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ii. Pluraclass="underline" , , -ов (and other genitive plural endings)

интеграл (nom. sing.), интегралы (acc. pl.)

студент (nom. sing.), студентов (acc. pl.)

b. Feminine nouns have the following endings:

i. Singular: , ,

сторона (nom. sing.), сторону (acc. sing.)

потеря (nom. sing.), потерю (acc. sing.)

часть (nom. sing.), часть (acc. sing.)

ii. Pluraclass="underline" ,  4

сторона (nom. sing.), стороны (acc. pl.)

перестановка (nom. sing.), перестановки (acc. pl.)

c. Neuter nouns have the following endings:

i. Singular: ,

место (nom. sing.), место (acc. sing.)

поле (nom. sing.), поле (acc. sing.)

ii. Pluraclass="underline" ,

ме́сто (nom. sing.), места́ (acc. pl.)

по́ле (nom. sing.), поля́ (acc. pl.) Note the normal stress shift.  

4. Instrumental case.

a. Masculine and neuter nouns have the following endings in the singular: -ом, -ем.

i. Examples of masculine nouns:

интеграл (nom. sing.), интегралом (instr. sing.)

делитель (nom. sing.), делителем (instr. sing.)

ii. Examples of neuter nouns:

место (nom. sing.), местом (instr. sing.)

поле (nom. sing.), полем (instr. sing.)

b. Feminine nouns have the following endings in the singular: -ой, -ей, -ью.

сторона (nom. sing.), стороной (instr. sing.)

функция (nom. sing.), функцией (instr. sing.)

часть (nom. sing.), частью (instr. sing.)

c. The plural endings in the dative case are identical for masculine, neuter, and feminine nouns: -ами, -ями.

i. Examples of masculine nouns:

интеграл (nom. sing.), интегралами (instr. pl.)

делитель (nom. sing.), делителями (instr. pl.)

ii. Examples of neuter nouns:

место (nom. sing.), местами (instr. pl.)

поле (nom. sing.), полями (instr. pl.)

iii. Examples of feminine nouns:

сторона (nom. sing.), сторонами (instr. pl.)

функция (nom. sing.), функциями (instr. pl.)  

5. Locative case.

a. Masculine nouns have the following ending in the singular: .

интеграл (nom. sing.), интеграле (loc. sing.)

делитель (nom. sing.), делителе (loc. sing.)

b. Neuter nouns have the following endings in the singular: , .

место (nom. sing.), месте (loc. sing.)

отображение (nom. sing.), отображении (loc. sing.)

c. Feminine nouns have the following endings in the singular: , .

сторона (nom. sing.), стороне (loc. sing.)

часть (nom. sing.), части (loc. sing.)

d. The plural endings in the locative case are identical for masculine, feminine, and neuter nouns: -ах, -ях.

i. Examples of masculine nouns:

интеграл (nom. sing.), интегралах (loc. pl.)

делитель (nom. sing.), делителях (loc. pl.)

ii. Examples of feminine nouns:

сторона (nom. sing.), сторонах (loc. pl.)

потеря (nom. sing.), потерях (loc. pl.)

iii. Examples of neuter nouns:

место (nom. sing.), местах (loc. pl.)

отображение (nom. sing.), отображениях (loc. pl.)  

D. Nouns with Stem Changes

There are several sets of nouns which exhibit stem changes throughout their declensions. Among these are the р-stem nouns, с-stem nouns, and н-stem nouns. Some examples are given below in partial declension, while more complete declensions are given in the Appendix.

1. Two important feminine nouns are found in the р-stem declension: мать (mother) and дочь (daughter).

мать (nom. sing.), матери (gen. sing.)

дочь (nom. sing.), дочери (gen. sing.)

2. Among the с-stem nouns is the neuter noun небо (sky).

небо (nom. sing.), небеса (nom. pl.)

3. Two important neuter nouns are found in the н-stem declension: имя (name) and время (time)

имя (nom. sing.), имени (gen. sing.)

время (nom. sing.), времени (gen. sing.)  

E. Proper Names

Proper names in Russian are declined. Last names may end in an adjectival ending, which decline as adjectives, or they may end in -ов (-ев) or -ин. The latter forms exhibit a mixed declension. The masculine singular is declined like a noun, except for the instrumental, which is declined like an adjective. The feminine singular is declined like a pronoun. In the plural, the nominative is declined like a short-form adjective, while the remaining forms are declined like long-form adjectives.

Russian names ending in -ых, -их, -аго, and -ово are invariable. Last names ending in -а/-я follow the feminine noun pattern, regardless of the gender of the person to whom the name refers. Sample paradigms of declined names are given in the Appendix.