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"Take it, Venus, take it in your mouth and suck!!!! Suck hard!!!!"

Her mind completely gone with the force of her passion, Ann could only focus her eyes on the beautiful shaft of flesh peering down at her from the darkness of Moses' pubic hair. Hungrily, without thinking, she grasped the massive pillar and brought with a rush into her awaiting mouth and sucked it wildly in time with the jerking convulsions of her own going on climax. She felt Moses thrusting himself brutally down onto her face, once, twice, five times, and then before she realized what was happening, her mouth was filled with his hot, burning cum, choking her, forcing her to swallow wildly in an attempt to keep up with his insanely spewing cock.

Above her, Moses rolled his eyes triumphantly toward the ceiling, his hands wrapped in Ann's hair, his mind a total blank except for the unbelievable sensation of emptying his whole body into the wetly sucking mouth of the defenseless young woman skewered so obscenely beneath his plunging cock. He felt wave after wave of boiling cum flow out of him, convulsing his aching loins mercilessly, making his whole body shudder as though his sperm were being squeezed out of his bloated balls by some overpowering suction device. And then, after jerking his rapidly deflating penis a few more times into Ann's now passive mouth, he rolled off her onto his back, and closed his eyes, sighing with pleasure.

As soon as he was off her, Ann rolled away from him and jumped to her feet in panic, grabbed her dress and threw it on her trembling body. Her own fantastic climax was already forgotten as she realized what Moses had done to her. The ultimate degradation! Oh God, she had had his… thing… in her own mouth, and even sucked it, and now her stomach was full of the lewd loot sperm he had loosed into the back of her throat! Ann's brain reeled in total shame and revulsion. There was nothing worse than that! Nothing!!! Except for the lingering taste of his seed on her tongue, she might have thought it was just a terrible nightmare. But it wasn't a nightmare – it was true! And it had happened to her!!! She felt shamefully used and debased beyond belief, whorish to the very depths of her soul, and knew that she could never again feel so completely debauched as she did at that moment.

She stared down in horror at the man lying on the floor below her, his face smiling up at her as though they were two lovers having just given themselves to one another. But Ann knew that what she had just done, what Moses had just done to her, was as far from love as night is from day. And yet she didn't hate him… she couldn't hate him, because he was so obviously a sick, sick man. And so, as she stood there, her eyes wide with revulsion at what she had done, all her hate was turned in on her own soul with relentless force.

She had turned and stumbled toward the door. She didn't even hear Moses calling to her as she threw open the door and ran outside, tripping on the step and falling headlong onto the ground. She picked herself up hysterically, and forced her unwilling legs to carry her away, desperately, hopelessly seeking a haven where she could rest her tired body and forget the shame that coursed through her whole being.

As she ran up the path away from Moses cabin, there was only one thought in her churning mind. Lani, you've got to help me… please God… I'm sick… I'm sick… help me…


Lani Walker made her way slowly along the steep grade of the path leading from the Chapel down the hill to the Village. Her face was dirty, caked with dust that had mingled with her tears and left dry little rivers running down her soft cheeks. Her beautifully white body was scratched and bruised from the lashings of tree branches and undergrowth that had torn at her completely naked body as she had run hysterically from Moses' cabin after being completely humiliated at the hands of Moses and her own boyfriend, Bob Seikerd. She had run blindly, unconsciously, for more than 15 minutes that afternoon, tripping over hidden roots, falling, picking herself up only to fall once more, or to run headlong into a low hanging branch. Finally she had stopped, trembling like an animal at bay, gazing fearfully around as though she expected the trees themselves to come alive and advance on her sinisterly from all sides.

Then she had made her agonizing way up the hill to the Chapel, to the one place in this awful commune where she might find peace, might be able to think, and to reason out what had happened to her. She had been there for almost four hours, and was making her way back to her cabin now only because the cool night air had begun to chill her naked flesh, making her shiver and arousing her from the completely apathetic state she had fallen into.

Bob Seikerd, the boy she'd thought she loved, the boy she'd followed to this commune in order to find love and security of a kind her transient mother could never provide, had betrayed her so totally that Lani felt as though the ground had been torn from under her feet! He had permitted, even encouraged, Moses to shove his long cock up into her while she was bringing Bob to a climax with her own mouth! The sight of the three of them writhing on Moses' mattress impressed itself indelibly on Lani's tortured mind, as though she'd been simply a spectator in the cabin, watching three other people engage in the same disgusting perversion she herself had been a party to. She tried to rid herself of the terrible image, but it remained as fixed in her thoughts as a fully developed obscene photograph, which she didn't want to look at, but was forced to.

And the way Bob had talked – how he'd promised to fuck her again as soon as his cock was hard, right in front of the leering eyes of his friend, Moses! Lani felt doubly betrayed, because Moses, whom she supposed to be such a sensitive, kind man, had so inexplicably metamorphosed into a lusting, animalistic monster, taking her mercilessly as though she were nothing more than a piece of meat hung up for sale in someone's filthy, fly-ridden butcher shop. The whole experience had shattered Lani's ego and self-respect almost totally, making her doubt all things because her deep felt love for Bob Seikerd had proven to be such a disastrous delusion.

And so she walked slowly down the hill, her lovely blonde hair snarled and tangled with bits of grass and leaves, her eyes dry now and reddened, her bruised body bowed and slumped over pitifully as she walked. She skirted the clearing of the Village by a hundred yards, not wanting to meet anyone else from the commune with their questions and their peering eyes. Her thoughts now, as she walked, were centered strangely enough on only one thing, and that was her mother… her mother as she had been so long ago when Lani would come home from school bleeding from a schoolyard fight… her mother when Lani had rushed into the house from her first date in tears because the boy had brought her home an hour early… her mother as she had always held and comforted her daughter in the warm, loving embrace of her soothing arms.

Lani realized now that she'd been completely wrong about what had happened this afternoon. It was obvious to her that Bob had instigated the whole sordid affair, and that her mother had been completely blameless. Lani chastised herself mercilessly for the words she had flung at her mother so hysterically that afternoon by the Pool, and knew that those words must have hurt Ann terribly, especially because she had been innocent and the violence of Lani's attack was undeserved.

Lani finally made her way down through the trees surrounding her own cabin, and saw a dim light shining through the closed window. With a shiver of excitement and longing, she realized that it must be her mother, waiting for her, still believing her daughter had meant all those things she'd said to her. Lani's overpowering love for her mother coursed through her almost violently as she suddenly knew that her love for her mother was the only thing remaining to her amid the shattered ruins of her world, and that no matter what happened, she must cling to that love as the only stable thing in her disordered life!