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The clock dial read noon when Elspeth awoke. She rubbed her eyes and glanced over at the other bed – empty, rumpled. Then she caught the rustling noise of her roommate moving around and remembered that it was Saturday.


"Oh, you're awake?"

"Not quite."

"Lucky girl. Go back to sleep if you like. I've been up over an hour."

"Huh? Doing what?"

"Figured I might get some work done. But I sat down and just wasn't in the mood, you know? So I just…"

"Work? On Saturday?"

"Some work I brought home from the agency. I'm still after that promotion, I'll have you know, and my chances are looking better all the time. But I didn't get much done. The mood wasn't right, so I took a bath instead. Nice, too. Nothing like a hot tub to start off a weekend."

"Ummm. I could use a shower myself right now."

"Go to it. I was just about to fix some orange juice. I'll bring you some."

Elspeth yawned and stretched languidly and then found energy enough to amble into the bathroom. Under the shower, she thought of calling her ever-willing roomie back in to provide a little fancy maid-service but then decided against it. Lessons from Margalo Fitch came first – or at least one more lesson before attempting anything new. Besides, this was hardly the time of day to plunge into sex; at the moment, she felt more like showering in a hurry and then guzzling a gallon of cold juice and hot coffee. Just the same, though, it was gratifying to know that extra service could have been had for the asking…


"I'm just finishing."

"Want orange juice? I've got it for you."

"Uh-huh. Door's open. Come on in."

When her roommate entered, Elspeth was in the act of reaching for a towel. She took the juice glass instead, sipping and savoring the tart-sweet flavor, quite unconscious of her nudity until she saw the look in Joan's eyes. There was a glitter in them – or a reflection perhaps? – an added something that put brightness into the aloe-black pupils.

"Aren't you going to thank me, Elspeth? Fresh squeezed oranges done by hand, how's that?"

"Oh. Thanks. It's delicious."

"And so are you." Moving close, Joan smiled and licked her lips at the same time. "Most delicious thing I've seen in many a century."

Elspeth shivered and shut her eyes in the grip of sudden excitement as Joan's hand caressed her bosom. Regardless of the time of day, a sex scene had already begun. Now she found herself wishing she had instigated it herself, or at least given the order – but it was too late. Her nipple was responding eagerly, getting stiffer by the minute, poking into the hollowed palm that cupped her, breast. She stood there like that, the glass in one hand and the still-unused towel in the other, while soft fingers made stroking motions upon her damp skin.

"You'll get your robe wet."

"So what?" The fingers tightened.

"Let me dry off first."

"I'll do it." Joan seized the towel. "You just drink your juice. That way we'll save time – in case we get the urge to jump back into bed for a little you-know-what."


"Who knows? Maybe orange juice is an aphrodisiac."

"Hah! You're confusing it with oysters."

"Oysters are for men. And I'm a girl. An affectionate little gay girl. Or haven't you noticed?"

"I've noticed, I've noticed."

The fleecy towel moved with loving precision, making both nipples leap up in prickling desire. Joan spotted the reaction and giggled happily, placing a hasty but meaningful kiss on each tip. Then, back to business again, she continued the drying chore swiftly, thoroughly, all the way down. She had to get to her knees to do it, and Elspeth couldn't help but wonder what Margalo Fitch might have done at such a moment. Barked out some bizarre command, no doubt. But this situation wasn't quite the same, though – Joan was merely doing the job so I that they could finish up here in the bathroom and rush into bed. Elspeth felt words form on her lips, sexy words, harsh words, wild words, words that her teacher might have used. But she just couldn't bring herself to say them aloud. Not without some booze in her belly, at any rate, enough to build a little courage. Much as the need stimulated her, she just wasn't that sure of herself yet.

Soon, though. Oh yes, she was certain of it. A few more sessions up there in the penthouse and she would be prepared for any situation. But for now, though, it seemed wiser to play safe and remain content with what she had.

As a matter of fact, what she had was just fine. Looking down, Elspeth saw the smiling lips, the gracefully bending body, and felt a ripple of desire. She stood there in a straddle-legged stance as the towel was briskly rubbed over her feet. Her legs started to go limp as she thought of that mouth on her flesh. And then, unaccountably, she thought of it the other way around. Or maybe doing it together?

The notion startled her. But it shouldn't have, she realized, after all, that sort of thing wasn't new to her anymore. And the idea was certainly exciting even now her legs were giving way; she slumped to the bathmat and caught Joan in a fervent embrace managing somehow to get rid of the empty juice glass without causing a catastrophe.

"Elspeth… wait."


"Not here. In bed, huh?"

Elspeth hung on. But Joan squirmed out of her clasp and raced into the bedroom. Scrambling upright, Elspeth followed hurriedly, no longer concerned about who was dominating whom, anxious only to close the gap between them. She saw Joan wriggle out of her robe on the way, and the sight of the naked body added to her impatience. She could hardly wait to taste it, to put her mouth right there. Cunt. And once on the bed she immediately swung in that direction.

"Hey! I don't get it. Elspeth…"

"Hush. I'm thanking you for the orange juice." That wasn't quite truthful, of course, but it seemed as good an excuse as any for this sudden switch. "Joanie, I'm thanking you for being such a good roomie all this time."

"Oh. You-you want to…"

"I'm going to do it. The thing you do to me. The lesbian thing. I'm going to suck your cunt."


"Suck you. Suck your cunt until you wail."

"Yes… darling, make me wail…"

"Damn right."

"Only you won't hear me. Because I'll be doing it, too, I'll be sucking you at the same time. Oh, I've dreamed of this! Both of us together."


A perfect togetherness, that was it, and Elspeth's mouth found the place. And at last – with heads locked between thighs – she played give-and-take with her roommate. Sweet little Joan with a sweet little cunt, such a loyal roomie and lover, didn't someone like that deserve the best?

The best, then, the best possible. But it wasn't easy upside down, and Elspeth strained to nuzzle around inside the slippery cunt-lips to give her tongue freedom to lick and lap. She grasped the writhing buttocks to still their motion. They kept moving, making the kiss more difficult, until she pulled harder in a brusque gesture that allowed her fingers to slip into the crack. Joan shook violently, a reaction that added to Elspeth's excitement a thousand fold, and now she sent one fingertip deep. Down between the soft ass-cheeks. All the way. Until she was there, right there at the tiny indentation, tapping it, probing it, exerting more and more pressure.

"Oh… please… Elspeth…"

"Loosen up."

"P-please, no."

"I want your ass."

"Don't hurt me. What's gotten into you?"

"Must be the orange juice. Aphrodisiac, you said."

"Hah-hah. Very funny. Just the time for jokes. You're about to tear me apart and…"

"Nobody's tearing nothing. Hold still!"

"Darling… must you…"

"If you don't like it, I'll stop. But not until I'm in deep enough to find out. And you can even do it to me at the same time, that's how generous I am. Okay?"