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'We are quite even, now,' she remarked quietly, and George with a clap on her bottom said, 'Bravo Annie! well played, little woman.' Well, I don't propose to go on in more detail. I was fucked six times by George, and three times by Randolph; Tottie was fucked once by George, and twice by his chum; and even Annie got over her indisposition sufficiently to receive them each once in her glowing cunt. Besides this, at our request, the two boys gave an exhibition of male sodomy, and to our huge delight we enjoyed the spectacle of seeing their cocks disappear in their own anatomies. I noticed that when they felt the insertion it brought their pricks up with a jerk at once, and as one of us took care to have the unoccupied cock in a mouth or between our bubbies it was immediately made ready for a legitimate fuck. It goes without mention that neither Tottie's bottom nor mine escaped, and some of the copulations I have inventoried occurred in our unfortunate dark holes. Tottie had a particularly enticing bottom, soft, round, and plump, and the wretches were always sticking their pricks into it.

Days before the camping trip came to an end all reserve was abandoned, and all shame lost.

The usual end to the day was a naked romp, in which you would, had you been fortunate enough to be there, espied four lusty young men, strong limbed and stout pricked, rolling over six healthy, laughing young women in a state of nature. The large dining-tent was the scene of the revels and as we had a piano there we commonly indulged in a dance, where instead of the conventional style you would see a pair waltzing with the lady holding the gentleman's prick, and her partner reciprocating by passing his hand between her soft thighs. And the fucking that went on. I sometimes wonder whether we didn't carry the scent of the spunk we shed back to town, for I am sure we were a saturated with it.

What's more, three of us, and I was one, got more than we bargained for, and in some months' time had to make lengthened visit to 'the country'. Mine was a chubby boy with George written all over him, but I doubt whether the others could tell who was the father of their brats.

When was sure of my state I made up my mind to have all the fucking I could get. Needless to say I found plenty of amorous youths, but I had to play the hypocrite tremendously to make them think they were the solely favourite ones. This was a year ago and baby is now three months old. I am more careful now if I want a bit of grummet. You, Rose, you lucky girl, can fuck as hard as you like without fear, but you will find that George will give you a good deal of trouble.


Unnatural Practices

'George did give trouble. He soon got used to my attractions, and as I said, I could not keep him away from other women. He fucked the servants openly, and any number of my friends, though I will say my husband was a gentleman in that respect, and never let on who his sweethearts were-fond as he was of boasting of this, that or the other damned fine grind he had had-unless he was sure I already knew their names, or would know soon. Reproaches and remonstrances were perfectly useless, and, worst or all, the wretch had awakened a mine of lasciviousness in myself that I had never dreamed existed. I felt I must have plenty of prick, and as I couldn't get it from him I determined to please myself. I threatened him with reprisals, and only extorted a careless laugh, so after Ethel was born I simply took all the lovers who offered themselves, and snapped my fingers at George. He did not trouble me very long, poor fellow, for in a few years he died fighting, as he had lived, furiously. For some fourteen years I have been a widow and a widow I mean to remain. As you can guess, with a figure like this' (looking herself over approvingly) 'and with my fortune, I could have married again and again, but I objected to being tied up. Suitors who would be content to fuck me could have as much as they liked without going to church. I haven't always escaped' (with a laugh) 'for there are two young brothers of Ethel's being brought up far away from here in ignorance of their parentage. I think, however, the floods of spunk poured into my womb have pretty well drowned out the danger now, so don't imagine, Master Harry, this long spike has left anything behind it, unless you have planted a kiddy here' (smacking Ethel's belly). 'If you have it doesn't matter. She's bound to fall sooner or later, and besides a youngster does a girl good-fills out her body with succulent flesh, and opens her quim more. Too tight a quim is always a drawback to a woman. Dear me, I must relieve myself.' 'And I too,' said Ethel demurely. 'I am bursting.' 'Well, piss out boldly, and don't be afraid.' Rose got off the bed with a lurch, and I noticed her utterance had sensibly thickened. Ethel followed with an unsteady giggle, and I sat on the edge, swaying a little myself.

'Would you like… hic… to see a woman pissing, Harry, my dear?' I nodded violently.

'Well I must sit down, for I'm hanged if I can stand steady. But you, Ethel, hold the pot behind you, bend down and piss well back.' Ethel, still giggling and looking rather dazed, did so, and a sparkling stream came hissing out and tinkled into the chamber utensil. Rose was squatting on another and letting loose a deluge. Her ample dimensions enveloped the china, and flowed all round the edges. I felt in need of a comfortable pee myself, and a comical idea entered my rather dizzy nut. As these two beautiful creatures were so far gone as to have lost all sense of decency, while I had had none for hours, I didn't suppose they would squirm at a little fun. So I got down, winked at Ethel who had finished, and pointed my prick at Rose's polished shoulders. I waited till she had done, and just as she turned to rise touched her, told her to remain as she was, and let fly down her broad back.

'You nasty beast,' she exclaimed with a shiver, 'how dare you?' 'Be quiet, or it will be all over the floor. Look, Ethel, see it trickling down her back, and through the crack of her arse into the pot.' Rose entered into the spirit of the joke, and exclaimed, 'What a hot shower-bath! After all it feels rather nice.' My urine streamed out, and I pissed for nearly a minute without ceasing. Ethel suffocated with laughter at her mother's awkward posture, and the way she had been trapped. 'Good God, boy, are you never going to finish?' Rose shouted as the stream still fell. 'Well, I'm damned if I ever had this done to me before! I shouldn't have been surprised had it been some lecherous old devil who was up to any filthy trick there is, but a young cockerel like you who had never seen a woman's naked arse before… my word you have got a damned cheek. Oh, you've finished at last! Well now you had better get a towel and dry my arse for me.' Cleaning operations followed: the cunts were wiped, powdered and scented, and after another draught of the sparkling wine the two women hugged and cuddled me furiously, both raging with prurient itch and still unsatisfied. I was nothing loth, and returned their caresses with interest, biting their ears and bottoms, and even the lips of their quims. My prick, which to my own surprise appeared inexhaustible, was quickly in a noble state. Rose seized it with a cry of frenzy, dragged a pillow under and me on top of her, and with one heave engulfed the whole prick. She bucked in a volcanic rage from beginning to end, and her fiery language of before was nothing to the stream of profanity that now issued from her intoxicated mouth. She cursed and caressed me without losing breath and ordered Ethel to suck 'that blasted arse till he farts'. Ethel slobbered my bottom accordingly, and then with an inane giggle began biting it and my balls and thighs. As soon as we were chock-a-block Rose made me get outside her, so that she could 'feel my bollocks on her thighs and get more spunk out of me', an attitude, by the way, that always gives you a sustained spend, but has the disadvantage of permitting you to get a part of your prick only into the cunt. My knackers were thus in full view to Ethel, and she moulded them firmly, and nibbled at them. Finally in a sort of frenzy she rained a shower of blows on the big manly bottom so temptingly displayed, stammering in a thick voice that she couldn't resist such a chance, and then the spunk flowed once more amid a renewed torrent of obscenities, in which all three vied as to who should produce the most shocking language.