“On the Socialization of the Land,” 191
125th Guards Bomber Regiment, 240, 241
opera, 112, 152, 155; women in, 149
Orange Revolution, 300
Oranta-Berehynia, 292
Order of the Red Banner, 242
Order of the Red Star, 240
Orlov, Grigori, 72, 76
Orlov, V. G., 102
orphanages, 131–32
Orthodox Church. See Russian Orthodox Church
Ostroumova-Lebedeva, Anna, 244
Otrepev, Grigori, 50
Ottoman Empire, 84, 109; government of and gender values in, 65; women’s property rights in, 39
Our House, 303
Oushakine, Sergei, 293
Oxford University, 146–47
paid-labor force, women in, xv–xvi; 1855–1914, 134–39, 146–49; 1930–53, 213, 217, 245, 250; 1953–91, 261–62, 267, 271, 317–18; after 1991, 287–90, 311. See also industrial labor force, women in
Panaeva, Avdotia, 115
papermaking, 136
parenting. See fatherhood, ideals of; motherhood ideals of
Paris, 5, 69, 165, 281
partisans in World War II, 239–40
party. See Bolshevik party; Communist Party of the Soviet Union Pasternak, Josef, 290
patriarchy. See gender values and norms in Russian history
Paul I, Emperor, 72, 83, 86
Pavlova, Anna, 163
Pavlova, Karolina, 96
Pavlovsk, 86
peasant commune: defined, xxi; during serfdom, 100; after Emancipation, 113, 127; in socialist thought, 125
peasants, xvi; 900–1462, 3–4, 17; 1462–1695, 28–29, 35, 46, 49, 56, 316; 1695–1855, 73, 84, 89, 108–109; 1855–1914, 112, 113, 123, 125, 126–27, 147, 156, 170, 171; 1914–30, 182, 194, 207; 1930–53, 213–14, 231, 239; 1953–91, 254, 270, 275; after 1991, 288, 310. See also collective farms; peasant commune; peasant women; serfdom
peasant women: 900–1462, 3–4, 17, 23, 316, 317; 1462–1695, 25, 28–29, 43–45, 56; 1695–1855, 97, 101–102, 103–107, 317; 1855–1914, 112–13, 117, 127–34, 136, 147, 151, 155, 156, 160, 167, 170, 171, 172, 318; during World War I, 180, 190; in 1917, 183; during civil war, 192, 193; in NEP, 199, 203–204, 208; 1930–53, 214–18, 231, 234, 246, 247; 1953–91, 261, 270–72; after 1991, 288, 300, 310. See also property rights of women
Pechenegs, 3
People’s Will, 125
perestroika, 278, 291
Perovskaia, Sophia, 125, 126
Perun, 12
Peter I, the Great, xxii, 26, 108, 324n4; early life of, 58, 60, 62–63; and gender ideals, xv, 64, 65–68, 87, 90, 207, 221; reforms of, 65–66, 68, 69, 75, 79, 317
Peter II, 68
Peter III, 70, 72
Petkevich, Tamara, 233
Petrograd, 193, 329n38, 329n56; women in (1917–21), 158, 182, 183, 187, 188. See also Leningrad; St. Petersburg pharmacists, 148
philanthropy, women in: 1695–1855: 93–95, 108; 1855–1914, 116, 145, 154, 159, 161–62, 168, 171, 176; 1953–91, 284
physicians. See doctors
piece work, 142
pilgrimages, 56
Pimin, Catholic monk, 21
Pinsk, 289, 309
Pirogov, Nikolai, 110
Pittsburgh, 137
poets, 61, 115; female, 64, 75, 95, 96, 149, 163, 264, 276, 301; and images of women, 83, 86, 87, 88, 96, 126; women as readers of, 93, 95
Pokrovskaia, Maria, 164, 173, 184, 198
Pokrovskii Convent, 40
Poland, 50, 58, 70, 72, 73, 278; annexation of, 108; emancipation in, 127; serfdom in, 97
Poland, women in: 1695–1855, 85, 108–109; 1855–1914, 132, 152, 153–54, 165, 177; 1953–91, 258, 276
Poles, xiii, 45, 97, 153, 154
Poliakova, A. M., 222
Poliakova, Evdokia, 193–94
Polianskaia, Elizaveta, 72
Polikarp, 11
