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Erik ca’Vikej [AIR-ick Kah-VEE-kahg] Claimant to the throne of West Magyaria, and suitor to Allesandra.

Stor ca’Vikej [STOHR Kah-VEE-kahg] Vatarh of Erik and self-proclaimed Gyula of West Magyaria, killed in the War of Union (561-562).

The Cu’:

Eris cu’Bloch [AIR-ess Koo-BLOCK] Commandant of the Garde Brezno.

Cu’Brunelli [Koo-Broon-ELL-ee] A famous architect in the Holdings, responsible for the design of the great dome of the Old Temple.

Talo cu’Ingres [TAH-low Koo-AHNG] Commandant of the Garde Kralji in Nessantico.

Josef cu’Kella [YOH-seff Koo-KEHL-lah] An ambitious businessman in Brezno who hires the White Stone.

Mavel cu’Kella [Mah-vehl-ah Koo-KEHL-lah] Daughter of Josef cu’Kella, mistress of Hirzg Jan.

Colin cu’Mullin [KOHL-inn Koo-MUHL-linn] Son of Karl ca’Pallo (nee ca’Vliomani), living on the Isle of Paeti.

Armond cu’Weller [ARRH-mohnd Koo-WEHL-lerr] A chevaritt and a’offizier in the Firenzcian Garde Civile.

The Ci’:

Aaros ci’Bella [AHR-roos Kee-BEHL-lah] A suspected spy held in the Bastida.

Sinclair ci’Braun [Sin-CLAHR Kee-BRAWN] A goltschlager (maker of gold foil) in Brezno.

Rance ci’Lawli [Rahns Kee-LAWH-lee] Chief secretary and aide for Hirzg Jan in Brezno.

Talbot ci’Noel [TAHL-bott Kee-no-ELL] Allesandra’s chief aide.

Edouard ci’Recroix [EDD-ward Kee-reh-KROI] A famous artist.

Pierre ci’Santiago [Pee-AIR Kee-Sahn-tee-AHH-goh] An a’offizier in the Garde Kralji.

Paulus ci’Simone [PAHL-us Kee-See-MOHN] Rance ci’Lawli’s assistant.

Timos ci’Stani [TEE-mohs Kee-STAH-nee] A war-teni and Morelli sympathizer.

The Ce’:

Johannes ce’Agrippa [Yoh-HAHN-ess Keh-Ahh-GREEP-ahh] A Numetodo magician.

Ancel ce’Breton [ANN-cehl Keh-Breh-TAHN] A follower of Nico Morel.

Leovic ce’Darci [LEE-oh-vik Keh-DARR-cee] A Numetodo architect and engineer.

Ari ce’Denis [AIR-ee Keh-DEHN-nees] Capitaine of the Bastida a’Drago in Nessantico.

Mason ce’Fieur [MAY-sohn Keh-FEARH] A Numetodo.

Belle ce’Josse [Bel Keh-JOSS-eh] A young Numetodo.

Liana ce’Kein [Lee-AHN-ah Keh-KINE] A follower of Nico Morel, and his lover.

Ari ce’Miella [AHH-ree Keh-Me-ELL-ahh] A famous composer of the time.

Henri ce’Mott [AHN-ree Keh-MOHT] A gilder in Brezno.

Martin ce’Mollis [MAHR-tinn Keh-MOHL-liss] A fisherman from Karnmor.

Niels ce’Sedgwick [NEELS Keh-SEDGH-wick] A Numetodo geologist.

Emerin ce’Stego [EMM-air-inn Keh-STEH-goh] A member of the Garde Brezno, stationed in Brezno Palais. Also the lover of Rochelle Botelli.

The Unranked:

Elle Botelli [ELL-ahh Boe-TELL-ee] The original White Stone, the matarh of Rochelle Botelli and the “stepmatarh” of Nico Morel. Also used the name Elissa ca’Karina, and “Elle Botelli” may or may not be her real name.

Pierre Gabrelli [Pee-AIR Gah-BRELL-ee] An artisan and craftsman with the Numetodo.

Serafina Morel [Sair-ah-FEEN-ah more-ELL] Matarh of Nico Morel.

Serafina Morel [Sair-ah-FEEN-ah more-ELL] Daughter of Nico Morel and Liana ce’Kein.

Albertus Paracel [Al-BERT-us PAIR-ah-sell] A Numetodo scribe and librarian.

Nicolau Petros [NEE-koh-low PET-rohs] A Numetodo astronomer.

Talis Posti [TAWL-iss POHS-tee] Vatarh of Nico Morel, a Tehuantin.

Atl [AH-tull] Son of Niente and Xaria.

