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Jane knew what he had in mind by now, but she didn't turn her eyes away from the TV screen for a single second. She would let him go after her, if that's what he really wanted. They both enjoyed a little game that was like teenagers on a first date. He loved his part as bold youth. She could hear his breath deepening quickly in his mounting arousal, and his strong warm hand felt good on her skin, sending little tingles of excitement down the sensitive nerve endings.

His hand stroked the length of her arm emerging from the sweater, working gently from her shoulder down to her wrist. Then, his fingertips began to move aggressively toward her young body's curving profile, brushing against the resilient underside of her breast revealed through the skimpy tank top. He moved his fingers between her bare arm and the proudly uplifted mound, stroking the side of her breasts while she continued to ignore it.

Jane could feel wicked shivers of lewd pleasure warming across her skin, an excitement growing inside her that was made all the more intense after the two pervious incidents when he'd left her fucked but unsatisfied. Matt's large hand worked its way in a gradual movement around her full, mounded breasts, excitedly massaging the sensitive flesh in his firm grip. She pretended to herself it was no more than casual affection until his fingers began tweaking at her responsively budding nipple, and the obscene pleasure escalated to a salacious level she just loved.

Trembling helplessly, she turned her head and met his lips in a crushing embrace. Her tongue slipped between his teeth into his warm, welcoming mouth, probing uncontrollably as the desire she had been harboring for days began to flicker like lightning inside her belly.

"Ohhhhh, Matt," she sighed, letting his hand slip down to her waist and then up under her tank-top. He wormed his hand up along the warm flesh of her abdomen and then reached his goal, squeezing the ripely rounded mounds, kneading the firm flesh between his fingers.

That broke their tongue-jousting kiss.

With his other hand, he pulled the top over her head, tossing the light garment onto the floor. Her nakedly quivering breasts fell free in the room's near-darkness, and his eyes raced over their mouthwatering shape as she readjusted her position, allowing him easier access to her needful flesh. The light from the television screen was reflected on her softly rounded mounds which seemed a bit large for the rest of her delicately framed body, causing their cream-like whiteness to contrast sharply with the rich golden tan that covered the rest of her unblemished body.

Matt quickly lowered his head to the soft warmth of her large breasts, fastening his lips tightly to her throbbing erect nipple. He rolled the pulsing bud around in his mouth, furiously licking the spiked-out tip with his tongue. Jane could feel bolt after bolt of pure pleasure stoking banks of heat throughout her curvaceous body from her tongue-sucked breasts heaving and dancing wantonly beneath his lewd ministrations, and a deep, throaty moan escaped her half-opened moistened lips.

"Jesus, Matt… don't stop… it feels so good…"

Her pride said no, but her love-starved body was urging her on, aching for more as the heated coals of desire slowly fanned into leaping flames! She squirmed on the couch and helplessly contracted her buttocks as the delicious caresses drove her to a point of sexual hunger where she forgot to remember the cause of her earlier resentment of her husband's past failures in bed.

Matt felt his eagerly erect cock jerk into greater hardness as he sucked and nibbled on her heaving young breasts. Christ, he thought, how long has it been since she's gotten this hot? I wish I could hold off this time, but I've got to stick my cock in right now… before I blow… Christ almighty, I can't hold it any longer.

Her breasts were exotic in the dim light with shadows from the television screen falling across the nakedly rounded mounds creating a small erotic light show on each large breast. She looks like a topless dancer shaking her tits like that, he thought, except this woman doesn't need any silicone implants! Beneath her opulently displayed breasts her tanned body narrowed to her tiny waist, disappearing beneath the tight cloth of her faded blue jeans.

He quickly snapped the jeans open and yanked the zipper down. He tugged the open tight pants down her long lithe legs and off her ankles throwing them onto the floor with her tank top. Then he took in the lust-inciting curvaceousness of her young body clad only in see-through mint green bikini panties. There was a fine sheen of sex-sweat to her sun-bronzed skin. Beneath her full moon breasts was the delicately curving configuration of her rib cage and her taut little belly was rounded perfectly. He lowered his hand to the beckoning softness of her slightly parted thighs and gasped at the way they pulled involuntarily together. His fingers pressed more firmly against her nakedly aroused flesh, and this time he met only slight resistance as her thighs opened of their own accord.

Jane looked down at her husband's hands caressing just below her tiny mint-colored panties. She moaned as he made contact with the tight elastic crotch band up between her legs, his fingers rubbing the moistly throbbing lips of her vagina through the soft silky material. Shuddering at the warm touch, her thighs jerked further apart. Her legs wanted to spread wide, her hot little pussy wanted his worming finger far up inside her belly.

Jane could feel the tips of Matt's finger running teasingly around the tightly clenched little circle of her rectum. "Oooohhh God, Matt!" she groaned aloud. "You're driving me crazy, darling!"

She shivered as his extended middle finger slipped into the tight elastic leg band at the top of her thigh. Then another finger was inserted and they thrust probingly at her sparse hair-covered cuntal lips, sending a jolt of wild excitement rippling upward through her belly.

"Oh, Matt, I love it when you touch my cunt… don't stop… it feels so good… "she gave a helpless moan under his lewdly massaging hand.

Her sandy-haired husband gazed lustfully down at her parted thighs, and saw the escaping pussy hairs spilling out from the leg band in teasing blonde wisps. He could see his own hand beneath the sheer green colored fabric, fondling her moist vaginal lips, could feel her pussy's intimate warmth hungering for him to touch the wetly erect little bud of her clitoris.

Still sucking her berry-like nipple, he slid his hand down along her moistly heated cuntal furrow, tickling the soft meager hairs and working his finger back under her eagerly upraised buttocks until he reached the puckered little ring of her anus. He teased his extended middle finger at the tautly clenched opening, but she pushed his hand back, away from the forbidden anal mouth.

Matt's painfully hard cock had slipped out of his undershorts, and was poking up under his pants like a strong, strained sapling. He tried to push it back with his free hand, tried to subdue the rush of excitement, but it wouldn't go down. It was throbbing with manly impatience and was swollen far too big to be slipped back inside the restraining underwear. Through her lust-glazed eyes, Jane noticed it too. The way it could swell up to obscene proportions in such a short time had always fascinated her, and tonight… Jesus… tonight it looked bigger than usual. It looked like any second it would rip obscenely right through his pants!

Matt Lange couldn't wait much longer and guided her hand toward his rigidly throbbing cock. Jane held back at first. She wanted to savor the erotic moments of gentle foreplay, letting each caressive gesture melt through her body and sift rapturously through her mind. But the enormous bulge seemed to be beckoning her on, and finally she allowed him to place her hand on the lengthening pole of hot hard flesh soaring up beneath his pants.

She could feel his rigid shaft jerk beneath her touch as she gave it a tender squeeze. It seemed to double in size inside her hand – becoming so big her fingers could scarcely reach around its girth! With some silent coaxing from him, she began to stroke it fondly, running her fingers up and down its massive thickness as it pulsed with excitement. God, his prick feels good, she thought… I could go on jerking him like this forever if it weren't for the fact that I want that long hard cock deep up inside my cunt!