Polish Rebellion: of 1830–31, 109; of 1863–64, 123, 153
Politkovskaia, Anna, 301, 302, 303, 306
Polotskii, Simeon, 58
Polovotsy, 3
Poltinka, 25
polygamy, 200
pomeste, 38–39, 79
Poniatowski, Stanislaw, 72
poor relief, women’s work in: 1855– 1914, 116; after 1991, 295. See also philanthropy, women in
Popkova, Liudmila, 290
Popova, Liubov, 164
Popular Front of Azerbaijan, 284
populists, 124–26
pornography, 289
Posadskaia, Anastasia, 283, 291
post-Soviet period of Russian history: economic consequences for women, 286–88, 295; general history of, 286; women’s attitudes toward, 309–12; women’s work in, 288–90. See also activism of women; gender values and norms in Russian history
Po-2 fighter plane, 241, 242
POWs, 242, 251
Praskovia, tsaritsa, wife of Ivan V, 67
Pravda, 180, 221
press operating, 213
priests. See Russian Orthodox church, clergy of
Primary Chronicle, The, 6, 7, 8, 9 10, 11
printers, 142, 150; women as, 170
private plots, 216, 288
Prix Bordin, 165
professional societies: 1855–1914, 114, 169, 171, 173; women in (after 1991), 304
professions, women in. See specific professions
progymnasia, 117
Prokofieva, Valya, 266
Prokofii, son of Avvakum, 52
property rights of women, xxv; 900–1462, 5, 12–13, 18, 19–20, 23; 1462–1695, 38–39; 1695–1855, 64, 79–80, 101; 1855–1914, 128, 145, 175, 176; 1914–30, 191, 203, 207
prostitution: 1855–1914, 143–44, 162, 164, 171, 172, 173; 1914–30, 197, 206, 207, 208; 1930–53, 233, 244; after 1991, 289–90, 310–11
protective labor regulations: before 1917: 167–68, 171, 175, 178; in Soviet period, 254
Protestants, 151, 234
Protopopov, Oleg, 264
Provisional Government, 182, 183, 188; reforms for women by, 184, 191
Prunskiene, Kazimiera, 278, 280, 296–97, 298, 300–301
Pskov, 49
public opinion polls, 280; after 1991, 308, 309–11, 312
public services. See social services
public transit, 139, 141, 268
Pukhova, Zoia, 282
purges of the Communist Party. See Terror, the
Pushkareva, Natalia, xiii Putin, Vladimir: criticism of, by women, 302, 306; as icon of masculinity, 293–94; as political leader, 286, 301, 308, 310
Quakers, 56
Qur’an, 274
Rabotnitsa, 189, 197, 203, 254, 275
Ransel, David, 130, 216–17
rape: in Kievan law, 14; 1462–1695, 35, 45, 48; 1930–51, 244; after 1991, 303, 305
Raskova, Marina, 238, 240
Rasputin, Grigori, 182
Razin, Stenka, 49
Razumovskii, Aleksei, 70
redemption dues, 127
Reformation, 56, 57; and witchcraft persecutions, 42
Remembrance Day, Baranskaia, 270
Renaissance, 57
repartition of communal lands, 100, 127
restore-the-church movement, 283
Reutenfels, Jacob, 60
Revolution of 1905, xxi; political developments of, 114, 169–70; women’s participation in, 138, 169, 170–72, 176
Revolution of 1917, xxiii, xxv, 204, 259, 265, 284, 287; causes of, 114, 180–82; consequences of, for women, 191–94, 205–206, 317; women’s participation in, xv, 158, 167, 182–90. See also Bolshevik Party
Ride, Sally, 258
Riga, 278; Ladies Charitable Societies in, 94
Right to Be Yourself, The, Arbatova, 302
Rimashevskaia, Natalia, 283
Robertson, Christina, 324n27
roles of women. See division of labor, gendered; femininity, ideals of; gender values and norms in Russian history; fatherhood, ideals of; motherhood, ideals of