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York, 1995. Gessen, M. Dead Again: The Russian Intelligentsia after Communism. New York, 1997. Goldman, M. Lost Opportunity: Why Economic Reforms in Russia Have Not Worked. New

York, 1994. Handelman, S. Comrade Criminaclass="underline" Russia's New Mafiya. New Haven, 1995. Kampfner, J. Inside Yeltsin's Russia: Corruption, Conflict, Capitalism. London, 1994. Khazanov. A. M. After the USSR: Ethnicity, Nationalism, and Politics in the Commonwealth of

Independent States. Madison, Wise., 1995. Knight, A. Spies without Cloaks: The KGB's Successors. Princeton, 1998. Lieven, A. Chechnya: Tombstone of Russian Power. New Haven, 1998. Mikheyev, D. Russia Transformed. Indianapolis, 1996. Remnick, D. Resurrection: The Struggle for a New Russia. New York, 1997.