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"How about a midnight swim, everyone?" she called out.

"In the nude, Mona?" a male voice called out.

"Of course," she said kittenishly. "Is there any other way?"

"Of all the nerve!" Jane muttered with obvious surprise, and took another deep gulp of scotch, this time without choking. Despite her initial difficulty, she warmed quickly to the drinking. Having finished off her glass now as well as Larry's, there was a pretty flush to her cheeks and a soft looseness to her movements, the only evidence so far of the large amount of alcohol she'd consumed during the day and over the evening.

She asked Larry to get her another drink and he immediately complied. Nancy had told him about Jane's visit this afternoon and he knew she was having a rough time of it with Matt. If booze was going to help her get through the evening, he was glad to oblige.

Larry glanced at Mona gyrating on the other side of the pool. She was a striking beauty in any crowd with her jet black hair, thick and curling, crowning her head and face magnificently. Her skin was a lovely luminous white, soft and warm looking. The only time Mona spent at the pool was after dark.

Conversations were stopping around the party as the music began to play a really fast rock beat and Mona Allan's body began gyrating slowly to the grinding rhythm. As she danced, her shorts seemed to ride higher up on her white buttocks, giving the wide-eyed crowd teasing glimpses of her white bikini panties. Mona didn't miss a beat as the music played faster and faster. She bent over from her waist as she flailed her arms in the night air, her full sensuous breasts shifting and swaying, ready to escape from her halter top at any moment.

For Jane's sake, Larry didn't mean to watch but he found the brunette's appeal magnetic. Mona had every man at the party hypnotized with her wild swirling and shimmying, her long black hair tossing from side to side as she ground her sensually alluring body in perfect time with the rock music.

Even the couples that were dancing were stepping to the side, the men leering and their wives gaping in wide-eyed disbelief at the abandoned performance the young woman was giving them. Mona seemed transported to another world by the blaring music, her eyes closed while her body moved to the uninhibited beat with the effortlessness of a born dancer.

"Thought you were skinny-dipping?" someone called from the back and several others laughed.

"Give Mona a chance."

"Take it off, baby," a lewd male voice sounded above the loud music.

"Yeah, let's see a little real action."

"Let's see that ass!' another drunken male voice called out and they all laughed. Several people applauded and one whistled.

Someone took up the chant. "Take it off, take it off"

Mona's eyes snapped open at that.

Jane gaped openmouthed at the spectacle. She had never been to one of these kind of parties before. This must be what everyone talked about!

Mona reached behind her hair and opened her top from the halter ties, bucking them back and forth with the kind of obscene polished motion one doesn't learn at a dancing school. Slowly, she let her top fall all the way down to her slim and molded waist.

"Ooowweee," the crowd gasped as they saw her large quivering breasts thrusting nakedly forward. They stood resilient and free in all their splendor, a dazzling, milky-white in the moonlight, except for the small pink nipple buds in the center. As she continued dancing, bucking her hips, the fleshy mounds jiggled and trembled, looking like puffballs of fresh cream.

The partygoers roared again. The pounding music and Mona's body gyrating in half-nakedness were driving the onlookers into a drunken frenzy. The music was playing now at full volume and the swirling brunette's dancing became even more abandoned.

"Now the shorts, Mona… and then in the pool," someone called out, his voice barely audible over the noise.

The gaping crowd was jamming so tightly in a circle around the pool they were almost falling in. Mona waited until the tension was so high you could almost see it, then began wriggling her ripely molded buttocks while she pulled at her zipper to work the skimpy shorts down over her hips. The shorts slid with a rush to the cement and Mona stepped out of them and continued dancing, her mouth slightly open as she breathed deeply and the tip of her little red tongue protruded obscenely.

All eyes flew to the single remaining garment, the tiny white panties. Soon they would be off and she would be before the partygoers completely naked. Her fingers played with the elastic waistband of the soft flimsy material, slowly pushing it down, then raising it back up again deliberately tantalizing the crowd. She continued to roll them down, her eyes shut dancing more quietly now, until her panties were nothing more than a lewd G-string. She turned her back so that everyone could see her rounded white buttocks slowly being exposed as she teasingly rolled the panties down. The scanty sheer white material bunched up and eventually slipped down past the shadowy crevice of her buttocks, leaving her nakedly swaying ass-cheeks revealed as lovely half moons.

It was too much for one of the neighbors. It looked like Bob Weston. With a low moan, he grabbed for her pussy hair, but the. brunette danced away coolly. She ground her pelvis lewdly at him, bringing another lewd laugh from her friends and neighbors.

Jane watched in disgust as her old high school friend danced wantonly back and forth at pool side. Taking a deep breath that made her lush young breasts leap up and hold their pose, Mona flaunted her hips while her pelvis rolled and undulated as if it were floating in warm liquid oil. There was something. shameful, bold, sensual, primitive, and terribly exciting about it. She stalked brazenly back and forth in front of the whole party, her body quivering with a wild passion, her eyes glazed with lust, her smooth ebony hair flowing, and a sensuous smile on her face. No one around the pool said anything now. If it hadn't been for the music, a pin could have been heard in the still night air. Even Leyton, who had tried to ignore the lewd exhibition for Jane's sake, felt his cock stiffening into full erection.

Jane slugged down the last of her scotch, despite the fact that the crowd of her neighbors around Mona were beginning to look fuzzy. Through her alcohol-dimmed eyes, she barely made out her husband Matt.

What's she got that I haven't, Jane thought drunkenly. I'm just as good a dancer as she it.

She grabbed the table edge for support and climbed unsteadily to her feet, but suddenly the room began to spin.

"Watch it, Janie," Larry shouted over the music. "You're in no condition to go anywhere… sit down… I'm going to get you some coffee.

Leyton walked over to the portable bar they had set up for the party. He was just about to pour a cup of coffee from the urn when he heard a shout. He turned quickly and saw Janie lurching into the crowd.

Larry almost dropped the cup through his fingers when he saw his young neighbor moving into the circle. She had slipped from her seat, as soon as he got up for the coffee. Now she was in the circle with Mona and she wasn't wasting any time catching up with her either.

Drunkenly, Jane untied her black dress and let it fall to her waist and in a moment the large enticing mounds of her breasts bounced free, her jutting nipples like two tiny buds swelling into hardness as all eyes shifted to her.

"I'm going in the pool, now," Mona shouted laughing at the young Jane fumbling with her clothes. She dived straight in the side and others began fumbling with their clothes as well, as. they stripped off and jumped into the kidney-shaped pool.

"What do you think you're doing?" Larry grabbed her around her knees.

"Leave her alone… let her dance." some of the others called during the confusion.

"Let me go… let me go." Jane shouted, digging her nails into Larry's back as her strongly built neighbor managed to pick her up and carry her. She kicked arid clawed as he pushed his way through the crowd of laughing neighbors, the amazed partygoers finally moving aside as he carried her across the courtyard. With her still squirming and twisting, he maneuvered past the stunned security guard and over towards the building elevators.