Crossman, R. H. S. (1907-1974) British intellectual and politician. Works include The God that Failed: Six Essays on Communism (ed.).
Dallin, Alexander (1921-) American political scientist. Works include German Rule in Russia, 1941-1945: A Study of Occupation Plicies; The Soviet Union and Disarmament, an Appraisal of Soviet Attitudes and Intentions; The Soviet Union at the United Nations; The Black Box.
Dallin, David J. (1889-1962) Russian-American historian. Works include The Changing World of Soviet Russia; Forced Labor in the Soviet Union (with B. I. Nicolaevsky); The New Soviet Empire; Russian and the Far East; Soviet Foreign Policy after Stalin.
Deutscher, Isaac (1907-1967) Polish-British historian. Works include The Prophet Armed: Trotsky, 1879-1921; The Prophet Unarmed: Trotsky, 1921-1929; The Prophet Outcast: Trotsky, 1929-1940; Stalin: A Political Biography; The Unfinished Revolution, 1917-1967.
Dewitt, Nicholas (1923-) American specialist in Soviet education and economics. Works include Education and Professional Employment in the U.S.S.R.; Soviet Professional Manpower: Its Training and Supply.
Diakonov, Mikhail Aleksandrovich (1856-1919) Russian historian. Works include Izbranie Mikhaila Fedorovicha na tsarstvo; Ocherki obshchestvennogo i gosudarstvennogo stroia drevnei Rusi (Ger. Skizzen zur Gesellschaft und Staatsordnung des alten Russlands); Vlast moskovskikh gosudarei: Ocherki po istorii politicheskikh idei drevnei Rusi do kontsa XVI veka.
Dobb, Maurice Herbert (1900-1976) British economist. Works include Soviet Economic Development since 1917.
Druzhinin, Nikolai Mikhailovich (1886-1986) Soviet hitorian. Works include Gosudarstvennye krestiane i reforma P. D. Kiseleva (2 vols.); Krestianskoe dvizhenie v 1861 goduposle otmeny krepostnogo prava; Russkaia derevnia napereloma, 1861-1880 gg.
Dunlop, Douglas Morton (1909-1987) British historian. Works include The History of the Jewish Khazars.
Duranty, Walter (1884-1957) American journalist. Works include Duranty Reports Russia; I Write as I Please; Stalin amp; Co.: The Politburo, the Men Who Run Russia.
Dvornik, Francis (1893-1975) Czech-American historian. Works include The slays in European History and Civilization; "Byzantine Influences in Russia," Geographical Magazine (1947); "The Kiev State and Its Relations with Western Europe," Transactions of the Royal Historical Society (1947); "Byzantine Political Ideas in Kievan Russia," Dumbarton Oaks Papers (1956).
Erlich, Alexander (1912-1985) American economic historian. Works include The Soviet Industrialization Debate, 1924-1928.
Fainsod, Merle (1907-1972) American political scientist. Works include How Russia Is Ruled; Smolensk under Soviet Rule.
Fay, Sidney B. (1876-1967) American historian of Europe. Works include The Origins of the World War (2 vols.).
Fedotov, Georgii Petrovich (1886-1951) Russian-American historian of religion and culture. Works include The Russian Religious Mind: Kievan Christianity, the Tenth to the Thirteenth Centuries (vol. 1), The Middle Ages, the Thirteenth to the Fifteenth Centuries (vol. 2); Sviatye Drevnei Rusi (X-XVII st.); A Treasury of Russian Spirituality.
Feldmesser, Robert A. (1925-) American sociologist. Works include "Stratification and Communism," in Prospects for Soviet Society (ed. A. Kassof).
Feshbach, Murray (1929-) American demographer. Works include Rising Infant Mortality in the U.S.S.R. in the 1970s (with Christopher Davis); A Compendium of Soviet Health Statistics; Ecocide in the USSR: Health and Nature under Siege (with Alfred Friendly, Jr.); Ecological Disaster: Cleaning Up the Hidden Legacy of the Soviet Regime.
Fischer, George (1923-) American historian and political scientist. Works include Russian Liberalism, from Gentry to Intelligenntsia; Soviet Opposition to Stalin: A Case Study in World War II.
Florinsky, Michael T. (1894-1981) Russian-American economist and historian. Works include The End of the Russian Empire; Russia: A History and Interpretation (2 vols.).
Florovsky, George Vasilevich (1893-1979) Russian-American Orthodox theologian and intellectual historian. Works include Puti russkogo bogosloviia (Ways of Russian Theology, part 1); "O patriotizme pravednom i grekhovnom," in the Eurasian book Na putiakh; "The Problem of Old Russian Culture," Slavic Review (March 1962).
