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Kyohei looked up from the hotel bed. His father was on the phone again. He could picture his mother’s look of exasperation on the other end of the line.

“Well, what do you want me to do?” his father was saying. “He says he wants to stay here another day. I don’t know, something about his homework. I said I don’t know. Well, you tell him,” he said, thrusting his cell phone toward Kyohei. “It’s your mom.”

Kyohei sighed and took the phone.


“What’s this all about?” his mother asked. “Didn’t you tell everything to the police already? Why can’t you come down right away?” She was talking fast and loud. Kyohei held the phone further away from his ear.

“I’ve got homework,” he said.

“So? Do it down here.”

“I can’t. I’m getting some help with it here.”

“From whom?”

Kyohei rolled his eyes. “Someone I met at Uncle Shigehiro’s inn. He’s a professor at a university.”

“Why is a university professor helping you with your fifth grade homework?”

“I dunno. I was telling him about it, and he said he’d help. He’s staying in the same hotel as us—but he’s out now. He won’t be back until tonight, and I really gotta talk to him.”

He heard his mom snort. “Why can’t your father and I help you, like we always do?”

“He said it’s not good if you do it for me. I have to learn how to do it for myself.”

His mother was silent for a moment.

That shut her up.

“Fine, whatever. Give me back to your dad.”

Kyohei handed the phone back to his father, then opened the sliding glass door and stepped out onto the balcony. The room was right over the hotel pool. He scanned the chairs around the pool, but Yukawa was nowhere to be found. It was a little after three in the afternoon.

He had almost given up when the woman at the front desk had told him Yukawa would be out all day. But when he got back to his room and started packing up his things, a strong urge had struck him to stay and wait for him, no matter what it took. He needed to talk to Yukawa one last time.

Despite the fact that he didn’t even have a good explanation, his father didn’t put up too much of a fight when Kyohei pleaded to delay their departure by another day. Maybe, Kyohei thought, he sensed Kyohei’s deeper reason for needing to stay.

His father put down the phone. “We’re going home tomorrow afternoon, and that’s final.”

Kyohei nodded.

He figured that since he’d told his mom he was staying to do his homework, he’d better get to it, so he spread his books out on the one table in the room. He didn’t feel like playing anyway. He couldn’t imagine enjoying anything right at that moment.

“I’m going to go talk to the police,” his father said. “I want to check in and see how your aunt and uncle are doing. If they’ll tell me, that is.”

He returned a little after six o’clock, empty-handed. “I pushed pretty hard, but they wouldn’t tell me anything. So I just hung out there for a while,” he said.

Kyohei hadn’t gotten much done either. His head was whirling too fast for him to focus on his homework.

They decided to eat dinner in the restaurant on the first floor. Kyohei ordered the fried shrimp platter—one of his favorites. It was a big plate, with three giant shrimp on top.

He was about to dig in when he heard a familiar whiz pop, and Kyohei’s eyes went out to the ocean shore.

“Fireworks?” his father said. “Sounds like someone’s shooting off some big ones down on the beach.”

Kyohei was about to correct him—the sound was definitely a smaller bottle rocket—when memories of that night came rushing back. He felt a large lump in his throat, heavy, like lead weighing on his chest. Kyohei shook his head and put down his fork and knife.

“What’s wrong? You aren’t sick, are you?” his father asked.

Kyohei shook his head. “Nah, just full.”

“Full? You’ve barely eaten a thing.”

Just then, Kyohei spotted Yukawa walking past the restaurant toward the lobby. He hopped out of his chair and ran toward him, calling out, “Professor!”

Yukawa stopped and turned. A momentary look of confusion passed over his face when he saw Kyohei, then he smiled. “Hey,” he said. “You’re still here?”

“I didn’t know what to do,” Kyohei said, the words coming out in a rush. “I couldn’t tell my mom or my dad, I wasn’t even sure if I should be telling you—”

Yukawa held a finger up to his lips. Then he lowered his hand until he was pointing at Kyohei. “This is about the night you set off the fireworks with your uncle, yes?”

Kyohei nodded, relieved beyond words. He knew that somehow Yukawa would understand.

“Then let’s talk about that tomorrow. You should get your rest tonight,” Yukawa said, turning slowly and walking off without waiting for Kyohei’s reply.


Narumi scanned all the sites she could find for any follow-up on the incident but found nothing. The only headline about the case read, “Falling Death in Hari Cove Actually a Poisoning—Local Innkeepers Involved in Cover-Up,” followed by a short article that told her nothing she didn’t already know. It didn’t look like the case was getting much attention beyond the borders of their town.

That didn’t make it any less of a big deal for her, though. Narumi wondered almost constantly how her parents were doing, with no means of finding out. She tried calling Nishiguchi, but he only apologized. “Sorry, I don’t know exactly what’s going on either,” he said. “I’m sure they’re fine, though.”

He said they should get together for a drink once things calmed down, and she told him she’d think about it. Going for a drink was the last thing on her mind.

She was listlessly looking through some help wanted ads when she heard footsteps on the stairs outside, and the door opened. It was Wakana.

“Narumi? There’s someone here to see you downstairs.”

“Me?” Narumi said, putting a hand to her chest. “Is it the police?”

“No, someone who says he wanted to go for a dive. He requested you specifically and said you’d talked about it before?”

“Tall guy? Glasses?”

“That’s the one.”

“Right,” she said, standing up.

She went downstairs to find Yukawa waiting for her. He was looking at one of the stickers they had for sale.

“Hello,” she said.

He looked up and smiled. “Thanks for the other day.”

“My pleasure,” she said. “How did you know I was here?”

Yukawa put the sticker back on the shelf. “I paid a visit to the police department and told them I had a question about my bill from the other night and wanted to talk to the person in charge at the Green Rock Inn. They told me where you’d be.”

“That worked?” Narumi shook her head. She half wanted to ask him if he had heard anything about her parents, while he was at it.

“As a matter of fact, I’ll be leaving town today,” Yukawa said.

“Really? All finished with your research?”

“I think DESMEC can handle the rest. School’s starting up soon. Anyway, I figured this is my last chance to see this ocean you’re so proud of. I believe you promised to take me diving?”

“I did, but—”

She heard a sound behind her and turned to see Wakana step up. “If you don’t mind, I’ll take you out,” she offered. “Narumi’s had a lot going on lately, and she’s probably pretty tired. It’s not a good idea to dive when you’re not at your best.”

Yukawa nodded thoughtfully and turned his eyes to Narumi. “I certainly won’t force you. Though there were some things I wanted to talk to you about.”