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Moses had moved across the floor until he was sitting right next to the quivering woman, his whole arm now encircling her shoulders, his nostrils filled with the tantalizing odor of her unbelievably sensuous body. He felt his dormant cock wake suddenly as the lovely, shaking mother collapsed against his chest, overcome with worry and grief. He tried, without much success, to still the mounting arousal that tingled his large body mercilessly.

"Shhhh… Shhh…" he whispered, "Ann, come on now… if you face the truth, it will be easier in the long run. Admit that you enjoyed your experience with Bob this afternoon. From what Lani has told us in the past, I gather that you haven't really allowed yourself much sexual activity in the past few years. So it isn't shameful that you couldn't control yourself this afternoon. Watts perfectly normal."

Ann's mind reeled under the truth of his words. She had enjoyed it. Even though she hadn't wanted it, she had enjoyed it!

"Nooooo… he forced it… I didn't mean to…"

"Of course you didn't, Ann… of course you didn't. But you did enjoy it, now, didn't you?"

"Yes!" Ann admitted through clenched teeth, "I did enjoy it! And that is the worst part of it all!"

"But it's not, Ann, it's not. Don't you see it's perfectly normal? The body is a temple, Ann, but it is a temple that must not be allowed to decay, don't you see? You didn't betray your body this afternoon; you have been betraying it by trying to hide it behind shame and fear. It had to break loose sometime, and it did this afternoon. You should be happy, not upset."

As Moses talked, his right hand came to rest on Ann's quivering thigh, at first as though he were emphasizing what he was saying, but then remained, lightly caressing the smooth fabric of her skirt over her naked flesh. She was hardly aware of his touch, concentrating only on his words, and the possible truth of them.

"I… I don't know… I just don't know…" she moaned.

"I'm right, dear lady, you know I'm right," Moses voice was beginning to take on an unmistakably lusting edge, which he could no longer hide. His hand moved more quickly over her thigh until, with a tingle that raced out of control up his spine, it came into contact with her naked flesh. "You must learn to let yourself go… let yourself go… relax… and be free, Ann, be free. You have a beautiful body, you must use it… use it well… share it…"

Ann came out of her reverie with a jolt, felt Moses' hand working its lewd way around into the warm flesh of her inner thigh, his other hand beginning to massage her neck suggestively, and spun away from him on the floor.

"What do you think you're doing!" she screamed at him in sudden fear, pulling her dress down frantically over her legs. "What are you…"

"I'll tell you what I'm doing, little Venus," Moses crooned, not even attempting now to hide the look of sheer animal lust that had twisted his previously gentle face into some obscene parody of Jekyll and Hyde. "I'm simply appreciating an incredibly beautiful body, a temple, you know, like I said… I see the fantastic temple of your body, sweet lady, and I plan to worship it. Now you don't mind a little worship, do you?"

He was crouched on the balls of his feet now, leaning out toward her with an evil grin on his leering face. With a sudden panic rising like a flood in her body, Ann felt her arm swing out wildly, and felt the sharp sting in her palm as her hand caught him under the chin, knocking him off balance and onto his side on the floor. Quickly, he jumped to his feet, standing over her threateningly, rubbing the place on his jaw where she'd hit him.

"You fucking little bitch, you're going to pay for that! You're going to beg me to fuck you before I'm through." He stood above her huddled form, glaring down at her with rage burning in his eyes. Then, insanely, his face twisted itself into a sweet, sick smile. "That was not very nice of you, Ann. No, not very nice at all. We practice non-violence here on the commune, and that was very violent of you. Yes it was, very violent."

Ann crawled away from him on the floor, staring at him as the terrifying transition came over his face. He must be mad!

"Now… now you leave me alone! Do you hear?"

"No, sweet thing, I don't hear. My ears are filled with the music of your delicious body, and I'm deaf to anything else." A grin played on his face as he watched with sadistic pleasure the frightened young woman on the floor.

"I'm leaving… I'm getting out of here… don't… don't try to stop me," Ann stammered, not daring to move a muscle.

"No you're not, Ann. Shall I tell you why?" He reached into the pocket of his coveralls, and pulled a ring of keys, dangling them before her horrified gaze. "You're not leaving because you have no place to go. You recognize these?"

Ann's mind reeled as she realized he was holding the keys to her car. "Please…" she begged, "please, give them to me…"

"Of course, Ann, of course. You can have them. But this is a capitalistic world we live in, so I'm afraid you're going to have to pay for them."

Ann felt the strength leave her body as he interpreted his obscene implication, and she collapsed on the floor with her head in her hands, sobbing unrestrainedly. She was trapped! Hopelessly ensnared by to evilly grinning man standing above her. She didn't even move as she sensed him moving closer to her, and crouching down over her prostrate body. A tremor rippled over her as she felt his hand move suddenly to her flat, tense stomach, then inch around her waist as he came closer to her, until his face was mere inches from her own.

"Stop! Please… stop it!" she pleaded, writhing from his grasp unsteadily. "Please… let me go…"

But Moses didn't answer, and she felt his hands grab her slender waist again, and the strength of his powerful arms draw her tightly against him, his one hand moving down to encompass the full, rounded spheres of her buttocks, while the other one lumped against the small of her back. She felt the blood rustling to her cheeks in the shame of his coarse hand moving intimately over her tensed and fear stricken body.

"S-stop! Stop it, do you hear? I'll scream for help!"

"Oh… oh… no… no… stop…!" Ann groaned as he lifted his head to grin evilly down at her.

"Getting to you now, Ann?" Moses hissed, his hands roving over her exploringly.

NO! It was impossible! Her body wouldn't… couldn't betray her again! But it was… incredible. She was coming alive with overpowering, impossible sensations. His hands, his tongue, his body had kindled her aflame with desire almost immediately. My God, she had to gain a hold on herself! What was happening to her… was she that sick?

Then, his huge hands were on the satiny, naked flesh of her leg… moving upward… upward to her thigh… the soft, warm flesh of her inner thigh… and God Almighty! She wanted it there! Oh God… Nooooo…!

Moses stared down at where she lay stretched out beneath him, while his hands smoothed up the silken flesh of her trembling thigh, moving higher with each stroke, until he let them brush to the very peak of the delightful juncture, instigating the sensation of contact as they pressed gently through her nylon panties, against the golden, hair covered lips of her panting, pink slitted little pussy. Ann groaned and jerked to the slight pressured touch against her tingling genitals, her brain desperately fighting to seize control from her rapidly overpowering physical senses. Oh Lord, what had come over her? Oh… somehow… somehow, she had to end this horrible teasing she was allowing her body to be submitted to!

"No! No! You've got to stop this… I can't do this again… don't you see?" she cried, rolling her head back and forth, her eyes squeezed tightly closed in her shame. "Damn you, stop, I say! I'll kill you! I'll kill you for this…!"

Oh God! Her mind was a whirlpool of confusion. If only she could think straight! Maybe if she played along a little… Yes! Yes! She must play along… humor him… at least, that would make it easier… Yes, that was it… play along… humor him…