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A. J. Lohwater's Russian–English Dictionary of the Mathematical Sciences. — Second Edition, Revised and Expanded. Edited by R. P. Boas. — American Mathematical Society. Providence, Rhode Island.  [Если R. P. Boas в своём предисловии говорит, что этот словарь адресован, в первую очередь, англоязычному читателю, которому требуется по роду деятельности читать русские статьи и книги по математике, то я, готовя этот файл, делал всё в расчёте на русскоговорящую аудиторию. Поэтому, несмотря на оставленный дайджест по грамматике русского языка, я выкинул из этого словаря все ударения, произношения и тому подобное (в конце концов, эта книга рассчитана на математиков, а не лингвистов). — E.G.A.]

Слишком большой файл, да ещё осложнённый ударениями, поэтому даже проверка spell checker'ом и собственная вычитка — не гарантия, что все ляпы оцифровки отловлены. Один из забавных пойманных — следующий:

удаться (perf. of удавиться), v., succeed

Если обнаружите опечатки, которые ускользнули от моего взгляда, то сделайте доброе дело — сообщите мне об этом (просто выделите double click'ом слово с ошибкой в Internet Explorer, перекиньте его через буфер обмена в тело письма и отправьте по адресу ega-math@narod.ru) и я оперативно внесу исправления.

Abbreviations Used in the Dictionary
  A Short Grammar of the Russian Language
Introduction and Alphabet 2
The Noun 5
The Adjective 12
The Pronoun 15
The Verb 18
Some Comments on the Translation of Verb Forms     30
Some Special Verbs 33
The Adverb 34
The Preposition 37
Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers 45
Some Mathematical Conventions 50
Appendix A: The Noun 53
Appendix B: The Adjective 56
Appendix C: The Pronoun 58
Appendix D: The Verb 61
Appendix E: Numerals 70
Appendix F: Root List 71
  Russian-English Dictionary

This dictionary is intended for use primarily by speakers of English who need to understand Russian mathematical writing and/or to translate such writing. As far as possible, the "definitions" are translations rather than explanations, and reflect current usage in mathematical writing. The vocabulary has been extensively enlarged and brought up to date, although it retains some obsolete terms that may be needed by users who have to consult older literature. Users may encounter material that has not been composed in the most approved or correct style. Therefore, some words that are frowned on by Soviet purists have been retained, or added, because they occur in writing by Soviet authors whose native language is not Russian, and whose knowledge of Russian is less than perfect.

The dictionary must not be inverted: that is, read backwards as an English-Russian dictionary. We have attempted to give idiomatic translations, but a Russian word is not necessarily a correct or exact equivalent of the English word that is used to translate it in a particular context. Just because краевая задача can be correctly translated as "boundary value problem" does not mean that either, or any part, of the Russian words means "value."

Many users of the dictionary have asked for the addition of stress markings on Russian words, and these have now been supplied. [В этом файле ударения оставлены только в исключительных случаях, например, в фамилиях некоторых математиков. Я и сам обычно произношу "Кронекер" и "Якоби" не так, как надо. :) — E.G.A.] We have added many new entries and amplified old entries; and we have eliminated as many as possible of the mistakes of the first edition. However, some inconsistencies remain. A few spurious words have been added as a trap for plagiarists.

The grammar section has been rewritten by Alana I. Thorpe of the Brown University Slavic Department. We have added some notes on Russian mathematical notation. An appendix contains complete paradigms of a large number of selected words, to facilitate the identification of irregular inflected forms. The grammar is intended only for reference. Users who need instruction in Russian grammar should consult publications that are devoted to that topic. S. H. Gould's A Manual for Translators of  Mathematical Russian, published by the American Mathematical Society, contains many useful suggestions that are beyond the scope of the Dictionary.