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Meanwhile, elsewhere in the world, various religious nutcases were trying to turn the clock back to around the year A.D. 600—a great time to have been a Muslim, apparently — and blowing up their fellow Muslims who dared to want to live in the present.

Eventually, CNN got around to the real news that, once again, it was almost certain the Redskins would fail to make it into the divisional playoffs. They had to win the next three of three. I hit the off button in disgust.

I twiddled my thumbs — still had an hour to kill. The book I had bought earlier caught my attention. I lay on the bed and leafed through it. The miracle cure for my flying issues could possibly be just a few chapters away. Have a Nice Flight. Pictured on the cover of the book was a supermodel seated on a plane pointing out the porthole at something below, her partner looking over her shoulder with interest. Both were beaming with happiness and relaxation. In reality, I bet the plane probably hadn't even taken off. It probably hadn't even left the hangar.

I told myself to keep an open mind — if nothing else, the book had cost me nearly twenty bucks. The first chapter gave an overview of the kind of people affected by “aviaphobia,” the name of this particular anxiety disorder. It informed me that aviaphobics fell into three categories: worriers by nature; people who'd just been through an emotional trauma like divorce; people who'd had a bad experience in a plane. Generally speaking, I wouldn't have classed myself as a worrier, and, although I'd also been divorced, that particular event was more joyous than traumatic. I was firmly in the third category. I flipped through the chapters, getting a feel for how the cure was going to be effected. Instead what I found were plenty of the detailed experiences of my fellow phobics — how and why they became fearful in the first place, and then how they managed to overcome their fear. There were chapters on the physics of flying — how planes have to fly, have no choice in the matter, and so on; chapters on how pilots are trained and retrained to handle disaster, which I found contradictory. If flying was so goddamn safe, why the hell was there so much emphasis on what to do when—not if-—the thing ceased to stay aloft and came screaming to earth in a disintegrating ball of flaming aluminum?

I put the book down, lay back, and stared at the ceiling. There was a fan up there, its three blades reminding me of an airplane propeller. Outside, a couple of cats growled at each other. My problem was that I'd been in a number of pretty hairy flying situations. I'd also lost plenty of good friends to plane crashes, accidents with rotary and fixed-wing aircraft being a primary cause of noncombat death in the military these days.

I picked up the book again and read the same paragraph three times about a guy whose fear of flying sprang from his being knocked unconscious by the drinks cart as it rolled out of control down the aisle. There was a joke in there somewhere, but I was too damn tired to find it. I closed my lids for a moment, just to moisten my eyeballs. The next thing I was aware of was a thumping sound. I rolled off the bed and opened the door.

“Hey, sleepy… taking my advice about the nap, huh?” said Clare.

“Hi. Come in,” I said, rubbing my face. “Sorry about that.”

Clare was dressed in jeans, sneakers, a tight, light blue T, and a light green cardigan with embroidered daisies scattered on it. It was a cool night and her nipples were giving a couple of those daisies a little extra definition. Her hair was loose — she'd done something different to it so that soft blond curls framed her face. A little black eyeliner accentuated her blue eyes, and lip gloss gave her lips a pink, wet look. She carried a woven hemp bag, the sort people often take to the beach.

“What's in the bag?” I asked.

“Supplies. There a fridge in the room?”

I pointed.

“Sorry I'm late, by the way,” she said as she transferred the contents of her bag to the small refrigerator.

I checked my watch. She'd taken close to two hours. “That's OK. It's nice of you to come.”

“Nice? Nice? I'll show you nice, buddy-boy.” She turned and took three running steps toward me. She took me by surprise, knocking me back so that I fell on the bed. I grabbed hold and took her with me. Her hair fell over my face, smelling of wildflowers. She kissed me and nearly took my tongue by the root. She lifted my hand off her ass and brought it to her breast and whispered, “You really should fuck me, Vin.” Then she sat up and took her cardigan and shirt off, revealing a delicate white lace bra, a fine white mesh fabric cradling her small breasts. “You like?”

“Yes,” I said. I traced the shape of her nipples with my fingertips.

Clare closed her eyes for a moment, savoring the sensation, then went down on all fours over me, running her lips and her tongue down my chest. “Close your eyes and keep them closed,” she ordered. “And no cheating.”

“Yes, sir.”

She kissed me again.

Then I felt her get off the bed. “Where're you going?” I asked.

“Nowhere. Keep them closed.”

“Yes, sir, Colonel, sir.”

I felt her untie the sash of my robe and her tongue lick the length of my erection. The blast of pleasure that resulted was like an electric shock.

“Now, no cheating,” she said again.

As a game, this beat the hell out of Scrabble. I heard her light a match, smelled it in the air, heard the wick crackle, and then smelled the hot wax. I heard her loosen her belt and listened to the sound of fabric on skin as her jeans came off. My breathing was hard, as was the rest of me, my whole being concentrated in a rod of steel between my legs.

I heard her open the fridge and fill a glass with ice. Next came the sound of running water.

“Keep them closed, or you'll be in big trouble,” she warned.

“No, it's you who's going to be in big trouble,” I replied. Every nerve ending in me was now raw and craving sex.

“Yeah, I can see that,” she whispered in my ear. “Nearly ready.”

I heard the glass tinkle. Then she took me in her mouth, which also contained ice, and a shiver rocketed down my thighs. A tingling sensation bounced up and down my spine. She cupped my balls with a hand that had been wrapped around a hot mug. The heat and cold caused me to gasp.

I wasn't going to protest. Clare ran her fingernails along the skin of my legs as she knelt between them and then took me in her mouth, her now scaldingly hot mouth. I felt as though I was melting between her lips.

“Jesus, stop, stop …” I whispered in order to prevent the explosion welling up inside me.

Clare slid off the bed. She stood beside me, armed with a melting ice cube, a dribble of water rolling down toward her wrist. The flickering light from the candles glimmered across her flawless golden skin and a spark danced in her eyes and in the gloss of her lips. She reminded me of Tinkerbell, a very bad Tinkerbell.

I think I must have swallowed, because she said, “You like?”

“ Uh-huh,” I said. “Is that what you mean by ‘cute'?”

She answered by removing her bra and running the ice around a nipple. “You want a turn?” she asked.

Clare gave me her best Playboy bunny pout.

“What, and spoil the show? Come here,” I said.

She took half a step toward the bed, which brought her within range. I reached up and grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto me. We kissed long and slow, exchanging the ice cube a few times until the heat within us dissolved it. When our lips parted, she informed me, “Like I said, your turn. I promise I won't look.”