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Matt arrived home from work and they barely spoke. They discussed going to the party and agreed they would go around 8:30 p.m. but that was all. Jane was still feeling slightly tipsy from the afternoon drinks with Nancy and she was mulling over in her mind the things that Nancy had told her. Imagine me, living in this miniature Sodom and Gomorra. Who'd believe it… all the time we've been living here and never involved in any of this swapping business… we'll just see just wait and see.

Jane dressed carefully for the party. She selected a long black summer dress with a halter neckline that showed off her voluptuous figure to advantage. She had never worn the dress before. She had purchased it one day when she was feeling rather depressed but afterwards had been embarrassed about wearing anything with such a bold cut. The dress barely covered the full rounded mounds of her ample breasts and she was not wearing a bra. She brushed her shining straight golden hair and adjusted the top of the dress a bit. It still revealed a deep cleavage but she suddenly got angry again, squared her shoulders and said to hell with it, I'm wearing it anyway, no matter what Matt thinks. She put on a pair of gold earrings, gave her hair a final flip with the comb and marched defiantly into the living room.

"Ready, Matt?" she asked.

"Yeah… " he said. His eyes drank in his young wife. He had never seen her look so sensational. She looked like a model… a sexy lingerie model. He could see by the way her jaw jutted out that she was just waiting for him to make the wrong comment. Well, he wasn't going to give her the satisfaction. He was tired of the fighting and was just going to try and have a good time.

They rode down in the elevator in silence. By the time they reached the pool area the party was in full swing. Luau lights were strung around the pool area and stereo speakers were set up playing dance music; Matt and Jane walked across the courtyard together and then went their separate directions.

"You look fabulous, tonight," Larry Leyton said, running his eyes over his pretty blonde neighbor's youthful form.

"Uhhh, thanks," Jane pulled the front of the dress she was wearing a little closer in front, attempting to cover the soft rounded cleavage glaringly apparent above her deep-necklined evening dress. She wished she'd worn something more demure… anything but the spectacular black dress she had rebelliously picked to spite her husband.

She tried to distract herself from the burly older man by looking out at the pool and the moonlight dancing across the water but she couldn't.

"Want to dance, honey?" Larry asked.

"Sure, but I'd like another drink, first.

"Coming right up!" Larry said, his eyes riveted to the neckline with the revealing cleavage, despite her efforts to cover herself up.

They had another drink together and it seemed that the older man's hands were stroking and pulling at her young body, a lot.

They danced a slow one and Larry held her very close. He's kind of a leach, Jane thought. But then, perhaps it was the alcohol, or maybe the fresh air, the young blonde was finding herself more positively disposed toward Nancy Leyton's husband than she had been before. Beneath his loudness, he seemed to have a generous, fun-loving nature. She sensed that his lewd remarks and the way he looked at her weren't serious attempts to seduce her. They seemed made out of habit, almost his way of being friendly.

Some loud rock music was coming over the speakers now and Jane tried to focus her eyes through the dim light and could see a young woman dancing both suggestively and wildly. Jane could hardly believe the woman's gyrations. It was hard to decide whether what she was doing was basically salacious or artistic. To Jane, it seemed as if the dancer's hips were on steel ball bearings as she twirled and undulated her buttocks in an obscene semblance of copulation.

"God, what a dancer… I've never seen her here before, does she live in this building?"

"I don't think so… she's sure something, though!" Larry replied.

Through the dancers, Jane's eyes came to rest on her husband. He was over by the bar with Mona and Jeff Allan, talking and laughing.

Jane could see that Mona was between the two men and that she was dressed even more provocatively than usual. She was wearing a midriff revealing halter top and a. pair of short white shorts: Her shorts barely covered her panties and the top barely covered anything. She moved on and Jane could see her firm young buttocks outlined beautifully. No man could look at her without one thought coming to his mind. Only one image, one word came to Jane's mind: Fuck!

But now she could see Jeff Allan walking by himself and Mona was hanging all over Matt as though he were her date for the evening.

"Why that creep… look at him with Mona… why, I ought to divorce him right now!"

"Don't be childish, Janie… you're here talking to me aren't you… what's the difference?"

"It is different… she's openly trying to get him!" Jane spluttered.

"Is that right," Larry drawled with a bemused expression on his face. ". our little Mona sure has got all the right equipment, all right."

A withering look from Jane cut him off momentarily. Larry gulped his drink and turned away. "Look why don't we go upstairs for a drink, you and Matt can fight it out later."

Larry finished his drink, but Jane grabbed his arm as he started to walk away. "Oh no, you don't. I wouldn't leave here for anything. I'm going to see just how much Matt Lange thinks he can get away with."

"Okay, but at least let me go over there and get some more drinks."

Jane hardly heard him. She was too busy watching the brunette move across the floor with her ripely rounded breasts pressed against Matt Lange's side. Below his arm around her waist, her smooth globular buttocks were wiggling and shaking at every man they passed. She had a way of swinging her hips that showed she knew how to get male attention, and loved every minute of it. The couple, followed by Jeff Allan, approached one of the tables on the other side of the pool, Matt Lange pulled out a chair for the dark-haired woman and helped her to be seated.

This last gesture really made Jane seethe. God, he acts like a lazy slob at home, but now when we're out he acts like a prep school graduate with someone else!

Larry Leyton returned with the drinks. "Here we are, sweetheart," he said as he approached with the two scotches and two sodas. "This should calm you down a bit."

"I'll drink it straight… skip the soda." Jane said defensively. Her eyes seemed glued to the other side of the pool where the Allan's and her husband were toasting each other. Jeff Allan got up and started dancing with the gyrating young woman who was the stranger at the party. He didn't bat an eye as his wife, Mona, leaned over to Matt Lange and flirtatiously played through his sandy hair with her fingers.

Ok, Janie," Leyton said, holding the bottle of soda upraised over Jane's glass. "Are you sure you don't want some mixer? I've never seen you drink straight scotch before."

"What makes you think I can't," Jane barked, still not looking at him. "I'm not a teenager, you know!"

"Okay, honey, you asked for it," Leyton set down the soda and pushed Jane's glass of straight scotch over in front of her. "Just don't come crying to me when you wake up in the morning."

Jane didn't respond. She was watching as Mona Allan leaned toward Matt, giving the young husband a good look at her lushly swelling breasts. It was obvious from the excited glint in his eyes that Matt Lange had forgotten about Jane on the other side of the pool.

Jane kept staring at the table with her husband and Mona. She drained her glass and absentmindedly picked up Larry's and started drinking his too! She gulped deeply at the drink, then choked. Gasping, she tried not to show her discomfort as the burning liquid shot down her throat, but it was impossible. She never drank straight scotch before, and the liquor slammed into her stomach like hot acid.

Larry turned his head from the sputtering young blonde and directed his attention back to the dance area. The dancers seemed to get wilder and wilder and then he noticed Mona rising up from her chair.