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She was dressed in a scanty string bikini with only a short toweling beach jacket thrown over her shoulders. The scanty black bikini she was wearing only accented her excitingly shaped figure, mature, womanly, but still slim and almost fragile with nipped-in waist swelling curvaceously downward to voluptuously rounded hips and buttocks, gently tapering thighs and long, curving line of calves, thin well-shaped ankles with a pair of straw sandals on her feet. The triangular shaped cloth of the bikini top barely contained the full-mounded breasts. She was aware that her stunning figure always seemed to have an effect on men but until the recent trouble with Matt she had never felt the slightest urge to exploit this. Well, we'll just see, Mr. Matt Lange, she thought.

When Matt got home from work that evening they decided to stay at home. Both were proud of the apartment condominium that. they had purchased and enjoyed spending time there. They had saved up the down payment during their engagement. The apartment was only a few minutes drive to Matt's job in San Rafael where he worked for a company that built sailboats. Matt liked his job and was proud of the craftsmanship that the company prided itself on. It took over two weeks to make one of the boats.

Jane was a weaver and had a large loom in the spare bedroom of their apartment where she did various projects for a couple of stores in the area. She was very creative and her hangings always sold well. Between the two of them they made a very comfortable living. Neither had really thought much of having children right away, preferring to concentrate their energies on getting their lives together first.

Since Matt had been home they had maneuvered neutrally around each other, being careful not to fight, but not quite making up either. The memory of the morning's sexual embarrassment hung in the air like an unspoken chastisement. It was like many nights they had spent after arguments, except that now Jane was trying to look at the situation objectively. Once or twice, she had even wondered what it would be like if she left Matt. She looked over at him. He was tall, nearly six feet, with a lithe muscular body and a rugged handsome face topped with thick sandy-colored hair. His eyes were deep blue, blue as the ocean, and there was a gentleness in his expression that she had loved from the minute she first saw him in the hall at Redwood High School. He was a transfer student from back east and they had started dating in their junior year. Both knew almost immediately that their early alliance would result in marriage.

Now as they pushed away the dirty dishes from their dinner, Jane wondered if it was all worth it.

"Anything new at work, Matt?" Jane inquired from where she sat at one end of the sofa. Her firmly rounded hips were encased in tight jeans and her bare feet propped up on the coffee table as she sipped a glass of white wine.

"Nah… same old stuff," Matt grunted mechanically from where he sat at the other end of the sofa, engrossed in the TV guide, "Looks like there's a good movie on tonight, "The Enforcer" with' Humphrey Bogart… okay with you if we watch that?'.'

"Sure Matt," she said without enthusiasm. She gave up trying to talk to him while the movie was still flashing on the screen, and propped a pillow behind her head, taking a deep draught of the ice cold wine. She was used to Matt's penchant for old movies, and ordinarily she wouldn't have given it a thought, but today she found herself wondering… Why doesn't he talk to me? What is he, a zombie coming home every night to the television set?

Matt glanced at the watch. He's probably planning on crashing as soon as the movie, ends, Jane thought angrily. God, he's 23 years old and sometimes he acts like he's about 83.

Her thoughts slipped back to Harriet Dunn at the pool. What a nerve, she has, Jane thought. She just couldn't wait to tell me about Matt and Mona and that silly business in the laundry room. I don't' even know whether it's important enough to mention to Matt. I certainly don't want to create a confrontation situation over it, it seems so silly.

Once again, though, she found herself imagining what life without Matt would be like. She would be able to manage financially and having her own apartment might be a novel experience. She had lived with her parents immediately before she married so she had never had her own apartment but the thought of being alone was not repugnant to her in any way.

"That was some movie… God, they just don't make them like that anymore," Matt was suddenly speaking to her through her veil of thoughts.

"That's for sure," Jane agreed, startled to find the movie was actually over.

Matt checked the TV guide again and said, "There's a choice between Johnny Carson or a musical with Gene Kelly. I guess you'll want to see Gene Kelly, right?" Jane indicated she didn't care.

Matt was indecisive for a moment, then he said "Oh shit, what the hell, I guess it won't hurt to stay up late one night. I think we got some extra sleep this morning anyway, didn't we?"

"I'm sure you did," Jane said, remembering his deep loud morning snores as she had lain awake beside him at the end of another restless frustrating night. Still, she was pleased by his unexpected decision to stay up later with her. It seemed to break the mood she'd been in and she was not feeling so pessimistic about their relationship in general.

"Would you like some more wine," Jane asked.

"No, I don't want to go to work tired and hung over… why don't you slide over closer to me, I don't bite."

Jane laughed, suddenly in a good humor. How foolish she'd been, she thought, sitting here just assuming he'd go to bed early without her. She set her wine down on the coffee table and, taking her cushions with her, eased over as close to her husband as she could without losing her dignity. In the past few days, he had said some pretty biting things to her, and she didn't want to seem over-anxious to make up with him.

Beside her, Matt Lange was in the same awkward frame of mind. He dropped his arm onto the sofa back behind her, then hesitantly wound it around her shoulders, still not sure that she wouldn't suddenly say something sarcastic to him. From his point of view, Jane was like that – full of lightning personality changes that kept him on his toes. He never was quite sure just where she was coming from. He guessed that this was one of her most interesting traits, but also one of the most irritating.

When she didn't push his arm away, the young husband relaxed. They sat snugly together during the commercial, and a great rush of relief stirred through him as Jane reached casually for his hand. Matt was a stay-at-home type who didn't much care for the unsettling pattern of disagreements they had gotten into, and now his eager young prick was stiffening rapidly beneath his slacks from both emotional relief and growing sexual excitement. Every night they argued meant another missed opportunity to fuck his delectably built young wife… which he didn't like at all. Maybe she really wants to make up, he said to himself as he pulled her softly curvaceous form closer.

Jane didn't seem to notice, and he studied the generously curving profile of his young wife's body from the side while she continued to stare straight ahead at the dancing figures on the large colored television screen. Above her tight jeans nipping in at her flat abdomen and small, girlish waist, she wore a blue tank top that clung like a second skin to her lushly ripened breasts. Her smooth blonde hair spilled softly around her shoulders, and in profile her facial features were perfectly proportioned. Jane's pillows had slipped between her shoulders and the sofa, and she left them like that, with the pillows supporting her back and pushing her rounded breasts enticingly forward. Matt nudged closer to her side, beginning to stroke his hand down the slim, naked arm curing?? out of the cotton tank top.