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Matt clenched his eyes tightly shut, enjoying the feel of her fingers expertly rubbing along his stiffening cock's length still held by his restraining pants. There was a widening damp spot marking the blood-filled tip as his pre-ejaculation oozed its impatient wetness onto the fabric. He fumbled with the zipper, tugging at it angrily. His fly refused to open, but finally he got it down. Reaching inside, he brought his long thick penis out into the open, bending it painfully to maneuver it through the opening of his pants.

Jane felt the lewd stab of cock-flesh against her hand, and glanced down cautiously at the huge male hardness that slipped easily into her massaging grip. She gave it a few extra lascivious tugs, hardly able to wait for the moment when he pushed its wonderful warmth up into the tightly clasping depths of her pussy.

"Mmmmmmmnnnnn… you feel so good… and that feels good.. Matt murmured in her ear.

The young husband returned his extended middle finger to her hot little pussy opening as she stroked his rapidly enlarging prick. Ever so slowly, he parted the soft blonde pubic curls and eased his finger into the wetly throbbing orifice, slipping it up inside her warm quivering flesh until it was hidden almost to the first joint in her dilating vagina, then he gave a slight, tender push forward. She twisted, squirmed, and leaned lewdly back on the cushions, her long tanned legs eagerly parting for some more. Her cunt was wonderfully tight, he thought, as tight, as the day he had married her. The dampness from her lust-warmed cunt spread over his cupping hand, soaking the narrow panty crotch band with secreted cuntal juices that were beginning to flow down between her trembling thighs. His caresses were eliciting a kind of abandoned excitement from her he'd never known before.

"Oh, God, Matt, that feels so good… so goooooddddd," her words erupted from deep in her chest, purring her approval into his ear.

It was good that they were patching it up, Matt Lange thought. He hated their arguments, despised the way the tension in the air ruined their sex life when they were fighting. Now, with her responding so wantonly like this, he was thankful. She didn't know just how grateful he really was, and he showed her by giving her breasts an obscenely nibbling kiss, sending quivers of delight rushing through both his wife's and his own body at once.

Unable to wait another second longer, he wound his fingers in the tight elastic waistband of her small green panties and worked them slowly down over her gently flaring buttocks and off her ankles.

"Mmmmummmmnnnn," she crooned at the sudden wash of cool night air blowing over her exposed blonde cuntal mound.

In the next second, he had flipped her over onto her back. Taking one hurried look at her lovely curvaceous nakedness spread out on her back on the sofa cushions beside him, he tore off his own clothes, dropped them hastily onto the floor, and crawled up between her widespread knees. The couch cushions brushed obscenely against his sperm-laden balls, sending a lewd anticipatory thrill through him. He shoved her thighs apart roughly so that they swung out from his sides in a picture of lewd insistency. Then he kneeled up on the couch, his long thick cock poling and wagging in its fore-skinned hardness.

"Oh, baby… hurry up with that big beautiful cock… stick it in me, darling…," she moaned, gasping at its solid hardness, feeling its heat and thick seminal fluid escaping from the tiny hole at the tip of the purplish cock-head. "Oh baby, "she panted aloud as she spread her cunt lips wide with her own fingers. "Hurry up and fuck you big beautiful cock to me before I go out of my mind!"

Shit… He was going to lose his mind completely! Matt's desire-hazed brain sizzled as he crawled up between his wife's lewdly widespread legs. Her thighs seemed to be trying to suck him up into her womb, and his lust had charged him to a dangerous combustion point. He felt her hand reach down to grasp his cock-shaft and draw its heavily pulsing head through the warm moistness between her hair-lined pussy lips… finally seating it at the tight little mouth of her greedily nibbling pussy.

"Oh, Matt… come on… fuck me, shove it into my cunt… push it all the way in… fuck me… "Jane gasped into his face, her arms wrapped around his back to crush his massive chest tight against her nipple hardened breasts.

Her long slim tanned legs curled up and over his hips, her heels digging salaciously into his rock-hard buttocks as she thrust her heated loins up at his in brazen invitation.

"For Christ sake… give it to me now… fuck me… Matt… fuck me and make it good!!!!

With one smooth forward thrust of his hips, Matt lunged into her hotly throbbing cunt, his brain crazy and spinning as her fluid heat clasped his thick racing cock like a warm velvet sheath. He choked out a slackened-mouth groan and began to fuck up into her insatiably swallowing pussy in long urgent strokes, filling her wetly receptive cunt to greater and greater depths.

Jesus Christ… he couldn't believe it!

Jane was throwing herself up at him like a real whore, more excited than she'd ever been on their honeymoon, more turned-on than he'd ever known any other woman in his life.

Beneath him, his wife's lushly ripened body quivered and trembled, her passion-erect nipples digging into his chest with pointed, bullet-shaped pressure. Her rippling belly ground up against his, and her powerful thighs clamped his buttocks repeatedly, holding and releasing him as her wildly clasping vaginal muscles sucked and pulled like a warm wet vacuum at his pistoning cock.

The obscenely sucking pressure caused a wild swirling in his groin. He could feel the enormous turgid heat impatiently welling in his cum-expanding balls as he squeezed his buttocks together to hold back the hot liquid flow that was about to explode from his jerking cock.

He counted to himself, holding his breath, trying to stave off what was only a matter of seconds away… "Oh, Jesus," he muttered to the furious milking of her pussy walls squeezing and sucking at his madly jerking member.

"Oh… it's too wonderful, Matt… fuck me, fuck me, fuck me," she chanted over as she strained and writhed beneath him.

"Fuck me hard… oh stick it to me."

Her head rolled from side to side, streaming her golden blonde hair over his shoulders and back. Every so often her moist panting mouth came up against him, her teeth nipping into him. She sucked lewdly on his tongue, then flicked her own into his mouth gasping hot blasts into his throat.

"Oh, shit… oh Jesus… " Matt swore and grunted, "Oh, baby I'm cumming… I'm going to cum."

"Oh good God no… Matt… Let me cum too… wait for me… I want to cum, too!"

But he was cumming, she frantically realized. Once again, he was going to leave her on the brink drenched with his obscene white sperm and still unsatisfied and preorgasmic.

Matt hardly heard a word she'd groaned out at him. He could feel the hot thick sperm amassed in the reservoir of his ballooning balls churning as they beat a tattoo against her nakedly upturned ass. He thrust his tongue almost down her throat and with desperate kneading hands, pulled the fleshy cheeks of her widespread buttocks hard up against his battering pelvis, slamming his semen-spewing cock into her gluttonously receiving cunt.

"Nooooooo… noooooo… not yet… "Jane groaned at the first feel of his scalding jets of cum. She could feel the turgid pulsating head of his deeply embedded cock suddenly flare into a hugeness that threatened to blow her apart. His hot impatient sperm continued to squirt and flood up inside her belly. She could feel his seething white cum shooting into her with the consuming force of molten fire, sloshing around in her quivering belly like a pool of boiling hot lava.

Jesus, now she wished he wasn't so goddamn selfish… that he would wait and let her cum too… as usual he'd been too quick for her… a few quick lunges and then his explosion… Jane was furious!