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The panting man collapsed exhaustedly across her body, feeling her insides still gushing forth around his rapidly deflating penis. At last, she too gave a final jerk and trembled to stillness. Her firm, perfectly sculpted body felt drained of everything, her belly filled to the bursting point with their hot sticky white male cum.

Moses lay still for a moment, trying to recover his strength, then slowly pulled his softened cock out of her totally sated cunt. He could see the soaking wet slit of her sex glistening wetly, the insides of her thighs heavily smeared with the white sticky moisture that dripped in tiny rivulets out of her vagina to form a moist, lewd pool beneath her.

"Ahhhhhh," he murmured. "Not bad, not bad."

"It'll get better," Bob said, grinning lewdly. "You know how beginners are. Lots of enthusiasm but lacking discipline. A few more sessions like this though, and she'll come around."

The repulsive horror of her lover's words shot through Lani's satiated euphoria like a spasm of electricity. Beginners…? A few more sessions…? What the hell is he talking about?

"What do you mean… I'll cone around?" she managed to say through her constricted throat.

"Just what I said, kiddo. Now that you're initiated into the finer pleasures of the old gang bang, we'll be doing it more often, you know? I suspect old Moses isn't going to be content with just this once, are you buddy?"

Moses grinned at her obscenely, leaving no doubt as to his answer.

"You… you're crazy, both of you!" she screamed at them, suddenly afraid of what her boyfriend was implying. "I won't… ever again… this was perverted, unnatural… you can't make me!"

Bob leered up at her, confident of his power over the frail young girl.

"You'll do anything I want you to do, Lani, starting from now. And I won't have to make you do it… because I can tell right now you're going to love every minute of it."

Lani stared with new found horror at the man she suddenly realized had somehow tricked her into becoming his sexual slave, and now, in the wake of their played out passions and her deep set remorse, she was able to gain a modicum of control over her senses, at least momentarily. In that second of clarity, she saw many things in a blinding new light. She slowly dragged herself to her feet, knowing that she had to get out of his horrible cabin, out into the sane, clean world again if she was ever going to break the chains of her betrayed body. Bob's plans for her were so horrid that she bit her lower lip in self-revulsion to the point where she drew blood, his filthy words sending a wave of nausea coursing through her.

Dear God… forgive me… I lost control of myself, and I've almost become an addict to sex… I must get out…

She had never felt so alone in her life. She saw now that her lashing hatred, her irrational accusations toward her mother weren't justified. Her mother's words, begging forgiveness, understanding and love filtered through her dazed mind, and Lani realized that what had happened here, to her, had happened more or less the same way back at the Pool. Her mother had fallen prey to Bob Seikerd, and he was unfit for anybody's love and affection or loyalties. He was incarnately evil…

She was caught up in his abominable trip and while still confused as to how or why, she knew that she had to get out of his web here, she had to talk to her mother and tell her that she had grown up and seen the truth, and that she was the one who wanted to beg for forgiveness and love and understanding. And maybe, just maybe, her mother would accept her, used and debauched as she was, and the two of them could make some effort to face life together.

She scooped up her clothing, preparatory to putting them on.

"Hey, baby," Moses asked. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Leaving," she said sullenly.

"Aw, for Christ's sake," Bob grumbled. "Stick around, Lani. I'll fuck you in a little while, soon's I get my cock up again."

It snapped, then, the spontaneous bursting in her head that crashed reality down over her with a shattering force. She turned toward the door quickly, feeling the tears begin to fill her eyes, but Bob reached out and caught her ankle, holding her fast in his iron grip.

"Listen, what's the matter? I told you to stay here. Didn't you hear me?"

Lani whirled to him, her sudden hatred for him making her rash in her accusation.

"You fucking bastard! You're both a pair of slimy, perverted bastards! I'm not going to play your sick games, do you understand? I'm not!!!!" With a little hysterical cry, Lani wrenched her foot from Bob's grasp, stumbled as she broke loose, and spilled her clothes over the cabin floor. Bob was getting up hurriedly behind her, and she rushed to the door of the cabin in a sudden panic. She had to get out of there!

"Come back here, you little bitch!" Bob yelled at her, but she didn't stop. She threw open the door and raced out into the early evening twilight, completely naked, and ran as quickly as she could through the trees, stumbling, tripping, falling against trees and limbs in her blind attempt to escape this tiny circle of hell.

"Goddamn, she sure is fast!" mused Moses as he watched the retreating form of the naked girl disappear in the fading light. "Look at those tits jump up and down!"

Bob's face was darkened with anger, and he spat out the words. "Serve her fucking right if some bobcat ate her up, the fucking bitch!" He turned back into the cabin. "Well, hell let her go. I'm sure not going running after her like this with my cock and balls flapping around in the breeze. To hell with her."

"Well, what'll we do, Bobby boy?"

"Forget her, the little tit. I shouldn't ever have wasted my time on her in the first place. She's probably found her mother and they're both halfway to San Francisco by now."

"Oh, I'm afraid that's impossible, Bobby."

Bob turned and saw Moses go to his coveralls, reach into the pocket, pull out a set of keys and dangle them before his eyes.

"These just happened to be sitting in the ignition of a little old Ford Falcon up by the meeting hall, so I took them for safe keeping. You know, save a teenager from becoming a car thief," he grinned.

"Well, well, well," Bob laughed loudly. "It looks like we may be blessed with the Walker's company, mother and daughter, for some little time then."

"Precisely, Bobby my boy, precisely," Moses chuckled, and tossed the keys to his friend with a wickedly obscene laugh.


Ann Walker looked once again at her watch, and then rose from the cot in Lani's cabin and went to the door to peer out into the half darkness of the cool, moonlight night. The trees around the cabin were illuminated by an eerie, almost iridescent glow. Their branches alternately shadowed and exposed to the impassive gaze of the full moon high above. The heat of the day had slipped away quietly, to be replaced by a gentle breeze that rustled through the tree limbs like so many whispering voices, sometimes soothing, but more of ten mocking the young mother who stood silhouetted in the doorway of the cabin.

Ann closed the door softly, and began to pace nervously up and down the room's short length. She walked a little stiffly, her unaccustomed loins still sore from Bob's love making that afternoon at the Pool. But her mind was not on the shame she had been feeling all evening as a result of the terrible breech of her sexual defenses. It was centered instead on a growing worry about her young daughter, Lani.

Ann looked at her watch once again, but it was only a few minutes later than when she'd last looked at it. She crossed to the cot, and sat nervously, trying desperately to calm her fears. Her soul still ached from the violence of Lani's words to her that afternoon, words that had torn her far more than the mere physical humiliation she had undergone with her daughter's boyfriend. She prayed now that Lani had only been gripped by a momentary disgust for her mother, a disgust that Ann herself shared, but that this horribly unfortunate incident would not destroy their relationship completely.