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I walked around the back of the OSI building, through the parking lot. A bunch of airmen were swimming in the pool, horsing around. I hated that pool. It was where I'd done my water survival training; where I'd learned to drink gallons through my nose.

I opened the door and went into the waiting room. There was no bell to ring so I did what the room suggested and waited. Eventually, an OSI agent came in, asked who I was. Apparently I was expected. He punched the combination into the cipher lock so that I could access the OSI offices, and then left the way he came in, talking into his cell phone.

It was like a morgue inside, only without that smell. The CO was away on an extended training mission, and just about everyone else was apparently out in San Francisco. The only person in was the duty officer, a captain. I tapped on his door just as a pile of folders stacked high on his desk toppled and splashed onto the floor, sending paper to the four corners of the room.

“Should I come back in five?” I said. The man's name, Lyne, was stitched to his breast pocket. Lyne had a hare lip and the flustered manner of an overworked man.

“ Shee-it,” he said, with a Texan accent, surveying the mess. “Goddamn it, I don't know… tell me who you are and then let me decide.”

“Special Agent Vin Cooper.”

“Cooper… Cooper…”

“I'm down from Andrews,” I said, “taking over on the Ruben Wright inquiry.”

“Cooper… yeah, Cooper. I remember now. Hey, sorry. Woke up slow this morning.”

Having a natural affinity with underachievers, I took an instant liking to Lyne.

“Take a seat and watch me clean up this crap, or you could give me a hand. Take your pick.”

I helped.

“What do you know about the case?” Agent Lyne asked while we collected paper.

“I know the dead CCT was working with a bunch of Limeys. I also know somewhere between walking out the back of the C-130 and hitting the ground he came to be separated from his parachute.”

“Well, there you go. You know more than me, Special Agent.” He pulled a folder caught under the leg of a desk, checked the title on the front, then passed it to me. “That's pretty much everything the previous investigator had — the coroner's report, forensics. No interviews with suspects yet.”

I skimmed the contents. “Got all this already,” I informed him.

“Like I said, you know more than me.”

Lyne divided the single precarious mountain of paperwork on his desk into two smaller, more manageable foothills. “I bet the company that invented the laser printer owns the entire Amazon basin. Look at this shit.” He glared at his desk, hands on his hips. “So, where was I? Um… That's right — I've got accommodation for you on the base. And a vehicle — you'll probably need one. I don't know how long you'll be staying, and probably neither do you, right?”

“I'm hoping not to get comfortable,” I said.

“Trust me, you won't. The place I've secured for you ain't exactly the Ritz. The housing for officers and transients is all full, and there's a waiting list a mile long. You're lucky. One became available unexpectedly. I reckon I can hold back the tide for ten days, max.” The captain handed me a key with a tag on it. “Tell anyone I let you jump the line and you're a dead man.”

I nodded. “Thanks.” I didn't think he'd end up having to evict me. The case involving the death of Master Sergeant Ruben “Wrong Way” Wright was a touchy one involving our allies the British. According to the previous investigator's notes, Wright's final jump had been in the company of a small team of their Special Air Service, the SAS, here to learn our methods and tactics. Nothing unusual in that. The SAS often trained with our people. Reading between the lines of the report, it was likely one of this particular unit of SAS guys — probably a staff sergeant by the name of Chris Butler — was going to see the inside of a U.S. military correctional facility. And that was unusual. I knew from my own experience that visiting forces from other countries were usually on their very best behavior when they were on our turf. From what Arlen told me, I had the impression everyone wanted this case to just go away.

“So, you know where to go?” the captain asked.

“Yeah, I was stationed here during the first Afghanistan deployment.”

“With the OSI?”

“No, back then I was a special tactics officer in the CCTs.”

Special tactics officer? “You were one of those lunatics?”

“I grew out of it,” I said.

“Woke up one day and realized you were mortal, eh?”

“Something like that.” In fact, it was exactly like that. The CCTs were part of the Air Force's Special Forces. They parachuted into enemy territory with Navy Seals, Army Rangers, and, occasionally, Special Forces from other countries. Their motto was “First in,” because they always were. It was the CCTs' duty to open airstrips for assault forces or reinforcements, or to lay navigation beacons on hilltops — often in hostile terrain — that would guide the bombers on their final run in on the target. Sometimes CCTs acted as forward air controllers, directing and separating the traffic in the sky, “Boogying on the mic,” as one guy I knew described it. Like all Special Forces, CCTs did the impossible, and thrived on it. I'd been one of them until the CH-47 I was in got blown out of the sky, and I found myself on a hill in Afghanistan with a bunch of guys who either got shot or had their heads removed from their necks by Taliban fighters. A second CH-47 helo was sent in to evacuate the survivor, me, only it was also shot down. Somehow, I survived the crash, but my nervous system wouldn't let me fly again. And my reputation for being a Jonah — a bad-luck charm — was spreading. As I saw it, I had two choices: get discharged or transferred.

“Take this, anyway.” Lyne handed over a laser-printed sheet showing a small section of the base. The OSI building was circled. “The memory's not always infallible, right?”

“Thanks,” I said, accepting the map. Lyne had insight. There'd been a little serious drinking done in the intervening period and it was highly possible many of the brain cells charged with remembering the details of this place just plain didn't exist anymore.

“No, thank you,” he said in exaggerated fashion. “In case you haven't noticed, we're a bit light in the resources department around here. Glad to have you around. The name's Lloyd by the way. You need anything, give me a shout and I'll do my best to ignore it.” He smiled.

I'd been sent to Florida because the people down here were all in San Francisco, exactly where I'd just been. The Air Force could have kept me there and left these people here, but that would have been too easy. “Got that vehicle handy?”

“Oh, right. I forgot. Take your pick. At least with everyone gone, transport's something we have plenty of. You can have anything you want, as long as it's dark blue.” There were several sets of keys hanging off hooks on the wall behind a low filing cabinet.

“I saw you've got a few SUVs out front. I'll take one of them.”

“ Uh-huh,” he said, unhitching a set of keys and tossing them to me. “The registration's on the tag. Just sign here.” He slapped a form on the desk.

Outside, the rain was coming down like shotgun pellets. The air smelled of rotting seaweed. It reminded me of Japanese food. I ran for the vehicle as a small knot of airmen hunched over in sodden battle-dress uniforms jogged past, gray water splashing up on each other with every footfall, their full packs doing their best to tip them over backward. Once upon a time I was one of these guys. There was no wistful nostalgia in the memory.

The base looked and felt like it was on alert. No one walked; everyone seemed in a rush. There was a war on and the business in San Francisco was yet another reminder of it. The place was on a leash fraying with the strain.

I got in the SUV and followed the map. Finding the accommodation was easy enough. It was in a small block, not unlike my home in D.C., though perhaps more utilitarian. I wasn't sure how a family could be expected to live in it comfortably, unless you happened to be a family of spiders, of which there were several nestled in the corners of the ceiling. I dumped my gear on the bedroom floor and plugged in the laptop, making myself at home. Some thoughtful soul had piled folded sheets and a towel on the bed.