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'And was she a well-made girl, mamma,' queried Ethel.

'Yes, but not better than you, and not much more so than myself, though she was nearly four years older. Still, Lucy was a tempting piece of goods, and a distinguished-looking girl, so that I doubt whether anyone but a rake like George would have undertaken to rape her. I fancy she must have been more than spoony on him, and the rascal saw that he only needed to hit the psychological moment to tear away her maidenhead. But, Lor' bless you, Lucy could never hold a candle to me when once I got the rage for fucking and my figure developed.' 'I can readily guess that,' I said admiringly, squeezing her breasts and bottom animatedly, 'the sight of these would make a mummy's cock stand, Rose.' 'Yes' (complacently). 'Fetch me my photos, Ethel.' They were produced and proved to be a series of nude pictures of herself, taken over a number of years and in various highly indecent postures, showing her development from a pretty, plump girl to the magnificent whore she was now. In particular she had a number fully exposing her cunt to view, with the idea, she said, of proving that in a woman endowed with abnormal fucking powers the cunt retained much more freshness and expanded less than you would suppose.

'I have been an outrageous belly-bumper for years,' she remarked, 'and I should be sorry to have to calculate how many thousand times I have emptied a cock into my cunt, but you see there isn't much difference in it even now.' Rose opened her thighs and made me compare minutely the earlier pictures with its present mature state, and really there wasn't any very perceptible difference. Some women I have fucked since have had cunts like horse-collars, and hadn't been on their backs overmuch, either, but then she hadn't done much child-bearing, and was in a position to take good care of her most valued treasure. So far as I could tell it was likely to be eminently fuckable for many a year yet. I said so.

'I hope so,' said Rose heartily. 'But I suppose I shall always be able to buy a decent fuck, unless I become too much of a hag. I certainly mean to go on using it if I can so long as there is any feeling left in it.' There were a few pictures of Ethel, too. In one of them, as a child, she was kneeling between her mother's thighs, and gamahuching her intently, but of this more anon.

'Lucy,' resumed Rose, 'had a pretty tough experience, hadn't she? After George had filled her cup of humiliation to the brim, and she imagined her submission was to be rewarded by the insertion of his prick in her longing crack, he got off her, and remarking that she was hardly in a condition to be fucked yet, amused himself by making her take various improper postures, and then went off for a bathe.'


Lucy's Story Continued

I was resolved not to undergo these experiences for nothing, and bathed myself unceasingly to get my parts into order again. That evening was warm and mild. Annie and Tottie occupied the tent with me, and when they thought I was asleep I heard them get up quietly and go outside. I guessed their little game but was rather astonished at Annie, who I was almost certain was still a virgin. I peeped out, and saw them joined by George and Randolph in their pyjamas. The latter was only a lad, still in his teens, and a great admirer of George, who I suspected was initiating him into the game of mothers and fathers.

Annie betrayed some reluctance-the last efforts of modesty-and it must have been a great shock to her, while wrapped in Randolph's embraces, to see George coolly strip off Tottie's shift and hoist her stark naked on to his shoulders. The girl was a fluffy-haired, fair little thing, with plump bosoms and rounded limbs, and was clearly like wax in her bearer's masterful hands.

'Come along, Annie,' she whispered impatiently, 'don't make such a noise or they will hear you. Don't be a little fool. You know very well you are dying to get hold of what these bad boys carry in front of them.' 'Lift her up, Randy,' said George, 'and bring her along.' So off they went to the dining tent, and a pretty picture the immodest Tottie made, up in the air with her fat little bottom bulging out over George's shoulders.

Well, I didn't like the idea of George fucking Tottie instead of me one bit, though the child's lapse from virtue was no secret to me, but I couldn't make up my mind for some time what to do, At last I got a pair of scissors, and tiptoed to the dining tent into which they had disappeared, I made a hole and could just faintly see they were all naked now, and that Annie's maidenhead had already been shattered, for she was lying on her back and Randy had just risen to his knees and was pointing with pride to the blood on his prick, and saying he didn't expect to find her quim so tight.

George told him not to wipe himself for he had a tighter place still to get into. He ordered Tottie to lean over the edge of the table and signalled Randolph to insert his prick in her bottom. Then, to my amazement and disgust, he attacked the lad's bottom himself, and though Randy shuffled and growled a good deal, effected a lodgement. Next he beckoned Annie who was softly crying, lifted her on to the boy's back, and applied his mouth to her bloody cunt. The girl's astonishment soon stopped her tears. There followed a series of hearty thrusts and drives, in which you could hear bellies bumping against bottoms until the lust of the two young buggers had been satisfied by a copious injection into the two plump sterns.

Randy's arse was as white and round as a girl's, and I suppose its attraction was too enticing for George to let such an opportunity go by him. Poor Annie did not escape, for George kneeling with his great bottom on Tottie's face drove his prick into her arse too. She was sucking Randy's cock. Pretty odorous it must have been after its journey into virgin cunt and almost virgin bottom. Annie tried to escape it and made a fuss, but what was the use. They knew she dare not call out, and like me she was broken in whether she liked it or not.

After that each girl got a fuck in her cunt three times, and in reward had to suck their cavaliers' pricks and arseholes, and finally one another's quims. I got so excited I found myself fingering my own thing.

I had never done it in my life before. I returned shortly and then the girls sneaked in too.

Annie looked rather care-worn next morning and was disinclined to move about. I have no doubt they either knew or suspected what was the matter with me as well. Next day I was fully recovered, and I had no mind that Tottie should have the sole use of the formidable prick that had deflowered me. I took the first opportunity to whisper to George. 'I am all right now, you villain,' at the same time shooting a languorous glance at him from under my veiled eyelids. He took me by the chin and tilting my face up looked into my eyes. I suppose I could not keep desire from surging into them, for with a self-satisfied and triumphant air he said, 'No soreness in the little twat, eh!' 'Oh, George,' I burst out, 'what language! I see you mean to make me as depraved as a common strumpet. Yes, as you will have it, there is no soreness either in my cunt or my arse or anything that's mine.' 'Let's see,' was his cool rejoinder, and drawing me into a vacant tent, he pulled up my dress, poked his fingers into both my holes and pinched the lips of my quim, here, there and everywhere. I stood it without flinching, smiling at him victoriously. He wanted to fuck me on the spot, but I didn't care to be caught in the daytime.

'No, wait until tonight. I may as well tell you, sir, I witnessed most of your performance last night…' 'The little whore,' he breathed quietly. '…and what you did then I imagine you can do again. Only, why bother about going into the dining-tent? You have fucked all three of us, and you might as well fuck us in our own beds. I suppose the others now know I am no more virtuous than they are.' 'A good idea,' he cried, slapping his thigh. 'I will see the girls in the other tent are fully occupied. There's only Lena who hasn't been rummaged so far, and she won't resist when she sees her chums gobbling up the naked cocks. That will keep them engaged and they won't bother about us and we can make as much noise as we please.' So that evening we were scarcely half undressed when in strolled my noble George and his henchman in their pyjamas which they had not even taken the trouble to fasten properly, so that we could plainly see their horrid cocks and testicles waggling about. There was a flutter, for I hadn't told the girls, wishing to take them by surprise, and moreover I didn't expect the boys so early. Annie and Tottie were very shamefaced till I explained I knew all about their pranks and was not minded to let them have all the fun to themselves.