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"Oh, yeah, Bob… let's see. He left here just a little while ago."

"Can you tell me where he went?"


"Can you tell me where he is now?" Ann asked slowly, infuriated by his seemingly indifferent attitude.

"… where he is now…?" Moses echoed, his voice trailing off as his eyes wandered to where a small bird had perched on the railing of the porch.

"Please, Moses," Ann pleaded with exasperation. "It's very important."

"What? Oh yeah, sorry… let's see… oh yeah right, he went down to the Pool."

"To the what?"

"The Pool… oh you don't know about that." Moses stood up sedately and pointed vaguely towards a path that led out of the clearing. "You just walk on down there, and you'll come to a little pond. That's the Pool. I mean, we call it the Pool, but its not a real swimming pool. Although, we do swim in it, so I guess it must be a pool… right?"

He beamed down on her with a foolish grin on his face, as though he had discovered some very basic truth about life and the workings of nature, but the importance of his find left Ann unimpressed.

"Thank you," she said hurriedly, and turned quickly toward the path he'd indicated.

"No charge," Moses called after her, giggling ludicrously, "no charge! Maybe you can do me a little favor sometime, hmmmm?"

But Ann didn't hear. She already dismissed his obviously intoxicated behavior, and her thoughts were now all focused on what she would say to Bob to convince him to help her persuade Lani to return home. But no matter how hard she tried all the little speeches she constructed in her head as she walked quickly down the path toward the Pool seemed insufficient. How could she even stand in front of this man who had just fucked her daughter right before her very eyes, much less try to convince him to let loose his obviously powerful hold on her! What could she possibly say to him that would have any effect, would hold out even the slightest chance of success?

She still hadn't made up her mind when she came suddenly into a small clearing, with a small pond in the center, and stopped abruptly. She raised her hand to her mouth in surprise at what she saw, and stepped quickly back under the trees. She almost turned back up the path, but something made her turn her eyes back to the side of the Pool, and gaze with fascination at the forbidden sight she had stumbled upon.

Bob Seikerd was standing by the edge of the pond, his tautly muscled young body facing away from her, his naked buttocks and thighs presented clearly to her gaze. He was drying himself slowly with a towel, rubbing his back and legs with languid, loving motions. She stifled a moan of embarrassed excitement and felt the small of her back tingle with the lurid sight. He spread his legs slightly, bending forward to wipe his thighs, and his testicles were dark shadows hanging from between the crevice of his buttocks. A gripping desire settled in Ann's stomach, the lascivious wish to again see his huge penis, as she had that afternoon, and unknowingly Lani's mother found herself mentally willing him to turn around… turn around and show his genitals to her. Instead, the powerful young man rubbed his chest and arms, his inner thighs, everywhere except where Ann's tortured mind had settled…

God! What was happening to her?

She didn't know what was making her react in such a sex-crazed manner, what was making her stare at him with a tingling in her own loins growing stronger, centering in her aching pubic area and in the taut firmness of her barely covered breasts. She had come down here to stop this man's corrupt seductions of her daughter, but here she was, wide-eyed and open-mouthed, gawking with a growing lewdness. What was wrong with her! She had not even seen a naked man in years, much less felt the obscene sexual tingling that was coursing inexplicably up between her legs now, and she tried to force herself to turn away, to escape the awful temptation she'd avoided for so many years.

But her voluptuous body, goaded by the passions she'd so long repressed, betrayed her in spite of her misery and self-flagellation, powerfully overruling her will with an iron force. Unable to resist, the aroused mother breathed faster and faster, excited and tormented at the same time, as her daughters lover pivoted slightly and revealed his balls and fresh young cock to her.

Feet splayed, towel curved underneath and around, the young man began to dry his pubic area in soft, sensuous massages, slowly moving his now limp shaft of male flesh around in the towel, exposing it on all sides to the woman's fevered eyes. Then he moved lower and stroked the distended, sac of his testicles, rubbing between his legs and up around his anus. Then he flipped the towel aside and placed his right hand back on his penis and began to slide his fingers casually up and down it.

Ann stayed, transfixed, as she saw the husky man's flaccid cock turn a stronger reddish color and quickly swell from his knowing manipulations, rising until it was the enormous size she had seen that same afternoon. A low sigh, a moan of pleasure issued from his lips as he shut his eyes for a moment and flicked his hand swiftly back and forth over the now erect shaft of his cock, making it stand out from his hairy loins at a rock-hard angle, its burgeoning, thick blunt head an angry red.

Why… why he's masturbating! With a cry she was unable to choke away, Ann mewled audibly with the lascivious sight of his masturbation, falling back with her hand over her mouth as the sound erupted spontaneously from her constricted throat.

Bob whirled around, dropping his hand, his eyes filled with fright. "Wha…! Mrs. Walker! I… I thought you were talking with Lani!"

"No, I… I left her a little while ago," Ann managed, swallowing hard, stammering confusedly. This wasn't the way she had planned their talk, not at all! She wasn't sure exactly what she should do now.

"Then… you've been watching me, haven't you?" An incredibly knowing grin slowly spread on his features as he sensed her sudden contusion.

"You were, weren't you?" he demanded, after his first question only drew a blushing silence. "Hiding in the trees there, getting your jollies watching me play with myself. Weren't you, Mrs. Walker?"

"No… no…" she protested weakly.

"Yes," he said softly. He took a step for her. "You wanted to get to know your daughter's boyfriend a little better, didn't you? Well, here I am, Mrs. Walker, in the flesh, so to speak. And I bet you liked seeing me beat off, too. I bet you're all hot under that little summer dress of yours," he added cockily, grinning with an all too apparent smirk. "Well, you wanted to see me naked and here I am. Admit it!"

"No!" Ann blurted irrationally. "No, I didn't already seen you naked!" And then she realized what she had said and groaned piteously, sinking weakly to the ground. Bob, puzzled, his original confidence sagging, walked over to the stricken woman.

"You… what?" he asked incredulously. "You've seen me naked before now? When?"

"Please – please don't make things worse," she said, stiffening her resolve. "Just… just get your clothes on and go away."

Bob stared at her for a minute, and then put his head back and laughed. That was alclass="underline" laughed – but it stirred the anger of shame and anguish in Ann's already confused mind.

"All right, if you must know," she retorted, her face crimson, "I saw you this afternoon. You and Lani in the grass on that hill… you two were…" She choked on the words, sensations of excitement and revulsion welling up in her at the remembrance.

"Go on, Mrs. Walker," he urged breathlessly, his cock jerking hard. "What did you see?"

"Everything!" Ann gasped recklessly, rapidly losing control of her logic. "I saw everything! You raped her! She doesn't want you! You must have forced her to…"

"Fuck me…?" the muscled young man laughed. "Oh, far from it, Mrs. Walker, far from it. If anything, she raped me! Didn't you hear her begging for it? Begging for my cock?"

Bob watched the distraught young mother wince at his brutal description, and then grew harsh.