Freeze, Gregory (1945-) American historian. Works include Description of the Clergy in Rural Russia: The Memoir of a Nineteenth Century Parish Priest (ed. and trans.); The Parish Clergy in Nineteenth Century Russia: Crisis, Reform, Counter-reform; The Russian Levites: Parish Clergy in the Eighteenth Century; From Supplication to Revolution: A Documentary Social History of Imperial Russia.
Gerschenkron, Alexander (1904-1978) Russian-American economist. Works include Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective; "Agrarian Policies and Industrialization, Russia 1861-1917," in Cambridge Economic History of Europe (vol. 6, pt. 2); Continuity in History and Other Essays; Europe in the Russian Mirror: Four Lectures in Economic Theory.
Gide, Andre (1869-1951) French writer. Works include Retour de l'U.R.S.S. (Back from the USSR); Retouches a "Retour de l'U.R.S.S." Afterthoughts, A Sequel to "Back from the USSR").
Goldsmith, Raymond W. (1904-1988) American economist. Works include "The Economic
Growth of Tsarist Russia 1860-1913," Economic Development and Cultural Exchange (April 1961).
Golikov, Ivan Ivanovich (1735-1801) Russian historian who collected source material on Peter the Great. Works include Deianiia Petra Velikogo, mudrogo preobrazitelia Rossii: Sobrannye iz dostovernykh istochnikov i raspolozhennye po godam (12 vols.); Dopolnenie (18 vols.).
Golovin, Nikolai Nikolaevich (1875-1944) Russian general and author. Works include Rossiiskaia kontrrevoliutsiia v 1917-1918 gg. (5 vols.); The Russian Army in the World War.
Golubinsky, Evgenii Evsigneevich (1834-1912) Russian Church historian. Works include Istoriia russkoi tserkvi (2 vols.).
Gooch, George Peabody (1873-1968) British historian of Europe. Works include Catherine the Great and Other Studies.
Grabar, Igor Emmanuilovich (1871-1960) Russian-Soviet specialist in art and art history. Works include Istoriia russkogo iskusstva (6 vols.).
Grekov, Boris Dmitrievich (1882-1953) Soviet historian. Works include Feodalnye otnosheniia v kievskom gosudarstve; Kievskaia Rus (Kiev Rus); Krestiane na Rusi s drevneishikh vremen do XVII veka (Ger. Die Bauern in der Rus von den altesten Zeiten biz zum 17. Jahrhundert [2 vols.]); Zolotaia Orda i ?? padenie (with A. Iu Iakubovskii) (Fr. La Horde d'or).
Grossman, Gregory (1921-) American economist. Works include Value and Plan: Economic Calculation and Organization in Eastern Europe (ed.); "National Income," in Soviet Economic Growth (ed. A. Bergson); "A Note on the Fulfillment of the Fifth Five-Year Plan in Industry," Soviet Studies (April 1957); "The Structure and Organization of the Soviet Economy," Slavic Review (June 1962); "Thirty Years of Soviet Industrialization," Soviet Survey (October-December 1958); "Notes for a Theory of the Command Economy," Soviet Studies (October 1963); "The Soviet Economy and the Waning of the Cold War," in Beyond the Cold War (ed. R. Goldwin); "Innovation and Information in the Soviet Economy," The American Economic Review (May 1966); "Economic Reforms: A Balance Sheet," Problems of Communism (November-December 1966); "Gold and the Sword: Money in the Soviet Command Economy," in Industrialization in Two Systems: Essays in Honor of Alexander Gerschenkron (ed. H. Rosovsky); "The Solidary Society: A Philosophical Issue in Communist Economic Reforms," in Essays in Socialism and Planning in Honor of Carl Landauer; "The Economy at Middle Age," Problems of Communism (March-April 1976); "Economics of Virtuous Haste: A View of Soviet Industrialization and Institutions," in Marxism, Central Planning, and the Soviet Economy: Economic Essays in Honor of Alexander Erlich (ed. Padma Desai); "A Note on Soviet Inflation," in U.S. Congress, Joint Economic Committee, Soviet Economy in the 1980s, Problems and Prospects, Part I: Selected Papers; "The Party as Manager and Entrepreneur," in Entrepreneurship in Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union (ed. Gregory Guroff and Fred V. Carstensen); "The Second Economy: Boon or Bane for the Reform of the First Economy?" in Economic Reforms in the Socialist World (ed. Stanislaw Gomulka, Yong-Chool Ha, and Cae-One Kim); "Subverted Sovereignty-Historic Role of the Soviet Underground," in The Tunel at the End of the Light-Privatization, Business Networks, and Economic Transformation in Russia (eds. Stephen S. Cohen, Andrew Schwartz, and John Zysman).