A New Kind Of War
Anthony Price
Copyright © Anthony Price 1987
Eve of Scobiemas
Greece, February 2, 1945
The eagle continued its effortless wheeling and gliding far above them, like a spotter-plane safely out of range, as the last echoes of gunfire finished knocking from peak to peak below it. Obviously, the bloody bird had heard a machine-gun before, and possibly from the same godforsaken hillside. In fact, it was probably just biding its time, waiting for its supper.
‘Do eagles eat dead bodies?’ As Fred watched, another eagle swept into view. So that meant they bloody did, for sure, and years of war had taught them to steer towards the sound of the guns, with the prospect of succulent glazed eyeballs for an hors d’oeuvre.
‘Eh?’ Kyriakos had been busy studying the tree-line on the crest of dummy4
the ridge above the path. ‘What was that?’
‘I said “So much for your bloody truce”, Captain Michaelides.’
Fred was conscious of his own as yet unglazed eyeballs as he stared reproachfully at Kyriakos.
‘You didn’t say that.’ The Greek transferred his attention to the track below them. ‘But . . . not my truce, old boy – your bloody truce.’
The track was empty, and the mountains were as silent as they had been before that sudden burst of machine-gun fire had startled them. And even allowing for acoustic tricks the sound had come from over the ridge, certainly; and from far away, hopefully; and possibly even accidentally? Some peasant lad shooting his foot off? Or impressing his girl-friend?
‘Not my bloody truce.’ A tiny green shoot of hope poked through the arid crust of Fred’s experience: when things were not as bad as they seemed that was usually because they were preparing to be worse. But this returning silence was encouraging. ‘I’m just a tourist passing through – remember?’
Kyriakos chuckled, and then coughed his smoker’s cough. ‘A tourist?’
‘You were going to show me Delphi, as I recall.’ As Kyriakos himself began to relax, Fred’s miraculous green shoot flowered.
Back in Athens they had said that there’d be eagles over Delphi, so maybe it was just a welcoming party up there. ‘That makes me a tourist.’
‘If that’s what you wish to be . . .’ The Greek shrugged. ‘But I was dummy4
actually going to introduce you to Mother as one of our liberators.
Just like Lord Byron, I would have told her –
Fill high the cup with Samian wine!
Our virgins dance beneath the shade
– although I can’t guarantee any virgins locally, after having been away so long. But I do know that Father bricked up some good wine at the far end of the old cellar in the winter of ‘40. He knew what was coming, by God!’
‘I’ll settle for the wine.’ And this blissful silence! ‘What do you think it was, Kyri? A feu de joie?’
‘What for?’ Ever cautious, Kyriakos was scanning the ridge again.
‘Christmas Eve?’ To his shame Fred found the prospect of the temple of Apollo at Delphi insignificant compared with that of good wine and a soft bed, with or without an attendant virgin. But then almost anything would be an improvement on his Levadhia billet.
‘Christmas Eve? On February the second?’ Suddenly there was something not quite right in the Greek’s voice. ‘No – don’t look!
Keep talking, old man – just keep talking – look at me!’
‘Yes?’ It hurt his neck not to look up the hillside. ‘What did you see?’
‘Perhaps nothing. I am not sure. But it is better that we do not both stare, I think. So ... you were saying?’
Fear crawled up Fred’s back like a centipede. “There’s an outcrop of rock about twenty yards ahead, Kyri. We’d be a lot safer behind it.‘
‘Yes – I know. But we’re having a conversation, and we haven’t seen anything yet.’ Kyriakos brushed his moustache with heavily nicotine-stained fingers. Fred remembered that when he’d first seen that moustache in Italy it had been a well-groomed Ronald Colman growth, along the road beyond Tombe di Pesaro, on the Canadian Corps boundary. But now it had bushed out and run riot, perhaps symbolizing its owner’s own reversion to the traditional banditry of his native land.
‘It was a Spandau that fired just now.’ When he didn’t speak Kyriakos occupied his silence. ‘That’s an andarte weapon. And if they’ve got another one up there trained on us we wouldn’t get ten yards – if they think we’ve seen them. So ... talk to me – wag your finger at me ... as though you had all the time in the world – okay?’
‘Yes.’ But words failed Fred, even as he raised a ridiculous finger.
Christmas Eve! he thought desperately. It wasn’t Christmas Eve –
it was February the second, not December the twenty-fourth: February the second, Anno Domini 1945, not December the twenty-fourth 1944! ‘Yes.’
‘Go on – go on!’ Kyriakos waved an equally ridiculous hand at him, as though to disagree with the ridiculous finger. ‘ Talk to me.’
‘Yes.’ But, on the other hand, it was Christmas Eve, thought Fred.
Because General Scobie had abolished Christmas Day, 1944, for the British Army in Athens: it just wouldn’t have sounded right for dummy4
the British Army – the Liberators – to have carolled ‘Peace on Earth, and Good Will to All Men’ when they’d been busy killing their erstwhile Communist allies, with their 25-pounders firing over the Parthenon, and the cruisers and destroyers in the bay stonking targets along the Piraeus road, and the Spitfires wheeling like eagles overhead! ‘It’s the eve of Scobiemas, I mean, Kyriakos.’
‘Ah! Of course – I had forgotten! Scobiemas is tomorrow, of course! But we Greeks do not keep Scobiemas. Or Christmas, either – remember?’
Dead right! Fred remembered. And General Scobie had been dead right too, because the Commies had launched a midnight attack on the Rouf Barracks garrison, Christmas Day-Boxing Day, on the otherwise reasonable assumption that the British would be pissed out of their minds by then; whereas in fact, thanks to General Scobie, they’d been stone-cold sober and ready – and bloody-minded with it . . . also thanks to General Scobie, by God! But he had to talk –
‘I went to a party on Christmas Day, actually.’
‘You did?’ Kyriakos took a step towards him, turning slightly and draping a friendly arm across his shoulders. ‘I thought that all the parties were forbidden then – ?’ He glanced sidelong, uphill.
‘It was for Greeks, too.’ Fred let the friendly arm propel him forwards along the path. ‘What do you see?’
‘Nothing . . . slowly now ... for Greeks, you say?’
‘Greek children. Some 4th Div gunners gave it.’ Fred let himself be pushed towards the rocky outcrop. ‘I saw one little kid gobble dummy4
up four days’ M and V rations all by himself.’ It seemed a very long twenty yards to the outcrop, at this friendly snail’s-pace. ‘And a couple of platefuls of peaches after that, plus a pile of biscuits.’
‘Yes. I heard about that.’ The arm restrained him. ‘But it wasn’t a gunners’ party – it was 28 – Brigade RASC, Fred.’
‘Well, it was a gunner who took me along.’ They were getting closer, step by step. ‘But you’re probably right: trust the RASC to have the peaches!’ Fred shivered –slightly at the memory of the bitter wind which had chilled him before and after the party, as he’d helped the gunners find a position in suburban Athens free of electricity cables (which they had not been allowed to pull down; and there was the added problem of the Parthenon, high up and dead ahead, which had worried one classically-educated subaltern mightily) . . . but mostly it was the last three agonizing yards, shuffled step by slow step, which frightened him.