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“He's guilty of being a serious asshole.”

“He's English,” he said. “They're born that way. What about murder?”

I frowned at a spot on the wall. I suddenly realized Arlen's interest in this case the last time we spoke might have been more than idle curiosity. “What's the deal, Arlen? What's up?”

“I don't know. The boss wants to know — asked me to ask you. There's no sinister intent here, Vin. The Brits are our allies and the general's just being a politician — you know how they are.”

I was prepared to take Arlen at his word. Having a member of the British SAS up on a murder charge would create a bunch of headaches for a range of people who'd rather be on the golf course. “I can't say definitively, but the more I look into it, the more it seems … you know… I'm just not certain which way it's going to go.”

“How much more time do you need?”

“A week, maybe two.”

“I've been told to tell you you've got a day, Vin. Your orders should be there by now.”

I looked at the letter that had just been deposited in my hand. “Yeah, got ‘em.” The sergeant who'd delivered them had already departed.

“You're wanted here for a briefing the day after tomorrow.”

“Where's ‘here'?”

“The Pentagon.”

“The Pentagon? Who with?”

“Chip Schaeffer.”

Schaeffer, my CO back at the DoD? I sat in the chair, rocked back, and put a foot on the corner of the desk. “Do you know what it's about?”

“Nope. I've just been told to make sure you turn up looking eager and interested.”

Hmm… maybe one of Schaeffer's fish had died and he needed me to lean on the pet store for a refund. I changed tack and asked about something Arlen might have an answer for. “Any headway made on the Transamerica hit?”

There was a pause.

“Yeah, as a matter of fact,” he said. “Remember there were two Arabs who rented the van?”


“They turned out to be Pakistanis.”

“Pakistanis don't look Arabic,” I said.

“No, but I'm guessing the witness at the rental company wasn't no anthropologist. All she knew was that the guys who rented the van weren't white, black, or Korean. FBI is hunting down the sleepers who helped them. But don't expect to hear about it on CNN until they have them all under lock and key.”

“What about the disk — the one I sent you an MPEG copy of?”

“The FBI found Dr. Spears's DNA all over the envelope's seal. I heard someone say it was almost like she'd gone down on the thing. If she didn't want people to know she'd sent it, you'd think someone with her experience would have been a bit more careful.”

“Yeah, you would,” I agreed. “Have they located her?”

“Don't know.”

I let all this sink in. There was silence on the line. After a few moments, I said, “Has a statement from Al Cooke turned up yet?”

“Who's Cooke?”

“The cook on the Natusima. You remember, Dr. Tanaka—”

“You're not on that one anymore, Vin.”

“I knew you'd say that, Arlen. Has it turned up?”

“I don't know.”

“Listen, can you get some bank statements—”


I told him whose statements I wanted. Arlen was surprised, but he agreed to see what he could do.

“You're a pal,” I said.

“I know. And, by the way, Happy New Year,” he said.

“Thanks, Arlen. Back at you.”

“So, what did you end up doing last night to see in the New Year?”

“Went to this noisy little restaurant in Pensacola. You?” I enjoyed a quick flashback to Clare on top, rocking back and forth, massaging my naked torso with honey as she licked her fingers.

“Sat at my desk along with everyone else in Washington and made phone calls.”

“Any of them involve heavy breathing at least?”

“No. So, did Anna get through to you? She said she'd tried and was going to try again later.”

Anna had tried to call? I didn't believe it. The hotel I'd stayed in wasn't in a dead zone — the call from Boris before sunrise proved that. Was she just paving the way for an excuse? “I didn't hear from her.”

“Oh, yeah, the other big news… my promotion came through. You can call me Lieutenant Colonel now.”

“That's great, buddy. Congratulations.”

“Sir…” said Arlen.


“Congratulations, sir.”

“Blow me. Sir,” I said.

“No thanks,” Arlen said.

“So, how's Anna doing?” I asked, fishing.

“Good, I think,” Arlen said. “We didn't talk much. She said she wanted to talk to you. Told me to tell you that if she didn't get through to you, she'd call again in a few days.”

“ Uh-huh.”

“Everything OK?” he asked, picking up on something in my tone. Crushing guilt, most like.

“Yep, all copacetic,” I said.

“OK. Hey, gotta go,” said Arlen, distracted. There was the sudden noise in the background of several people in the room with him, all talking at once. “Drop by tomorrow.”

“Will do. See you then.”



“See you then, sir.”

“Fuck you. Sir.”

I hit the off button, but not before Arlen beat me to it. He was enjoying himself.

Hand-delivered orders, a call from Andrews in the form of Arlen to make sure I got them — something big was up. I glanced at the envelope in my hand. I tore the side off it, removed the folded sheets of paper, and ran my eye over the legalspeak. As usual, much of the letter was a form, reminding me that as I held a commission, I had numerous legal responsibilities to my commander in chief, the President. Basically, these were that I had to do what he said. Distilling out all the wheretofores, therebys, and hereins left me with the demand to get my ass to the Pentagon no later than tomorrow, where I was to present myself in Class A uniform to Captain Charles Schaeffer at my old Pentagon address. OSI, DoD, OSI, and now back to DoD. I was going back and forth like a badminton birdie. What gives? I wondered. And why make such a big deal about the dress code? Chip and I weren't exactly strangers. The written orders held no clues. There was no point giving it any thought — as Arlen had said, I'd find out soon enough. That didn't stop me feeling annoyed. I'd been yanked off the Tanaka case before bringing it to a successful conclusion, and it looked like the Ruben Wright case was going to go the same way.

I tossed the paperwork on the desk and leaned back in the chair, a number of competing thoughts running through my head. I wondered why Anna said she'd called me when she hadn't. Was her intuition picking up on my movements, particularly the ones beneath the sheets with a certain colonel?

I needed some air. I picked my way through the electrical gear and the records spread around that was all that remained of Ruben Wright, and went outside. While the early-afternoon sun had begun its downhill slide to the horizon, it still held some warmth out of the breeze. I thought about Freddie Spears. She must have wanted to be connected to the disk. So why the theatrics?

I walked out into the parking lot. The Harley-Davidson caught my eye. I rode one for a few years out of school. Mine had been held together with gum and wire, so it was nothing like this one. This baby was low at the back with raked forks out front and just enough chrome to ensure the job of keeping it all polished up was never quite finished. Its bright crimson gas tanks reminded me of hard candy and looked good enough to lick.

There were plenty of Harleys running around the base, but something about this one told me it was Ruben Wright's. Maybe it was the two thousand miles on the clock. Or maybe it was the fact that I'd seen the paperwork for it in his files. Seeing the bike reminded me that I had a single day to resolve, as much as I was able, what happened to Ruben and why.