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But he had to, he had to subjugate his girlfriend's beautiful mother just as he had had to force her daughter to bow to his whims. The cruel and malicious streak which curled deep inside Bob Seikerd's soul rose to the surface at exciting times like this, rose as surely as oil on water. With lecherous, gleaming eyes afire he grinned up at the now humbled, now surrendered woman beside him, and moved his lewd fingers still faster inside her tender, moistly sucking cunt. "Yes! You will tell me you want to fuck me! Tell me Mrs. Walker, tell me like Lani told me… Tell me you want my big cock inside you… Tell me you want me to fuck you…"

Ann moaned aloud and struggled against his burning fingers. "Ohh, God, ohhh…" His carnal words invoked her to react with strange, blood-pounding need. "Oh, yesss, yes, fuck me, Bob…" she screamed hysterically. "Fuck meeeee!"

The young man scooped up Lani's mother in his strong, muscular arms before she knew what was happening, and carried her a short distance into the trees, dropping her unceremoniously on a bed of leaves. He gazed with lewd, rapturous intent down at her sprawled, wide-legged body, her dress up around her slim waist, her panties down around her knees where he'd already pulled them. He drooled anticipatorily as he looked upon her defenseless pussy, completely and abandonedly splayed in feasting array below him. "Tell me again," he groaned, rubbing his thick shaft up and down as he stood over the insensate mother. "Tell me again, only this time tell me about my cock! Now tell me, you slut, before I get angry!"

A foaming tide of salacious passion ripped through the final cloth of Ann's defenses like a hot knife through butter. She looked up through tear-stained eyes at the strutting boy, at his giant, hard cock jutting from his black-haired loins, at the oozing drop of seminal fluid emanating from its tiny, winking cock-slit, and her mind was immersed in her own sexual whirlwind. Without considering, without a will of her own any longer, Ann dropped her mouth open and heard herself say: "Yes, Bob! I want your cock to cum inside me, fuck me until I cum too! Fuck me hard, just like you fucked my daughter!"


Lani Walker got up from the bed in her cabin where she'd been sitting, and peeked out the window to where she had been talking with her mother. Seeing she wasn't there, Lani walked outside and looked hesitantly around the cabin, thinking perhaps Ann was still near by. When she saw she wasn't, the beautiful young daughter returned to the steps of her cabin, and sat down sadly.

Oh, why did I get so upset with her? she asked herself. It's so childish. The small young girl felt no more anger towards her mother now, realizing that Ann had only been doing what she thought right. But why couldn't Mom see that the commune wasn't the evil place she thought it was, but a haven of freedom, of happiness? She bent down and picked up a small twig between her fingers, and played with it unconsciously as her mind ran over the argument with her mother. She sat this way for a few moments, and then stood up abruptly and began walking up toward the Village.

She would apologize for the way she had shouted at her mother, but she wouldn't give in. She wouldn't go back to San Francisco. Perhaps she hadn't been completely fair, though, and she decided resolutely to visit her lonely mother more often, and to write her every chance she got. Lani thought to herself, as she walked along under the late afternoon sun beating down through the canopy of oak above her head, that that would be enough of a compromise for her mother, and if it wasn't… well, it was the most she could do!

Coming up to the front porch of the meeting hall, she saw Moses sitting with a small cat soundly asleep in his lap.

"Hey, Moses, have you seen my mother?"

Moses looked up slowly, and answered her with great precision in his voice.

"Uhh… yeah, Lani she… uhhh… she went down to the Pool, I think."

Lani looked at him amusedly, and with a small laugh, said, "My oh my, you look like you're flying, man!"

Moses didn't answer, but made a funny face, spread his arms out from his body like a pair of wings, and began to sing in an off-key voice. "Up we gooo… into the wild blue yonder…"

Lani turned away from him with a laughs and headed down toward the Pool. Moses is a scream, she thought to herself, but a really heavy character, too. Lani didn't know, of course, that what she assumed to be the unfathomable depth of Moses personality was in reality only an endless vacuum.

She walked quickly down the path leading to the Pool, and stopped by the edge of the clearing. There was no one in the water, or anywhere to be seen. She looked around once more, and then decided Moses must have been seeing things, which was very possible, and turned to go back up the path. She stopped as something caught her eye. She bent to pick it up, and saw that it was her mother's shoe, one of the ones she'd been wearing only a short time ago. Well, she thought to herself, she must be around here somewhere.

Lani turned back into the clearing, and began to walk around to the far side. She hadn't gone very far when she heard voices somewhere in the trees off to her right.

"Mom?" she called out, but didn't get an answer. She turned to where she thought she had heard the voices, and began to make her way in under the trees. She had almost decided she'd been hearing things, when she came to a tiny exposed place between two or three large oaks, and stopped abruptly, her eyes widening, an electric jolt of disbelief surging through her horrified body.

For what she saw, incredibly, unbelievably, were the nakedly entwined bodies of her voluptuous mother and her own muscular boyfriend!

She reeled in shock, and felt the strength leave her legs in a rush, making her feel totally helpless and alone. It couldn't be! It must be some kind of nightmare! It isn't possible!

But it was possible, and it was happening. Right before her incredulously staring eyes. Her own mother! That was the most hideous part, seeing her own prudish, puritanical mother who, as far as Lani was concerned, was the ultimate in virtue! There she was, lying on her back in a lewdly sensual position of unnatural sex, her legs raised high in the air as Bob buried his head between her inner thighs! My God! How could she! Lani slumped against a tree, sick to her soul, the breath which she had been going to scream with knocked from her lungs.

Ann was clutching the tousled hair of Bob Seikerd, her eyes squeezed shut and her pelvis grinding madly up against his face. Lani could see her boyfriend's tongue lash out lewdly at her mother's nakedly exposed pussy, disappearing up into the soft, hair-lined slit of her widespread vagina, and Lani heard the resultant ecstatic chants mewling from her mother's passion-crazed mouth, broken and slurred, and then the harsh, deep voice of the man down between her legs.

"That's enough of that, Mrs. Walker! You wanted my cock inside your tight little cunt, and now you're going to get it. I'm gonna fuck you blue, baby!"

Ann lay frozen under the bluntness of his obscene words. And yet their very lewdness excited her more and more, and she was at a loss to understand her reactions to what was occurring. She could feel the heated moisture of her passion soaking her vagina, and she crossed her legs to press them closely together, trying to ease the burning sensation that was churning madly in the pit of her naked belly. Bob's fervent kisses and manipulations had turned her entire body into a desire-inflamed bundle of raw nerve ends that she was helpless to control. Then his hands seized both her breasts and squeezed them together in two huge, firm mounds of roundly straining flesh. She could feel small pin pricks of delicious feeling racing through the tips of them as he rolled the hardening nipples maddeningly between his thumbs and forefingers. She could feel the heat of his breath rushing into her ear as he turned his head toward her to lock his mouth wildly against hers. She tried for a moment to twist away, but the pressure of his strong male grip was altogether too much for her in her present state of mind.