Citlali [See-TAHL-lee] The Tecuhtli (warrior-king) of the Tehuantin.

Darkmavis [Dark-MAY-viss] A well-known composer.

Tototl [Toe-TOE-tull] High Warrior of the Tehuantin, second to Tecuhtli Citlali.

Xaria [SAHR-ee-ahh] Wife of Niente.


A’Morce [Ah-MORS] A generic title meaning “head” or “leader.” See also “Tete.”

A’Sele [Ah-SEEL] The river that divides the city of Nessantico.

Acal A small Tehuantin watercraft like a canoe.

Archigos [ARR-chee-ghos] The leader of the Concenzia Faith. The plural is “Archigi.”

Avi a’Parete [Ahh-VEE Ah-pah-REET] The wide boulevard that forms a circle within the city of Nessantico, and also serves as a focus for city events.

Axat [Ahh-SKIAT] The moon-god of the Tehuantin people.

Bashta [BAASH-tah] A one-piece blouse and pants, usually tied with a wide belt around the waist, and generally loose and flowing elsewhere. Bashtas are generally worn by males, though there are female versions, and can be either plain or extravagantly ornate, depending on the person’s status and the situation.

Bastida a’Drago [Bahs-TEE-dah Ah-DRAH-goh] The “Fortress of the Dragon,” an ancient tower that now serves as a state prison for Nessantico. Originally built by Kraljiki Selida II.

Besteigung [BEHZ-tee-gung] “Ascension” The ceremony where a new Hirzg or Hirzgin of Firenzcia is officially recognized after the prescribed mourning period for the previous ruler.

“Ca’-and-cu’” [Kaw-and-Koo] The term for the high status families in the Holdings. The rich. See: Family Names.

Cabasab [KAW-bah-sahn] The title of the ruler of Daritria.

Calli The Tehuantin term for “house.”

The “Calls” In the Concenzia Faith, there are Three Calls during the day for prayer. First Call is in the morning, when the sun has risen above the horizon the distance of a fist held at arm’s length. Second Call is when the sun is at zenith. Third Call is when the sun is a fist’s length above the horizon at sunset.

Calpulli Tehuantin word for “neighborhood,” the subdivisions of their cities.

Cenzi [SHEN-zee] Main god of the Nessantico pantheon, and the patron of the Concenzia Faith.

Chevaritt [Sheh-vah-REE], Chevarittai [Sheh-vah-REE-tie] The “knights” of Nessantico-men of the ca’-and-cu’ families. The title of “chevaritt” is bestowed by the Kraljiki or Kraljica, or by the appointed ruler of the various countries within the Holding; in times of genuine war, the chevarittai (the plural form of the word) are called upon to prove their loyalty and courage. The chevarittai will follow (usually) the orders of the Commandant of the Garde Civile, but not particularly those of the common offiziers of the Garde Civile. Their internal status is largely based on familial rank. In the past, occasional conflicts have been decided by honorable battle between chevarittai while the armies watched.

Coinage There are three primary coinages in use in Nessantico: the bronze “folia” in tenth (d’folia), half (se’folia), and full (folia) denominations; the silver “siqil” in half (se’siqil) and full denominations; the gold “sola” in half (se’sola) and full denominations. Twenty folias equal a se’siqil; fifty siqils (or two thousand folias) equal a se’sola. The daily wage for a simple laborer is generally around a folia; a competent craftsperson might command four or five folias a day or a se’siqil a week. The price (and size) of a loaf of common brown bread in Nessantico is fixed at a d’folia.

Colors Each of the various countries within the Holdings retained their colors and flags. Here are the basic banner structures: East Magyaria: horizontal stripes of red, green, and orange; Firenzcia: alternating vertical stripes of black and silver; Graubundi: a field of yellow with black stars; Hellin: red and black fields divided diagonally; Il Trebbio: a yellow sun on a blue field; Namarro: a red crescent moon on a field of yellow; Nessantico: blue and gold fields divided diagonally. Used by both North and South Nessantico. Miscoli: a single white star on a field of midnight blue; Paeti: vertical stripes of green, white, and orange; Sesemora: a field of silver with a mailed fist in the center; Sforzia: a field of white with a diagonal blue bar; West Magyaria: horizontal stripes of orange, red, and blue

Comte [KOM-tay] The head of a town or city, usually a ca’ and a chevaritt

Concenzia [Kon-SEHN-zee-ah] The primary theology within Nessantico, whose primary deity is Cenzi, though Cenzi is simply the chief god of a pantheon.

Concord A’Teni The gathering of all a’Teni within Concenzia-a Concord A’Teni is called to elect a new Archigos or to make changes to the Divolonte.