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G. Collected Essays

Atkinson, D., A. Dallin, and G. W. Lapidus, eds. Women in Russia. Stanford, 1977.

Curtiss, J. S., ed. Essays in Russian and Soviet History in Honor of G. T Robinson. Leiden,

1963. Ferguson, A. D., and A. Levin, eds. Essays in Russian History: A Collection Dedicated to

George Vernadsky. Hamden, Conn., 1964.

McLean, H., M. Malia, and G. Fischer, eds. Russian Thought and Politics. Harvard Slavic

Studies, vol. 4. Cambridge, Mass., 1957. Mendelsohn, E., and M. S. Shatz, eds. Imperial Russia, 1700-1917: Essays in Honor of Marc

Raeff. DeKalb, III., 1988. Oberlander, E., et al., eds. Russia Enters the Twentieth Century, 1894-1917. Translated by G.

Onn. New York, 1971. Oliva, L. Jay, ed. Russia and the West from Peter to Khrushchev. Boston, 1965. Pipes, R., ed. Revolutionary Russia. Cambridge, Mass., 1968. Pipes, R., ed. The Russian Intelligentsia. New York, 1961. Rabinowitch, A., J. Rabinowitch, and L. Kristof, eds. Revolution and Politics in Russia: Essays

in Memory ofB. I. Nicolaevsky. Bloomington, Ind., 1972. Treadgold, D. W., ed. Soviet and Chinese Communism: Similarities and Differences. Seattle,

1967. Vucinich, W. S., ed. The Peasant in Nineteenth Century Russia. Stanford, 1968. Vucinich, W. S., ed. Russia and Asia: Essays on the Influence of Russia on the Asian Peoples.

Stanford, 1972.

H. Readings, Anthologies

Harcave, S., ed. Readings in Russian History. 2 vols. New York, 1962.

Page, S. W., ed. Russia in Revolution: Selected Readings in Russian Domestic History since

1855. Princeton, N.J., 1965. Raeff, M., ed. Russian Intellectual History: An Anthology. New York, 1966. Riha, T., ed. Readings in Russian Civilization. 3 vols. Chicago, 1964. Schmemann, A., ed. Ultimate Questions: An Anthology of Modern Russian Religious Thought.

New York, 1965.


A. Source Materials

Avvakum. The Life of the Archpriest Avvakum by Himself. Translated by V. Nabokov. New

York, 1960. Baron, S. H., ed. and trans. The Travels ofOlearius in Seventeenth-Century Russia. Stanford,

1967. Cross, S. H., and O. P. Sherbovitz-Wetzor, trans, and eds. The Russian Primary Chronicle,

Laurentian Text. Cambridge, Mass., 1953. Dewey, H. W. "The White Lake Chapter: A Medieval Russian Administrative Statute."

Speculum 32 (1957). Dmytryshyn, ?., ed. Medieval Russia: A Source Book, 900-1700. New York, 1967. Esper, T., ed. and trans. Heinrich von Staden: The Land and Government of Muscovy: A

Sixteenth-Century Account. Stanford, 1967. Fedotov, G. P. A Treasury of Russian Spirituality. New York, 1948. Fennell, J., ed. and trans. The Correspondence between Prince A. M. Kurbsky and Tsar Ivan TV

of Russia, 1564-1579, with Russian Text. New York, 1955. Fletcher, G. Of the Russe Commonwealth, 1591. Facsimile ed. Introduction by R. Pipes.

Cambridge, Mass., 1966. Howes, R. C, ed. and trans. The Testaments of the Grand Princes of Moscow. Ithaca, N.Y.,

1967. Michell, R., and N. Forbes, trans. The Chronicle of Novgorod, 1016-1471. In Royal Historical

Society Publications, Camden 3rd ser., vol. 25. London, 1914. Palmer, W. The Patriarch and the Tsar. 6 vols. London, 1871-76. Vernadsky, G., trans. Medieval Russian Laws. In Records of Civilization, no. 41, edited by

A. P. Evans. New York, 1947. Zenkovsky, S. A. Medieval Russian Epics, Chronicles and Tales. New York, 1963.

?. Specialized Studies

Anderson, M. S. Britain's Discovery of Russia, 1553-1815. London, 1958.

Andreyev, N. "Filofey and His Epistle to Ivan Vasilyevich." Slavonic and East European

Review 38 (1959). Andreyev, N. "Kurbsky's Letters to Vasyan Muromtsev." Slavonic and East European Review

33 (1955). Baron, S. H. Muscovite Russia. London, 1980.

Cherniavsky, M. "Old Believers and the New Religion." Slavic Review 25 (March 1966). Cherniavsky, M. Tsar and People: Studies in Russian Myths. New Haven, Conn., 1961. Chyzhevskyi, D. History of Russian Literature from the Eleventh Century to the End of the

Baroque. New York and The Hague, 1960. Conybeare, F. C. Russian Dissenters. Cambridge, Mass., 1921.

Crammey, R. O. The Formation of Muscovy, 1304-1613. London and New York, 1987. Dewey, H. W. "The 1497 Sudebnik: Muscovite Russia's First National Law Code." American

Slavic and East European Review 29 (1951). Dukes, P. The Making of Russian Absolutism, 1613-1801. London and New York, 1990. Dunlop, D. M. The History of the Jewish Khazars. Princeton, N.J., 1954. Dvornik, F "Byzantine Influences in Russia." Geographical Magazine 20 (May 1947). Dvornik, F "Byzantine Political Ideas in Kievan Russia." Dumbarton Oaks Papers, nos. 9 and

10 (1956). Dvornik, F "The Kiev State and Its Relations with Western Europe." Transactions of the Royal

Historical Society 29 (1947). Dvornik, F. The Slavs, Their Early History and Civilization. Boston, 1956. Fedotov, G. The Russian Religious Mind. Vol 1, Kievan Christianity: The Tenth to the Thirteenth

Centuries. Vol. 2, The Middle Ages: The Thirteenth to the Fifteenth Centuries. Edited

by J. Meyendorff. Cambridge, Mass., 1946, 1966. Fennell, J. "The Attitude of the Josephians and the Trans-Volga Elders to the Heresy of the

Judaisers." Slavonic and East European Review 29 (1951). Fennell, J. The Crisis of Medieval Russia, 1200-1304. London and New York, 1983.. Fennell, J. The Emergence of Moscow, 1304-1359. Berkeley, 1968. Fennell, J. Ivan the Great of Moscow, London, 1961.

Florovsky, G. "The Problem of Old Russian Culture." Slavic Review 21 (March 1962). Fuhrmann, J. T The Origins of Capitalism in Russia: Industry and Progress in the Sixteenth

and Seventeenth Centuries. Chicago, 1972. Graham, S. Boris Godunov. London, 1933. Grekov, B. Kiev Rus. Translated from Russian. Moscow, 1959. Grey, I. Ivan III and the Unification of Russia. New York, 1964. Hammer, D. P. "Russia and the Roman Law." American Slavic and East European Review 16

(1957). Hellie, R. Enserfment and Military Change in Muscovy. Chicago, 1971. Honigmann, E. "Studies in Slavic Church History." Byzantion 17 (1945). Hughes, L. Sophia, Regent of Russia, 1657-1704. New Haven, Conn., 1990. Keep, J. "The Decline of the Zemsky Sobor." Slavonic and East European Review 36