several of the lab-coated gentlemen took notes.

Five minutes! Leonard shouted, and Felix stopped, his face pink and triumphant.

That was great! Felix said, and plopped back onto Leonard’s lap.

Best ever, Leonard concurred.

Was that a prophetic ritual? one of the lab men asked another.

A breathless, wizardy guy with a starry cap and gown finally arrived — Dravidian, presumably.

We’re ready, Sally said, looking at Felix with an awe that Leonard couldn’t help wishing he’d inspired.

You guys really want to hear my dream? Felix asked. It seemed better at the time.

The lab guys all had their pens poised over mini notebooks.

Well, he said, and looked up at Leonard, who squeezed his hand. It was sort of like what happened today. All the Pythagoreans and Maoists and other Stans were on the Walking Grounds fighting each other, but slowly. I thought it was funny.

The Baconians looked at each other.

Is that it? one of them asked.

It was funny because none of the Stans got hurt, he said, looking at Leonard.

Sounds very funny, Leonard said, mussing Felix’s afro. What a great dream!

He looked at the others as if challenging them to disagree. They nodded sagely, checked their notebooks, and filed out of the room, murmuring to each other.

Sally gave Leonard and Felix a cold look.

Let me show you to your room, she said.


So what was your dream? Leonard whispered as he tucked Felix into bed.

It was this guy named Isaac, Felix whispered back. He’s blind, you know.

Leonard nodded.

He said we have to talk through the Brazen Head.


Yup, Felix said.

To who?

That’s the weird part, Felix said.


He said we have to talk to Roger Bacon!

The dead guy?

The dead guy!

What are we supposed to say?

He just said stop him! He said you’d know what that meant.

Wow, Leonard said. You did great, you know.

I did?

Sure! You’re great at this dreaming stuff, and at freezing people. Do you know how you did that?

It’s hard to explain, Felix said.

Can you try? Leonard whispered. And keep it a secret from the others for the time being.

I sort of lied before, didn’t I? When I told my dream.

Yep, but that’s okay. You did good. So, about what you did this afternoon …

Remember when I told you about the dream where four men walk into an orchard?

Suddenly Leonard heard a noise, the sound of tiptoes stopping outside the door. Under the door, interrupting the light, he could see a slight shadow — someone’s lab slipper? He put a hand over Felix’s mouth.

Later, he whispered. Everything’s good, but it’s time for you to sleep.

Felix nodded.

You need a story?

Felix nodded again.

I can’t tell you any of Grandpa’s stories here. So you’ll have to help me out, okay?

Again Felix nodded, this time sleepily.

Once upon a time there was … Who should the story be about? Leonard said out loud.