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What sayest thou?

My nephew is missing. His name is Felix. Isaac sent us to find him.

Zedekiah looked at the pair another long moment.

The birthday of the world is in six days’ time, he said, and again he smiled that half smile. If the boy thou seekest is Asher, thou shalt find him by answering this: What is purple, hangs on the wall, and whistles?

Whistles? Leonard said, his face ashen. Hangs on the wall?

Thy good friend Isaac canst perhaps aid thee with the deciphering. Though he be dead some forty years, I am sure he shall oblige thee. Good day.

Felix is not in the river!

Leonard watched, unmoving, as Zedekiah “bade them adieu.” Sally had to grab his arm and pull him to the dining hall. The pilgrims were gone and all that remained of the victuals was some crusted pottage and a few slimy fish things.

I know the answer, Leonard said.

You do not, Sally said.

It’s herring, Leonard replied. It is.

It can’t be, Sally said. Herring isn’t purple.

It is if you paint it purple.

But it doesn’t hang on the wall!

It does if you hang it on the wall.

This is a dumb riddle. It doesn’t make sense.

It isn’t a riddle, it’s a joke pretending to be a riddle.

Herrings don’t whistle!

Okay, so it doesn’t whistle — that’s the punch line. It’s a herring joke, an old Jewish joke that makes no sense. My grandfather used to tell it. But I don’t know what it means. How can herring help us find Felix?

We’ll find Felix where there are fish!

Leonard looked at his beloved with all possible admiration.

You think so? he asked.

Definitely! We look for Felix where they catch fish, where they sell fish, where they eat fish.

Sally smiled, content with herself.

He doesn’t mean in the river?

Sally and Leonard looked at each other, stricken.

No, Sally decided. That’s not what he meant. Felix is not in the river.

Right, Leonard agreed. Felix is not in the river. Felix is definitely not in the river!

Dreams of revolutionary stew

It was early afternoon when Leonard lay down in his snugbed — it was still his habit to sleep days, and he was muddled about whether it was day or night, given that he’d traveled more than seven centuries and had relived his entire lifetime. He’d rest just a moment, he told Sally, and then they could decide where to find fish. Sally didn’t know whether to be angry or amused.

He awoke sometime later to the sound of Sally’s voice at the foot of the stairs.

We’d like to make a study of your fishing industry, he heard her say. We are fisherpeople in Cathay.

I thought ye were noble folk, Bobolo replied, equally loudly, recovered from his fit, apparently.

We are noble folk, Sally said, as if exercising great patience. Our people are noble fisherpeople.

Ye’ll want to go to the river, then. Where else would ye go?

And which direction is that?

Straight, Bobolo said. But ye’ll not get yer indulgences there. Fer them, ye’ve got to visit the churches.

Fish first, churches later, Sally said.

He awoke somewhat later to the sound of fierce rains. Something told him that the locals would not respond well to the rainshields Sally had packed in his inflatable pocket — the sound of their miniature engines, he imagined, would cause many to faint. They would have to rely on their pilgrims’ hats and cloaks.

Then he was dreaming — of revolutionary stew. It was everything Carol said it was! Succulent and nutritious, plump and steaming. He decided in his dream that when he awoke, he’d suggest Revolutionary Stew Pizza to his employers, Neetsa Pizza! But Sally — dear Sally! beloved Sally! — was shoving his shoulder.

Get up! she said. Hurry!

Unthinking, Leonard pulled her to him — she would share his stew, what was his was hers, for now and ever more, even if it was made into pizza! Especially if it was made into pizza! But instead of enjoying the stew, she slapped his face — hard! — and pulled his afro till his eyes teared.

Get up! We’ve gotta get out of here! NOW!

Leonard became dimly aware of a hullabaloo downstairs, the sound of shouting and protesting in at least three Isaac-induced speaking styles. Sally yanked on Leonard’s arm, pulling at him to get him out of his snugbed. She was still fully dressed, her face exasperated.

Now! she said. UP!

Leonard blinked, looked around, tried to recall where he was.

She dropped Leonard’s clothes on his face, his inflatable pocket too; she might have been ready to cry.

We have to RUN! she cried, Come on! and was in the hallway, from which Leonard could hear — more distinctly now that the door was open — Bobolo’s wheedling voice:

It weren’t me put the little fella in the reliquary! It were the Manicheans!

Froga added stridently: We was only performing a service, yer honor, demonstulating what befalls the wicked in Purgatory, like!

These words awakened Leonard entirely, but it takes time to get out of a snugbed: the microsilk, once inflated, conforms to the body’s shape, holding it, well, snugly for optimal sleep. Egress requires considerable wriggling if one lacks time for full deflation, which Leonard decidedly lacked, as he could hear a deep masculine voice downstairs exclaiming, WHERE BE THE MISCREANTS WHO HATH SOLD THEE THIS DEVIL’S PLAYTHING? I SHOULD LIKE TO HARM THEM — FOR EXAMPLE, WITH A HEAD VISE!

That’s right! Bobolo said. Ye don’t want to harm us, yer very highest Inquisitorial honor. It’s them ye want! A head vise’ll do it! They’re right up the stairs there, second door to yer left.

Right, Froga said.

Right, Bobolo amended.

Left, ye puttock! Froga said.

Left, right, said Bobolo.

Leonard had squiggled his entire top half from his snugbed, but his legs remained, and they were quite long. He could hear heavy boots begin to clomp ploddingly across the common area downstairs.

THE HEATHENS BE UP HERE? the deep-voiced man thundered from the bottom of the stairs.

Yep, yer honor — Froga’s voice again. I always said these people was strange.

At last Leonard had squeezed his feet from the snugbed.


Leonard stumbled out of the room, holding tight to his pilgrims’ gear but dropping his inflatable pocket. He was surprised to see flashing red lights at one end of the hall.

This way! Sally hissed from the other end of the hall as heavy boots began plonking up the steps. PUM!.. PUM!.. PUM!

Run! Sally whisper-shouted. And Leonard did — away from the stairs and down the windowless hallway, barefoot, wearing only his crayon-colored sleeping togs, his heart pounding, his health meter thrumming, to the outer staircase, where Sally, dear, blessed, ever vigilant Sally, held open the door.

A familiar face

She’d left her police scanner behind, to distract their pursuers with its shooting red rays and low-level hum. As Leonard flew through the door to the outer stairwell, he heard the man, newly arrived upon the landing, say, WHAT IS THIS? A FIRE THAT DOTH NOT CONSUME? STAND BACK! WE ARE WITNESS TO A MIRACLE! DO NOT LOOK UPON IT! NO ONE SHALL LOOK UPON IT AND LIVE!

What happened? Leonard asked as they paused at the bottom of the external staircase, on the narrow cobblestoned street outside the hostellery. It was dusk, but they could still see a large group of pilgrims confrering by the hostellery door.